Measuring Multiple Elements in Steel Samples Using FAAS With Automated Standard Preparation and Sample Dilution

检测样品: 钢材
检测项目: 其他
浏览次数: 27
发布时间: 2024-02-22
关联设备: 1种 查看全部



解决方案总数: 3278 方案总浏览次数:
Ensuring the quality of steel Steel manufacturers test the quality of their products by measuring several elements in the steel to ensure the grade and performance of their final product. Different grades of steel have different specifications for elemental content.


Laboratories are looking beyond whether an instrument can ‘do the job’ to whether a specific instrument can improve their sample throughput, lower their costs, simplify sample preparation and instrument operation, and deliver reliable results throughout the analysis of a large batch of samples.Complex matrices, such as steel samples, introduce a lot of chemical or physical interferences to flame atomic absorption spectroscopy measurements. Manual dilution of samples is the conventional way to prevent these interferences causing incorrect results. Unfortunately, such dilutions can be complex and tedious. Manually diluting samples can also cause sample contamination.Standard addition is a calibration method that can replace the conventional standard curve calibration method to help eliminate chemical and physical interferences. Manually preparing standard additions is time-consuming and laborious due to the need to prepare multiple solutions for each sample, with variable amounts of known concentrations of the analyte.The Agilent Sample Introduction Pump System (SIPS) accessory provides automation for flame AA analysis, increasing sample throughput, simplifying sample preparation and instrument operation. The accessory is available in a single pump version (SIPS 10) and a dual pump version (SIPS 20). The SIPS 10 enables automatic preparation of standard solutions from a single standard solution and auto dilution of over-range samples. The SIPS 20 also automates the preparation of standard additions and spikes (for spike recovery meaturements) and can add matrix modifiers and Internal standards.





安捷伦科技(中国)有限公司为您提供《Measuring Multiple Elements in Steel Samples Using FAAS With Automated Standard Preparation and Sample Dilution》,该方案主要用于钢材中其他检测,参考标准--,《Measuring Multiple Elements in Steel Samples Using FAAS With Automated Standard Preparation and Sample Dilution》用到的仪器有Agilent 240FS AA火焰原子吸收光谱仪