
检测样品: 其他
检测项目: 烷基、水份、花龄
浏览次数: 81
发布时间: 2017-06-16
关联设备: 0种



解决方案总数: 7 方案总浏览次数:
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Quest ATR 在测试玫瑰花水份等比传统的烘干法等更加方便,测试结果更加多样,快捷。此应用也可用于植物学其他方面的测试,不需要负责的前期处理。


THE DIFFERENT CHEMICAL MAKEUP of leaves, petalsanddevenpollen may be detected using infraredspectroscopy. Traditionally, wet bio-samples like leaves had to be driedand ground with KBr to make pellets. These would thenbe pressed and placed in a spectrometer. This is a very slow and outdated method of analysis andrequires a lot of sample preparation. Conversely, attenuated total reflectance (ATR) requiresno sample preparation and is a fast way of analyzingmultiple samples. Moreover, modern ATR accessories likethe QuestM can handle wet samples like plants easily. This note describes the simple analysis of Winter Rosebuds of different ages. Experiment Plants draw upon various nutrients to produce organicmolecules, which give rise to complex absorption features in the infraredspectrum. In addition, plant matter showsstrongwater absorbances. The D::Trelative quantities of thesesubstancescanbbe seen tochange as the bud develops into a flower. CS飞 ATR: a tool for botanicaland ecological analysis Plant samples are easilyanalyzedusing ATR-FTIR spectroscopy. Figure 11 shows4example ATRRspectra ofRosaMeillandina buds. All of them show a broad feature at3300 cm-1. This is the strong water absorption band and is acommon feature in IR spectra of wet samples. As the budgets older, it appears to contain less water. Also present in Figure 1 are two sharp features at 2914and 2846 cm-1, which are characteristic of CH2 stretchesof long chain aliphatic compounds. These bands seem to increase in intensity as the budmatures. Figure 1: ATR spectra of winter rose plant at different stagesof maturity The change in intensity of the sharp peak at 2914 cm-1and the broad water peak are plotted in Figure 2. Clearly,there is a relationship between thee water andhydrocarbon sugars. Conclusion The analysis showed that as the rose buds aged, therewas less water and more sugar in the petals. This is likelyto be a result of greater photosynthesis in mature roses. Recording IR spectra of several plant samples was doneeasily and quickly using the QuestTM ATR. Similar analysison wet bio-mass samples is also possible. More in depthanalysis can be made to check the effect ofenvironmental conditions on plants. Figure 2: Alky/vs H20 stretch intensity For more information about ATR and the QuestTMaccessory, contact Specac. Also, why not read ourapplication note on the analysis of heated soil using theHeated Golden Gate ATR accessory? References B. Zimmermann, A. Kohler, PLoS ONE 9(4):e945417(2014) B.r. de Luz, New Phytologist, (2006)172:305-318 英国Specac的Synopti-Focal Array高精度半球面镜子加工技术可以使得Quest ATR附件有极高的光通量,波段可以扩展到中红外和远红外。这些特征与在ATR晶体上的最佳入射角度一起保证了杰出的光谱品质。在测试植物学方面更加方便,对植物样品的压紧压力,样品定位更加快捷,自动化操作。针对不同厂家,型号的的红外光谱适应能量更强。具体请参测试结果。




