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这种技术目前通过使用半荧光素而实现的。 其原理将在后面详述,它包括通过一个透明的瓶子向粘在瓶子内部玻璃上的贴片发送一束发光光束。 贴片反射的光与附近的氧气量成正比。 这允许量化塞瓶后的氧气量。 它还允许测量瓶装葡萄酒中氧的消耗量。


Wine Measuring Oxygen In Bottles byChimilunescence ( Denis Bunner-Anais Landrieux-Michel Valade ) Emille Langleron-Isabelle Tribaut-Sohier-Dominique Moncomble Pole Technique & Environment du CIVC Laurence Viaux-Laetitia Bourdelet-Vincent Chaperon-Benoit Goez Direction Qualite et Develloppement de Moet & Chandon The difficulty in measuring oxygen has long been an obstacle to the studies for its effects onwines. Only since the 90s, with the development of the first portable tests (oximeters), has the wineworld gradually become interested in oxygen’s role in winemaking, and more recently, iteffect after bottling and corking (1). Just looking at the number of articles about oxygen, confirms that there is a real andgrowing interest in the subject in the wine world. The subject of oxygen and its effect on the aging of the wines is not new in Champagne.Since the end of the 80’s, the professionals in Champagne are aware of the importance of thechoices of the capsules. . Our work has shown that the micro-quantity ofoxygen thatpenetrates through closures contributes to the sensorial evolution of the champagnes(2,3,4,5). The Wine Every year, from the results of the Laboratory Nationald"Essais (LNE)), we publish the characteristics of thedifferent caps marketed in terms of then gaseous changes.This information helps of the winemaker make his choiceof the closure to be used based on the composition andcommercial destination of each of its wines. But these measures are complex and limited by the accuracyof the instruments. We measure the gas output in 1/10 of centimeters in 24 hoursfor the carbonic gas in a 100" of centimeters in 24 hours forthe oxygen. Since the general assembly of the AVC, we have sought to amethod to achieved these studies from inside the bottle. Thistechnique exists presently through the use ofhemiluminessence. The principle, which will be detailedlater, consists of sending a luminous beam through a clearbottle towards a pastille glued to the glass in the bottle’sinterior. The light reflected by the pastille is proportional tothe quantity of oxygen in its proximity. This allowsquantifying the amounts of oxygen after corking. It also permits thew measurement of the oxygen’sconsumption in bottled wine. However, we will limit thisarticle to measure the amounts of oxygen at the time ofcorking, the actual corking. Measuring Oxygen Dissolved In The Wine. Until recently, the method used to measure oxygen in a bottle has always been destructive. ,These tests provided a value at a certain point in time, but did not allo follow up on theaccumulation or consumption of oxygen by the wine in the same bottle over time. In 2005, Paulo Lopez proposed a non destructive colorimetric method for measuring dissolvedoxygen in water, based on the work of Ribereau Gayon (7-8). This method is based on the use of acolored indicator, the carmine indigo. This yellow dye gradually turns blue when in contact with0oxXygyen. It permits the monitoring of the accumulation of oxygen over time. But this method hasits disadvantages,the set up is fastidious and measuring is only possible on the scale from 1 to10mg/L of dissolved oxygen. The concentration of the original oxygen in the bottle must be1mg/L which complicates the preparation of the samples. In any case, this measure is not directand it does not give an immediat the value in mg/L of oxygen. Photo 1 At about the same time a new procedure for measuring the oxygen appeared in the agro foodworld. In 2005, this technique, based on chimiluminecsense, attracted the attention of OenuologyDevelopment of Moet & Chandon and of CIVC. At the beginning, the study was focused onexperiments to measure the amount of oxygen going through theshipping corks of Champagne.These measurements were made using bottles filled with water (not with because the winegradually consumes the oxygen as it enters the bottle). The results permit us to follow theevolution of the oxygen’s concentration caused by kinetic action of the oxygen after corking. Thebig advantage of this method is that it is not destructive (it is possible to measure the increase ofoxygen over many months in the same bottle) and