JASCO圆二色光谱仪CD J-1500
JASCO圆二色光谱仪CD J-1500
JASCO圆二色光谱仪CD J-1500
JASCO圆二色光谱仪CD J-1500

¥10万 - 20万







  • 银牌
  • 第9年
  • 一般经销商
  • 营业执照已审核

仪器种类: 圆二色光谱(CD)

   JASCO已经生产了超过60年的最高质量的圆二色 光谱仪。J-1000系列具有很多先进的科技,均来 自于广大客户的需求。这三种新的机型能够适应 任何需求,可以随着应用需求或预算的发展而扩 展。手性光谱仪已经成为生物分子表征,绝对构型和立 体化学分析测定的最重要的技术之一。自从1961年推 出第一台光谱仪后,JASCO已经设计和制造了最好的手性光谱仪器。经过半个世纪以后,JASCO很自豪地 推出了J-1000系列圆二色光谱仪

• 高的光通量
• 低的杂散光
• 最先进的电子技术: FGPA的DSP数字信号处理技术
• 同时多通道采集(SMP): 圆二色,线二色, 荧光, 紫外吸收
• 宽的动态范围
• 高效氮气吹扫系统:使用流动模拟器设计的低 容积单色仪,最低2L/min氮气使用量(185nm以上)
• 内置校正波长用汞灯
• 标配NIST可追溯灵敏度校准方法
• 单USB线连接,便于将来电脑的更换
• 微量样品测量
• 三种扫描模式:自动、步进、连续

• 紧凑型台式设计
• 空冷150W氙灯
• 最高的信噪比
• 准直的样品束,用于无伪信号的固体测试和使用外部附件
• 精确大范围温度控制附件
• 自动滴定和停留
• 用于数据采集和分析的Spectra Manager™ II 软件
• 可选的Spectra Manager™ CFR 软件符合 21 CFR Part 11 需求
• 灵活的设计可以实现不同测量功能的现场升级
• 随着应用和预算的发展,能够升级配件控下自动测量192个样品。

• 蛋白质构象研究
• 蛋白质折叠研究
• DNA / RNA相互作用
• 酶动力学
• 配位化学研究
• 光学活性物质的纯度测试

• 药物定量分析
• 天然产物化学
• 材料科学
• 快速动力学停留圆二色
• 吸收和荧光研究



特长前世界上只有JASCO CD了国认标ISO质量程序验证,确保品符合国际标准和范,其他的厂家无法媲美。


 JASCO是唯一开发强大的跨平台64位制造商,用于控制各种光谱仪器的Windows软件包.Spectra Manager™II是用于捕获和处理数据的综合实验室伙伴,无需学习多 个软件程序,并允许在同一平台上一起操作和显示来自多台仪器的数据。









150W 氙灯空冷方式或450W 氙灯水冷方式



双棱镜分光器 车尔尼-特纳(Czerny-Turner)光学系统


















0.004mdeg (185nm, 150W)
  0.003mdeg (185nm, 450W)
  0.007mdeg (200nm)
  0.007mdeg (500nm)(
光谱带宽1nm, 反应时间 8sec)

0.03mdeg   (200nm)
光谱带宽1nm,   反应时间   8sec)





CD K-K 转换, HT-OD 转换, G 值計算, 样品信息编集, 光学定数计算, 误差条形图表示, r-P 转换

  • 当手性化合物用非偏振光激发时,可以测量左旋和右旋圆偏振光发射强度的差异。这种现象被称为圆偏振发光(CPL)。圆二色性提供了手性分子基态的信息,而CPL光谱则探测手性分子的激发态。 本申请说明演示了使用两种互补技术测量和分析樟脑醌:圆二色性和圆偏振发光。 关键词:圆偏振发光,圆二色性,CD-0031,材料

    材料 2023-05-26

  • Introduction The multivariate SSE program can be used to analyze sets of CD data. A large number of samples can be automatically measured and efficiently analyzed using the high-throughput circular dichroism (HDX) system and multivariate SSE program. Keywords: Secondary structure estimation, Multiple samples, HTCD, HDX Sequence Optical constants are automatically calculated in the multivariate SSE program after imputing parameters

