
检测样品: 茶饮料
检测项目: 营养成分
浏览次数: 192
发布时间: 2019-09-27
关联设备: 0种



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版本本: A-SR-1901 www.auwii-tech.com 公司简介/ Company Profile 北京澳维仪器有限公司是一家致力于分析仪器及样品前处理设备研发、生产制造的高科技企业,生产工厂坐落于燕郊百世金谷国际产业基地,具备完善的生产和检测条件,生产和管理过程严格执行ISO9001质量管理体系。企业主要产品涵盖真空溶媒回收仪、石墨消解仪、实验室冷却循环机、低露点空气源、氮气发生器、自动滴定仪等科学仪器设备,企业凭借可靠的产品质量和优质的服务,产品遍及全球市场。 Beijing Auwii instrument Co. Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise specializing in R&D, production of analytical instrument and sampleprocessing equipment. Our production base is located in Yanjiao Blessgo International Industrial Park, which equipped perfectproduction and testing conditions, and strictly implemented with ISO9001 system. Our main products include Solvent Recovery Unit,Smart Graphite Digestion System. Laboratory chillers, Low Dew point Air Generator, Nitrogen Generator, Automatic Titration andother scientific instruments. Relying on reliable product and excellent service, Auwii products have been widely used in globalmarket. 生产基地: 电话:0316-575 9716 传真:0316-5759728 地址:河北省三河市燕郊百世金谷国际产业基地36-C 065201 溶媒回收仪 微信公众号 Solvent Recovery Unit ( *技术 参数 若有 更 改, 恕 不另行 通 知 ;本 资 料仅 供 参考,不作为交 货时具有 约 束性 的 条 件 ) 北京澳维仪器有限公司Beijing Auwii Instrument Co. Ltd. Product introduction■产品简介 溶媒回收仪是一款用于有机溶剂蒸汽冷凝收集的创新性产品。主要与实验室平行蒸发/浓缩仪、旋转蒸发仪、真空干燥箱、真空离心浓缩仪、真空抽抽、固相萃取等样品前处理设备联用,将溶媒蒸汽进行冷凝回收,也可以与真空泵联用,净化真空泵排出的废气,减少有机废气对环境的污染,呵护实验人员的健康。 Solvent Recovery Unit is an innovative product which usedfor steam condensation collection of organic solvents. Itcan be working combined with Sample pretreatmentequipment such as Laboratory Parallel Evaporator/Con-centration Meter, Rotary Evaporator, Vacuum DryingOven, VacuumCentrifugal Concentrator, VacuumSuction Filter, Solid Phase Extractor, condense and recoverthe solvent steam,meanwhile it can also used for purifyingthe exhaust gases from vacuum pump. to reduce theenvironmental pollution and take care of experimenter. 66“绿色环保”“干净整洁”“防腐耐用”“简单方便” "Green & Environmental" "Clean & Tidy""Anti-corrosion & Durable" "Easily & Facility" MainCharacteristics· 产品特点 03 /04 绿色环保 干净整洁 防腐耐用 简单方便 内置三级冷凝器,溶媒蒸汽几乎全部被冷凝回收,乙醇回收率优于99%,二氯甲烷回收率优于98%,相比较传统冷却循环水机、冷阱,具有更高的溶媒回收效率,更绿色环保。 溶媒回收仪不需要添加冷却循环液、不需要外接玻璃冷凝器,使用者不再担心玻璃器件易碎问题,也避免了复杂管路的连接,更有利于实验室的干净整洁。 溶媒回收仪与气体、液体接触的材质由PEEK、PTFE、高硼硅玻璃组成,能够耐受盐酸及强腐蚀性溶剂,防腐耐用。 溶媒回收仪设有进气口及排气口,与设备简单连接,开机即可使用。外置3L螺口溶剂回收瓶,方便大体积溶剂蒸发工作。5英寸彩色液晶触摸屏实时显示工作状态,使用者可随时观察设备的冷凝能力。 