measures the oxygen concentration (mgl)directly. Repeating measurement of the same bottle over time, permits the measurement of the increase in oxygen and not simply the measure flow assay (dosage LNE). These facts are moresignificant when these results are not linear. This article presents the method of measurement used by Moet & Chandon and CIVC, to simulatethe measuring of effervescent wines, and obtain the first results. The method will probably be usedas a monitoring tool to characterize permeability of different closures to oxygen and to measurethe consumption of oxygen in the bottled wines. Measuring Oxygen By Chimiluminescence The principal is based on an optical technology. The system is based on a instrumentemitting/receiving a light beam directed at one or two sensors. The sensors (also called pastille ordots) are glued to the interior of the bottle before it is filled. Photo 2 These sensors consist of a fluorescent polymer, which can absorb the luminous energy sent by thelight source, and to return it after a certain time in the form of fluorescent light. The measurementis based on the fact that the time to return the fluorescent light is proportionate to the concentrationof oxygen present in the proximity of the captor. In the absence of oxygen, the polymer absorbs the luminous energy sent by the instrument (stateof exitation). The measurement is based on the fact that the decay time of the fluorescent light isinversely proportionate to the concentration of oxygen present in the proximity of the captor. If the oxygen isabsent, the polymer absorbs the luminous energy. Returning to the fundamentals, figure 1, (the sensors are represented by the red dots, in thepresence of oxygen there is a collision between the polymer and the oxygen, with an energytransfer from the sensor to the oxygen. They talk about the phenomenon of quenching of the lightby the oxygen. The higher the level of oxygen, the shoter the decay time of the fluorescent signal. According to the nature of the polmer sensor, the limit of detection of these devices is between 1ug/l and 15ug/l. The specifications provided by the manufacturers indicate an accuracy of plus orminis 5% of the measured value. By placing the captor inside the bottle and then filling and corking it, it is possible to measure thechange in oxygen concentration over time. There are a number of different instruments on the market. At CIVC. measurements have beenmade using the PRESENS-Fibox 3Trace and the OxySense 210T. Our comparative study of thetwo machines has demonstrated that their performances are comparable. The results presentedlater in (in this paper) were obtained using the OxySense equipment. Note: these instruments express the value of dissolved oxygen in ppb, which correspndeds to g/L,orppm, which is mg/L Focusing on the Method PREPARATION OF THE SAMPLE FOR MEASURING The first step consists of gluing the sensors inside the bottle. The principal of the method requires working with clear glass bottles to avoid interference of theoptical signal due to the color of the glass. The bottles used are clear bottles from Champagnestandard of y5cl conforming to the AFNOR standard (NFH 35-056 bottle of Champagne 75cl),whose spec have been verified individually before corking). DEOXYGINATION The bottle are filled with 75 cl of demineralize water.The tests can not done in wine because thewine consumes oxygen too rapidly. For the best results in measuring the ingress of oxygen into the bottles, it is necessary to beginwith deoxygenated water. The Development Group at Moet & Chandon was the first to use dry iceto deoxygenate the water. The dry ice has the advantage of deoxygenating both the water, as wellas the headspace. Using this method, it is possible to obtain a solution of 50 ppb oxygen with 50 gof dry ice, introduced 5 g at a time. Unfortunately, while effective, this method takes a long timeand can be dangerous to the operators. CIVC has developed an alternative method. It involves the degassing of the water by bubbling itwith nitrogen for 15 minutes and flushing the headspace with 5g of dry ice. Note: it is essential to the cap or cork the bottle as soon as the last piece of dry ice returns to thesurface not too soon to avoid the over pressuring of the bottle , or too late to limit thereoxygenating the headspace. Figure 1 