
检测样品: 半固态复合调味料
检测项目: 理化分析
浏览次数: 95
发布时间: 2014-12-22
关联设备: 1种 查看全部



解决方案总数: 370 方案总浏览次数:
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Hitachi High-Technologies Corporation ZA3000 一 STD 4 100 mg/L 1 + STD 3 Na 10 mg/L 50 mg/L 1 STD 225 mg/L STD 1 0 mg/L 0.00 0 50 100 150 200 TIME(sec) INTRODUCTION:The excessive consumption of sodium has adverse health effects such as hypertention. Therefore, it is mandatory to include the sodium content in the label in the US, Korea, and China. The description as to“sodium"under the basic item section is also mandated in Japan by the system of the Nutrition LabellingStandards under Article 31 of the Health Promotion Act. The measurement of sodium concentration infood products is essential and atomic absorption spectrometry is used as the analysis method. Bychanging the wavelength of the analytical line to the one which allows the high concentrationmeasurement, even a solution having a concentration of several tens mg/L can be easily analyzed. INSTRUMENTCONDITIONS MEASUREMENT PARAMETERS Element : Na Instrument : ZA3000 Atomization : Flame Wavelength : 330.2 nm Lamp Current : 10.0 mA Slit Width : 0.4 nm Atomizer : STD Burner Flame : Air-C2H2 Fuel(C2H2) : 2.0 L/min Oxidant (Air) : 160 kPa 15.0 L/min Burner Height : 7.5 mm Meas. Mode : Working Curve Signal Mode : BKG CorrectedCurve Order : Linear Calculation : Integration Time Constant : 1.0 sec Calculation Time: 5.0 secDelay Time : 5 sec NOTE: 1g of a commercially available powder soup was weighed and 10 mL of nitric acid was added for wet ashing.Then, the solution was replaced with 10 mL of hydrochloric acid. The volume was made up to 25 mL withultrapure water and the solution further diluted to 50 times was used for the measurement.Na was added to the 50 times diluted solution at 10 mg/L (equivalent to 12.5 mg per 1 g of powder soup) and the recovery rate was determined. A low sensitivity wavelength (330.2 nm) was used for the measurement. CONC(mg/L) Mean ABS SD RSD REFABS STD 1100 0.00 -0.0004 0.0000 0.00% 0.0006 STD 2 25.00 0.0409 0.0003 0.73% 0.0157 STD 3 50.00 0.0808 0.0001 0.12% 0.0314 0.1 50 STD 4 100.00 0.1550 0.0006 0.39% 0.0626 1 55.45 0.0872 0.0000 0.00% 0.0343 25 55.45(mg/L)×50×25(mL)/1(g)=69.3 mg/g0 R2: 0.9996 1+ Na 10 mg/L 64.94 0.1019 0.0001 0.10% 0.0405 0.0 64.94(mg/L)×50×25(mL)/1(g)=81.2 mg/g 0 100 Addition recovery rate: 95% CONC(mg/L) ABS KEY WORDS Atomic Absorption Photometer Bio/Medical Science/Food/Pharmaceutical, Food, Food Chemistry, (AA) Food Component, Powder Soup, Sodium, Na, Flame,AA, ZA3000 tNo. AA120017-00