Green & Environmental Clean & Tidy Anti-corrosion & Durable Easily & Facility With the built-in three-stages condenser, the recovery rate ofethanol can achieve better than 99%, and the recovery rateof dichloromethane will be better than 98%. It's Higherefficiency and more environmentally friendly compared withtraditional cooling water circulation machine or cold trap. Cooling circulation fluid and external glass condenser arenon requirements for Solvent Recovery Unit, so users no needto worry about glass broken, also avoids the complexpipeline connection, it is much more easier to clean and tidythelab The material connecting gas or liquid is made of PEEK, PTFEand borosilicate glass. It is resistant to hydrochloric acid andstrong corrosive solvents, anti-corrosive and durable. Solvent Recovery Unit is is easily connected and simplyoperated. External 3L spiral-mouth solvent recovery bottle,convenient for large volume solvent evaporation.Workingstatus can be observed on 5-inch color LCD touch screendisplays. Product Principle· 产品原理 气体出口 制冷系统/Cooling System 气体入口 Gasoutlet Gasinlet 大气 Atmosphere Evaporator/ Vacuum Pump Concentrator 溶媒回收仪连接在蒸发浓缩设备与真空泵之 真空泵 蒸发、浓缩设备 间,设备内部的制冷系统通过冷媒向冷凝器 提供低温环境,有机溶媒蒸汽进入冷凝器后 Third Second First 被冷凝液化,由外置的收集瓶对液体进行收 stage stage stage condenser condenser condenser 集。 05/ 第三级 第二级 第一级 /06 冷凝器 冷凝器 冷凝器 溶媒回收仪也可以接在真空泵的排气口,对 真空泵排出的有机溶剂废气进行冷凝净化。 Solvent Recovery Unit is connected between the concentration evaporator and the vacuum pump. The low-temperature environment is provides by Collect Collect ion ion refrigerant which inside the refrigeration system. The bottle bottle organic solvent steam enterring the condenser is condensed and liquefied 收集瓶 收集瓶 气体通道/Gas Line 液体通道/Liquid Line Solvent Recovery Unit can also be connected to theoutlet of the vacuum pump for condensing andpurifying the exhaust gas of the organic solventdischarged by the vacuum pump. Schematic Diagram 制冷剂通道/Refrigerant Line 溶媒回收仪原理图 产品典型应用 与旋转蒸发仪联用 / Combined with Rotary evaporators 溶媒回收仪与旋转蒸发仪联用,不需要添加冷却循环液,也不需要外接玻璃冷凝器,使用者不再担心玻璃器件易碎问题,也避免了复杂管路的连接,更有利于实验室的干净整洁。 溶媒回收仪具有强大的冷凝能力,每次工作可以回收3L有机溶剂,使用者可以根据需要进行多台联用,节约实验室空间,提高工作效率。 Solvent recovery unit combined with the rotary evaporator,cooling circulation fluid and external glass condenser are nonrequirements, so users no need to worry about glass broken,also avoids the complex pipeline connection, it is much moreeasier to clean and tidy the lab. The strong condensing capacity of Solvent recovery unitsupport that recovery 3L organic solvent every time. It canmultiple combined working according to users needs, spacesaving and improving work efficiency. 溶媒回收仪与平行浓缩蒸发仪联用,不需要添加冷却循环液,也不需要外接玻璃冷凝器,可以满足3000mL大体积溶剂蒸发冷凝回收需求,溶剂回收仪进气接口高度为25cm,低于平行浓缩蒸发仪输出接口,保证连接管路中的冷凝液全部被收集,防止.释放真空时液体回流污染样品。 