Photo 3 PUT UNDER PRESSURE To reach the physio-chemical conditions of Champagne,the water bottles are put under internalpressure with a bicarbonate of soda and hydrochloric acid just before corking. The reactionbetween the two elements releases carbo-dioxide that permits the bottle to attain an internalpressure of 8 bars at 20c. The corking is accomplished based on the prescriptions and regulations of the CETIE guide #3. Photo 4 To prevent the a too rapid rise in pressure, bicarbonate is not put directly into the water, but placedin a test tube (photo 4). This technique allows the control of the reaction between the hyrochloricacid and the bicarbonate soda (typically 2-3 days); it equally avoids microbiologic contaminations.Actually, at the start of the reaction, a hydrochloric acid solution of pH1.000, which limits the riskof developing bacteria. At the end of this reaction, the pH of the water is around 6.00, which are good working conditionsfor the sensors. CORKING CONTROLS The bottle of 29 mm destined to being measured capped eith crowned caps covered withaluminum and synthetics, to be sorted between 31.2 and 31.5mm at the calibre (conforming to theprodceding guide) the diameter is controlled after each corking CONTROL OF CORKING FOR SHIPPING After corking the depth of penetration of the cork is measured. The measurements are between 22and 26 mm, which conforms to the recommendations of the same corking guide. CONDITIONS OF THE TEST The first measurements are taken after 24 hours after corking. It is advised to avoid direct light when taking measurements as it might affect the measurement.The results are based on lots of 5 bottles. TEMPERATURE CONTROL The measuring of oxygen using this methodology requires the accurate measurement oftemperature. According to Henzy’s law: “The higher the temperature rises, the more thesoluability of the oxygen diminishes in the water. An experience of our lab test shows that a change in temperature of 2C generates a change in themeasurement of oxygen of 10%. Therefore, if the temperature goes from 16c to 18c, themeasurement of oxygen goes from 1000 ppb to 900 ppb (figure 2) It is therefore essential tocontrol the temperature of the solution. To avoid all vaiations due to temperature, the measurementshould be be conducted in a temperature controlled space. (Editor’s Note: The OxySense GEN II insruments incorporate an thermocouple formeasuring temperature and a software routine that compensates for temperature change,thus there is no longer a need for a temperature constant environment.) AGITATION The agitation of the bottle (20 minuted) before the test permits to establishment of an equilibriumliquide and the head space. The amount of oxygen measured as the bottle is lying flat indicatesthat the oxygen concentration in the liquide phase and not the total oxygen in the bottle. CHANGES IN OXYGEN READINGS BASED ON TEMPERATURE The calculations (based on the laws of perfect gas and Henry's Law) show that in equilibriumphase, the oxygen dissolved in the liquid represents only 59% of the quantity of oxygen in thebottle (figure 3). To obtain the total amount of oxygen in the bottle and considering the the amountof oxygen during the fizzy phase, the measurement has to be multiplied by 1.7. For example, if themeasurement indicates 100ppb, the total oxygen in the bottle in 170ppb(10). THE ADDINGOF OXYGEN THROUGH THE CORKING DETIRAGE Following the process we previously described, we set up a series of clear bottles with sensors,filled them with water, and degassed and pressurized them. They have biduled and topped withthree caps of different permeability, chosen according to the measured loses of CO2 established bythe LNE. For each cap studied, the test was conducted on five bottles. The difference in type between thebottles will permits us to evaluate the hetrerogeneity between cap of the same lot for an identicalgrouping. The amount of chimiluminescence makes evident the fact that the kinetics of oxygen diffusionthrough the caps have a rate which could be separated into two phases (figure 4) the first phaseduring which the ingress of oxygen are very important (expodential phase of 15 to 25 daysaccording to capsule) and a second phase with weaker ingress of oxygen (linear phase) The laws of diffusion confirm this observation and shows that