
检测样品: 光学材料
检测项目: 高温、荧光、材料特性
浏览次数: 48
发布时间: 2023-06-13
关联设备: 1种 查看全部



解决方案总数: 276 方案总浏览次数:
等离子体显示面板和白色LED的荧光组件通常在实际工作条件下保持在高温下。然而,这些材料特性的评估通常在室温下使用标准荧光分光光度计进行评估。带有HPC-503高温样品附件的JASCO型号FP-6500可以在高达300ºC的温度下检测粉末的荧光强度。 关键词:FP-6500,荧光,材料,高温,HPC-503


等离子体显示面板和白色LED的荧光组件通常在实际工作条件下保持在高温下。然而,这些材料特性的评估通常在室温下使用标准荧光分光光度计进行评估。带有HPC-503高温样品附件的JASCO型号FP-6500可以在高达300ºC的温度下检测粉末的荧光强度。本应用结论中荧光仪器可用于评估美元的真实性。可以监测票据安全线程的荧光强度,以确保货币的有效性,并为票据的老化检查提供一种方法。Application Note 2/3 Analysis of a Fluorescent Material at High Temperatures In troduc t ion The fluorescence co m ponents o f plasma display pane l s and white LED's are generally mainta i ned a t high tempe r atu r es under actual working conditions. However, the evaluation of the ch a racte r i stics of these mate r i a l s i s often evaluated at r oom temperature usi n g a standard f l uo r escence spect r ophotometer . The JASCO model FP-6500 w i th the HPC-503 h i gh tempe r ature sample accessory allows the examinat i o n of the fluorescence inte n sity of powders at temperatures u p to 300°℃ FP-6500 Spectrofluo r om e ter K eywo r d s FP-6500, fluorescence, materials, high temperatures, HPC-503 R esu l ts Figure 1. F luor escence e mi ssion spec t ra of Z n O powder at varying tempe r at u res (30°℃-300°C). Analys i s of a F l uorescent Mate r ial Appl i c a t i on Note at High Temperat u res Exper i men t al Th e FP-6200 f l u or e sc e n ce sp e c tr o p hotom e t e r e q u i p ped with a solid sampl e holder acc e ssory was u s e d fo r al l analys e s,shown in F i gur e 1. T he solid sampl e holder is ki n ematically moun te d in t h e in strumen t sample com p artment to p rovide th e proper or i e n t atio n of the sa m ple t o the excita ti o n and emission p ort s . Bills of d e nominatio n $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100were plac e d in th e sa m p l e h older suc h t ha t th e security t hread was exposed to th e exc i tation beam. Em i ss i on scans of both sid e s of e ach bill wer e coll e cted and s e ve r al l ocat i o n s on t h e s e curity thread fo r e ach bi ll were a l so e xami n e d. T h e background f l uor e sce n c e of the bi l l wa s subt r act e d from e ach scan of t he s e curity thr e ad. Excitation bandwidth 5nm Emission bandwidth 5nm Excitation wavelength 365 nm Emission range 400-600nm Data interval 1nm Scanning speed 125 nm/min Temperature Range 15-90°℃ Temperature Interval 5℃ Results F i gure 2 shows the c h ar a ct e ri s t ic b a c kground flu o r es c e n ce of US cu rr e ncy. Figure 2. Fl u o r es c e nc e e m i s sion s p ectra of US (r e d ), Canadian (b l ue), an d J a panese (pur p le) c u rrencies. 28600 Mary's Cour t , E a s to n , M D 21601US A Representative scans of the secur i ty t h reads are s h own in F i gure 3. The emission bands a r e wide a n d distinc t ly i dentify each bill. The fluoresce n ce intensity of the secur i ty threads appeared to dec r ease with apparent use and h andl i ng of the bills, as newe r b il l s displayed a stronger f luorescence i ntensity. T he fluoresce n t t hr eads examined i n this study did not of the production of these security devices. Table 1 designates t h e color of the emitted fluo r escence of the security th r eads. Figure 3. Flu o resce n ce spectra of t he secu r ity t h reads i n a 5 (b lue), 10 (red ), 20 (gree n ), 50 (yel l ow),and 100 (p in k) dol l ar bil l. Table 1. E m it ted colo r of s e curi t y th re ads in US cu r rency. C onclusion F l uorescence inst r umentat i on can be used to evaluate t he authenticity of US currency. The f l uorescence intensity of t h e bill 's security thread can be monitored to ensure currency va l i d i ty a n d prov i de a met h od for the examination of aging of a bil l . JASCO INC. 28600 Mary's Cour t , E a s to n , M D 21601US A UASGO A ppli c a tio n Lib r ary: htt p://www.jas co in c .c o m/a pp l icatio n s