Solvent recovery unit working combined with parallel concen-tration evaporator, cooling circulation fluid and external glasscondenser are nonrequirements, can meet the demand bulksolvent recoveryup to 3L, the inlet interface height is 25cm,lower than parallel evaporation concentration meter outputinterface. ensure that all condensate is collected within thepipeline, to prevent liquid blackfolw from polluting thesamples 真空泵尾气净化应用/ Vacuum pump exhaust gas purification 溶媒回收仪与真空泵的排气口连接,可高效冷凝回收真空泵排出的有机溶剂蒸汽,极微量有机溶剂蒸汽被活性碳柱完全吸收,在实验室通风条件较差的情况下,充分保护使用者的安全与健康。 Solvent recovery unit is connected with the outlet of the vacuum pump, which can efficiently condense and recover the vapor of organic solvent. The extremely tiny vapor of organic solvent is completely absorbed by the activated charcoal column, which fully protects the safety and health of users under the condition of poor ventilation in the laboratory. ◇参数配置 / Product specifications 主要功能参数Main Functional Parameters eSR220 eSR220D eSR320 eSR320D 显示屏Display Screen 5英寸彩色液晶触摸屏5-inch color LCD touch screen 冷凝级数Condense Stage 三级Three stages 最低温度 Lowest Temperature -20C √ 自动化霜Automatic Defrosting 二、三级冷凝器交替自动化霜Second, third stage defrostingalternating automatically 收集瓶数量No. Of Collection bottle 两个收集瓶2 Collection bottles 收集瓶总容量 Collection bottle Volume 3L √ √ √ 内胆材质Tank material 316不锈钢/聚四氟乙烯Stainless steel 316/PTFE 316不锈钢 Stainless steel 316 聚四氟乙烯 PTFE 制冷剂Refrigerant R404A 接口规格Interface Type 进气口p13宝塔接头,排气口pp12宝塔接头13 tower connector for inlet; 12 tower connector for outlet 额定功率Rated Power 500W 电源要求 Power Requirement AC220V 50Hz 5A 仪器体积Overall Dimension 宽340mm、深510mm、高715mmWidth340mm,Depth510mm,Height715mm 整机重量Net weight 50Kg 全国服务热线:+ / 2019年9月份,由澳维仪器(同洲维普)所生产的溶媒回收仪在某大型企业的茶水浸出物测定实验过程中扮演了至关重要的角色,因为此款溶媒回收仪的介入,不仅很好的帮助了整个实验的顺利进行,还保护了涉及实验的其他设备,延长了其使用寿命,无形中帮助企业节省了成本,这是一次一举多得的双赢合作。说到茶水浸出物测定,这项实验的是基本原理是用沸水回流提取茶叶中的水可溶性物质,再经过滤、  冲洗、干燥、称量浸提后的茶渣,计算水浸出物含量,其核心意义是通过这种浸出实验检测出茶叶中一些对人体有益的咖啡碱、嘌呤碱还有一些酚类的化合物,往往这些物质的含量越高,说明茶品质量越好。在这项实验中,有这么几个点在困扰着整个实验的进行,一:因为在整个实验中需要使用沸水回流提取茶叶中的水可溶性物质,在这个过程中会产生大量的水蒸气,这些水蒸气会严重影响实验的进程,需要想办法进行处理,二:如果使用正空泵进行抽取处理,这就又会引发另外一个问题,那就是真空泵经常因为抽取这些水蒸气而损坏,维护更换真空泵对企业来说也是一笔不小的成本。所以,当该企业用户了解到澳维(同洲维普)的溶媒回收仪这款产品时,便产生了浓厚的兴趣,这款溶媒回收仪是一款用于有机溶剂蒸汽冷凝收集的创新性产品。主要与实验室平行蒸发/浓缩仪、旋转蒸发仪、真空干燥箱、真空离心浓缩仪、真空抽滤、固相萃取等样品前处理设备联用,将溶媒蒸汽进行冷凝回收,也可以与真空泵联用,净化真空泵排出的废气,减少有机废气对环境的污染,呵护实验人员的健康。该设备内置三级冷凝器,溶媒蒸汽几乎全部被冷凝回收,乙醇回收率优于99%,二氯甲烷回收率优于98%,相比较传统冷却循环水机、冷阱,具有更高的溶媒回收效率,更绿色环保。同时,溶媒回收仪不需要添加冷却循环液、不需要外接玻璃冷凝器,使用者不再担心玻璃器件易碎问题,也避免了复杂管路的连接,更有利于实验室的干净整洁。该设备还具有与气体、液体接触的材质由PEEK、PTFE、高硼硅玻璃组成,能够耐受盐酸及强腐蚀性溶剂,防腐耐用等特点。最终,该企业用户对澳维(同洲维普)生产的溶媒回收仪产品表示高度认可,并且给出了非常好的评价,首先非常感谢用户对我们的认可,我们会继续保持专注的精神,为广大用户研发制造更优质的产品。