diffusion of gas through materialalways occurs during the expondential phase., then a linear one in this order (11). In the case if capsule, it is possible that one part of the expodntial phase corresponds equally to thepart of the bottle after itsduring capsuling. These results confirm the observations made by LNE to characterize the permeability of the cap ofthe corking crown that one must wait at least 30 days to be placed in the linear phase. Over a period of more than 500 days, the measurement show after the expodential phase (notvisable on a scale of 500 days) the ingress of oxygen remains linear in that period (figure 5) Thisobservation permits us to extrapolate the intake of oxygen over several years using themeasurements achieved over a few months (or days) when the linear phase is reached. PRESSURE EFFECT A complementary study was conducted to study the effect of pressure on the ingress of oxygenthrough different caps. These experiments compare the increase in oxygen between bottles withoutpressure and those under internal pressure of 8 bars at 20C. The results, expressed as the ingress of oxygen per 24 hours (Table1), show that the values differ,notably for the caps most “permeable” where the internal pressure seems to grow significantlywith the increase of oxygen. Note: The indicated value for each ca corresponds to the average increase of oxygen measuredover 250 days. Therefore it was decided that the gaseous changes measured by chimiluminescenewater with pressure of 8 bars at 20c were more accuat (as described in the method of measuring). COMPARISON WITH THE VALUES OF LNE Let us remember that the capsules of triage are actually characterized by their level of gaseouschanges expressed by losses of CO2 in 24 hours. These measures are the results of tests by theNational Laboratory of Testing (LNE) at Trappes on the crown corkings executed understandardized conditions in the laboratory (force of compression and diameter settings undercontrol) on bottles with 8 bars of pressure of CO2 at 20c. A joint study with LNE shows that the losses of CO2 and the ingress of oxygen measured by LNEare correlated with a factor varying between 5 to 8 according to the caps, which approaches thecoefficients usually obtained in the plastic materials. (pg 46) Measuring oxygen by chimiluminescence permits the more accurate characterization of capsstarting with the real value of the oxygen ingress, rather than an extrapolation from the loss ofCO2. These results (table 2) are assuring because they permit the classification of the caps as shown infigure 6. This scheme represents respectively the comparison of the measure of losses in CO2(measured by LNE in cm3 CO2/24 hours) by chimilumenscence. The obtained values confirm that the corkings most resistant to CO2 let enter about seven timesless oxygen than those more“permeable”. The cumulative ingress of oxygen varies from 0.2 to 1.8 mg/l/an, values which are very close tothose we had indicated in 2007. The kinetics (figure 7) provide us with supplementary informationwhich is the heterogeneity among bottles( symbolized by tracer comprising the average value).This herergeneity among bottle is particularly visible for certain caps, notably for caps 4 and 6,and it seems to grow with time. After repeating these tests, we will be in a position to furnish data for the total number of capsuleson the market, thanks to this method of chimilumenscence. THE INGRESS OF OXYGEN AND THE CORKING FOR SHIPPING We will see complications of the problem when dealing with the measurments of the corkingentering the bottle. Although the cork is compressed before entering the bottle, it still contains air,and therefore oxygen. It is also complicated when the material is not homogenous as our traditional cork, consisting ofpark cork to which glue has been added and two rings of natural cork. It becomes even more complicated when the material, the cork in this case, is not inert and it freessome“elements’? into the water (as per our test) These elements interfere with the aroma of winepossitively or negatively) and notably as the polyphenols to the reaction of oxidation caused by thepresence of oxygen. We propose to illustrate this case, based on preliminary results (to be confirmed). The Kineticobserved with two corks (traditional) No 1 and 5 from different