
检测样品: 包装
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发布时间: 2014-08-06
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SPECORD PLUS 系列紫外可见分光光度计,应用于气体、液体、固体样品中各种物质的定性和定量分析,也可以用于固体样品表面性质以及粉末样品的各种性质结构的分析。可广泛应用在几乎所有行业的化学分析中。并内置免费分析方法包及标准曲线。


analytikjena s> Fields of Application / Industry: Chemistry / Polymer Industry Clinical Chemistry / Medicine/Hygiene / Health Care Cosmetics Electronics Energy Environment /Water /Waste Food / Agriculture Geology / Mining Material Analysis Metallurgy / Galvanization Pharmacy ■Refineries / Petrochemistry Semi-Conductor Technology Others 紫外可见光谱法测定玻璃管的色度 玻璃管也作为瓦片式进行了分析。因为它的耐化学性,中立性,耐热性和温度稳定性,这种玻璃主要用于生物和医药产品的包装。此外,管的形状更能耐内部的高压,因此它主要用于制造成容器用于容纳和保护药物的质量。 本文利用德国耶拿公司的 SPECORD200 PLUS 紫外可见分光光度计和固体样品池架附件,测定三种FIOLAX玻璃管样品(第一种是管状,第二种是扁平的碎片,第三种是管板)的色度坐标,研究其测试仪器的适用性,当样品直接放置于检测器前面时,是否可以忽略样品的弯曲。测量结果表明,色度坐标中各参数都会影响色度坐标的测定,从这方面而言,色度辨别是可以保证的。样品管的弯曲影响了色度坐标,因此,对于色度测定,尽管将样品直接放置于检测器前面还是不能忽略弯曲这个影响因素。 对于色度坐标的测定,可以将可见光进行透射扫描,并通过 WinASPECTPLUS 软件色度测量的特殊工具进行评价测定。该模块提供了不同入射光的角度和光学模型,计算不同色度索引的可能性。 Color location determination of glass tube samples General Three glass tube samples of sort FIOLAX (1x tube, 1x flattened tube segment and 1x tube plate)have been analyzed concerning their color. The glass tube was additionally analyzed as half shell.Because of their chemical resistence, neutrality, temperature resistance and stability this sort ofglass is mainly used for package for products of biotechnology and pharmacy. Furthermore thetube shape is resistant against high inner pressure, so it is mainly used for ampullae and tubes forpills and accommodates protection concerning quality assurance of drugs. For determination of color location the SPECORD 200 PLUS with solid sample holder was used. The aim was to test the applicability of the instrument and if the bend of the samples can bedisregarded when sample is positioned directly in front of detector. For the color location determination, VIS transmittance spectra were scanned and then evaluatedby the color determination of WinASPECT PLUS software. This module offers the possibility ofcalculating different color indexes with consideration of different angles of incidence and lightmodels. The chromaticity coordinates x and y characterize the color in a two-dimensional Cartesian space;in this respect, the saturation must be specified and given separately. The CIE coordinatescharacterize the color in a three-dimensional Cartesian space, while taking the brightness intoaccount. The brightness of a color tone is represented by the value "L" in the CIE lab system. Inthis respect, the value "a" stands for the red-green portion and the value "b" for the yellow-blueportion. Solid sample holder Figure 1 shows the holder for solid samples. This accessory is suitable for solid samples with adiameter from 20mm and a thickness up to 25mm and is placed on the mount for cells ofSPECORD directly in front of detector. Fig. 1 Solid sample holder for SPECORD The measurements were carried out with the following parameter settings: Title: Color location determination Range: 190 -1100nm Correction: Reference Step width: 1nm Display: Transmittance Speed: 50nm/s Lamp changeover: 320nm Accessories: none Measurement mode: Scan mode The reference measurement was conducted against air. For sample measurement the glasseswere placed into the solid holder and fixed with the clip. Results/Evaluation The figure 2 shows the transmittance spectra of all glass samples. The accordant color values aregiven below. The calculated CIE L*a*b* coordinates base on an light model C (most correspondingto natural light) and an observation angle of 2°. Glass plate flattened tube segment Tube Tube half shall Tube half shell Fig. 2: Transmittance spectra of the glass samples Color coordinates oft glass samples: Cab= hab= 1.3834 The described method with the SPECORD200 PLUS with solid sample holder and was ideallysuited for determining the color location of such samples. Taken spectra of glass plate, tube andtube half shell are different distinctly. Transmittance spectra and color coordinates of the tube andthe flattened tube segment are conditionally comparable. The basic color coordinates X; Y and Zas well as the chromaticity coordinates x and y with the brightness value L are in a goodaccordance. of a color tone is represented by the value"L" in the CIE lab system.There are onlydifferences in the red-green portion as well as the yellow-blue portion and the chroma. The characterization of the color location can be effected for all color coordinates specified. In thisrespect, the color discrimination is always guaranteed. The bend of the tube effects the colorcoordinates. Hence for color determination this effect can not be disregarded although the samplewas positioned directly in front of detector. Printout and further use permitted with a reference to the source. C 2010 Analytik Jena AG Publisher:Analytik Jena AGKonrad-Zuse-StraBe 107745 Jena Telephone+49 (0) 3641/77-70Fax +49 36 41 77-92 79 Color location determination of glass tube samplesReference: UV PLUS e| |AK/





耶拿分析仪器(北京)有限公司为您提供《玻璃管色度的测量》,该方案主要用于包装中--检测,参考标准--,《玻璃管色度的测量》用到的仪器有SPECORD 200PLUS紫外可见分光光度计 、SPECORD 210 PLUS紫外可见分光光度计 、SPECORD 250 PLUS紫外可见分光光度计 、德国耶拿紫外可见分光光度计 SPECORD 50 PLUS