suppliers, one cork based onmicrogranulates Cork (cork #6) and the experimental cork entirely synthetic (cork #7) The Kinetics are presented in photo 8.They permit following comments : whichever type corkenters and leaves in liquid and takes back its shape, an amount of oxygen which represents 2 to 3mg/l. It is slightly less for a cork based on micro-granuals of cork and also less for a syntheticcork. After this phase the passage of oxygen through a cork made of cork or through amicrogranulated cork slows and becomes extremely weak as with a very tight cap. As for thetested synthetic cork the speed with which oxygen enters is very rapid. (2.2 mg/l an) which canhave a significant impact on the long period of conservation with this type of cork. We observe with all the corks of cork, a consumption of oxygen after 200 to 250 days probablydue to the reaction of the oxygen with the polyphenol and returned to the water by the cork. Thewater in these samples is colored. CONCLUSION Measuring the changes of oxygen in bottles closed with crown caps or with a shipping cork iscurrently possible thanks to chimiluminescencee. The method using deoxygenated water pressurized to 8 bars at a temperature of 20C is very closeto the results for the corking of effervesant wines. The tests have the advantage of being non destructive, and allows the measuring (not the speed oftransferring oxygen, but to establish the Kinetics of the oxygen ingress over time, thanks to thevariation in concentration of oxygen. The previously acquired facts lead us to know that the ingress of oxygen varies by a factor of 9from the most watertights capsules and those most permeable (0.2 to 1.8 mg/ L/an at legalcrimping). The first results for corking for shipping are quite surprising. First of all they show that onetraditional cork adds between 2 to 3 mg/L of oxygen to the wine. This is important because this oxygen is added to the oxygen that penetrates the bottle at time ofdisgorging. This additional oxygen due to the cork cannot be eliminated by“jetting”(12) and itjustifies protection by SO2 of the liquor. These early results show that a traditional cork is sufficiently waterproof when the period ofdesorption has passed. The difference observed between the lot of corks based on cork tied tophase of desorption. Finally, the graphs show the same lot have a relatively homogenouspermeability. These last tests corroborate numerous observations made by professional on cork-corking and forwhich we have satisfactory explanations. Prudence is recommended as this corking may bevariable according to the conditions of fabrication, its physical characteristics and also its changeover time due to contact with wine. The results of current studies should permit us to learn more about these different phenomenon. We extend our thanks to Helen Box and Thomas Valzy, engineer trainees ofUTC Compaiegneand Ghislain Delacroix and Alexander Legalise for the contribution to the project. Bibliographie (1) Suivi de Poxygene des phases gazeuse et liquide de bouteilles de vin a l'embouteillage et en conservation. Vidal J-CI., Moutounet M. (2006). Journal International Scientifique Vigne et Vin, 40, n°1, 35-35. (2) Capsules de tirage et vieillissement des champagnes. Tribaut-Sohier l., Valade M. Le Vigneron Champenois, 1999, n°2, p. 47-62. (3) Capsules de tirage a joint synthetique : des fournitures tres importantes. Tribaut-Sohier 1., Valade M.Le Vigneron Champenois, 2001, n° 11, p. 50-77. 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Lopes P., Saucier C., Teissedre P.-L., Glories Y. (2006). (9) Bouchage de tirage et d’expedition pour vins mousseux de qualite produits dans des regions determinees VMQPRD sur baguecouronne NF H35-029, Document INE 93/006, edition 1994. Guide n° 3 du CETIE. (10) Oxygene et homogeneisation des vins au degorgement. Bunner D., Tribaut-Sohier 1., Valade M., Rouchausse J.-M., Tusseau D., Moncomble D. Le Vigneron Champenois, 2008,n° 4, p. 40-63. (11) Les gaz dans la bouteille. Robillard B., Liger-Belair G. Revue des CEnologues, 2008, n°126. (12) Inertage au degorgement. Bunner D., Tribaut-Sohier l., Valade M.,Rouchausse J.-M., Tusseau D., Moncomble D. Le Vigneron Champenois, 2008,n°6, p. 36-54. 这种技术目前通过使用半荧光素而实现的。 其原理将在后面详述,它包括通过一个透明的瓶子向粘在瓶子内部玻璃上的贴片发送一束发光光束。 贴片反射的光与附近的氧气量成正比。 这允许量化塞瓶后的氧气量。它还允许测量瓶装葡萄酒中氧的消耗量。