    生物产业 2015-09-25

  • The Stopped Flow method is used to analyze reactions occurred during the duration of several milliseconds and several seconds meanwhile the CD measurement provides valuable information regarding the protein’s secondary structures and environment of aromatic amino acids. Therefore, CD measurement with Stoppedflow method provides one of the best techniques in analyzing the protein’s Unfolding and Refolding process. Concanavalin A (derived from Jack bean) in natural state has abundant β-sheet structures, however, it is known that its structure changes into the one with rich α-helix under trifluoroethanol (TFE) and its Unfolding process has been reported also. In this application, the model SFS-492 High-Speed Stopped-flow System was used to measure the Unfolding process of Concanavalin A under TFE. <CD Spectra of Concanavalin A> The Concanavalin A’s in pH2 hydrochloric acid gives a CD spectrum specific to β-sheet structure. In contrast, in a solution with 50% of TFE added it has a CD spectrum specific to α-helix structures. As seen in Figure 1, a big change from abundant β-sheet

    制药/生物制药 2015-09-17

  • Proteins, biological polymers composed of amino acids, have primary structures indicating the sequence of amino acids and higher three-dimensional order structures as well. The structure of proteins defines their biological functionality and CD spectroscopy is commonly used in the study of proteins and oligopeptide applications. Using secondary structure estimation (SSE) software, the helix, sheet and random coil contents of unknown proteins can be quantitatively estimated from CD spectra. SSE software has been applied mainly in academic or research studies of protein structure. JASCO now offers the new SSE Program based on the PLS/PCR method of multivariate analysis, to cope with expanding usage of protein studies across a wide range of fields, su

    生物产业 2015-09-25

  • The Stopped Flow method is used to analyze reactions occurred during the duration of several milliseconds and several seconds meanwhile the CD measurement provides valuable information regarding the protein’s secondary structures and environment of aromatic amino acids. Therefore, CD measurement with Stoppedflow method provides one of the best techniques in analyzing the protein’s Unfolding and Refolding process. Concanavalin A (derived from Jack bean) in natural state has abundant β-sheet structures, however, it is known that its structure changes into the one with rich α-helix under trifluoroethanol (TFE) and its Unfolding process has been reported also. In this application, the model SFS-492 High-Speed Stopped-flow System was used to measure the Unfolding process of Concanavalin A under TFE. <CD Spectra of Concanavalin A> The Concanavalin A’s in pH2 hydrochloric acid gives a CD spectrum specific to β-sheet structure. In contrast, in a solution with 50% of TFE added it has a CD spectrum specific to α-helix structures. As seen in Figure 1, a big change from abundant β-sheet

    制药/生物制药 2015-09-17

  • Amphetamines are controlled substances which are potent stimulants that induce feelings of strength and energy while decreasing the need to sleep or eat. The majority of illegal amphetamine products are racemic; consequently, both isomers will appear in the biological fluids unchanged. In comparison the break-down products formed by the metabolism of most pharmaceutical drugs show the appearance of pure amphetamine enantiomers. Circular dichroism is a form of light absorption spectroscopy that measures the difference in absorbance of right- and leftcircularly polarized light (rather than the commonly used absorbance of isotropic light) by a substance. Since different enantiomers absorb different portions of the light, it provides and excellent means for enantiomer detection. In this application CD will be used to study the isomers of amphetamine and methamphetamine.

    制药/生物制药 2015-09-17

  • 圆二色性(CD)光谱学是一种有用的技术,因为它不需要大量的样品量,而且与其他方法相比易于操作。通过比较计算得到的理论谱和实验谱,可以确定手性分子的绝对构型。

    制药/生物制药 2023-05-25

  • 在本申请说明中,华法林的CD测量是使用J-1500分光偏振仪在静态模式下获得的,并连接到HPLC系统(CD-4095),用于HPLC洗脱液的在线CD检测。 关键词:J-1500,圆二色性,J-1700,高效液相色谱法,CD-4095,医药产品,手性分析,药物

    制药/生物制药 2023-06-19

  • Introduction The multivariate SSE program can be used to analyze sets of CD data. A large number of samples can be automatically measured and efficiently analyzed using the high-throughput circular dichroism (HDX) system and multivariate SSE program. Keywords: Secondary structure estimation, Multiple samples, HTCD, HDX Sequence Optical constants are automatically calculated in the multivariate SSE program after imputing parameters

    生物产业 2015-09-25

  • Proteins, biological polymers composed of amino acids, have primary structures indicating the sequence of amino acids and higher three-dimensional order structures as well. The structure of proteins defines their biological functionality and CD spectroscopy is commonly used in the study of proteins and oligopeptide applications. Using secondary structure estimation (SSE) software, the helix, sheet and random coil contents of unknown proteins can be quantitatively estimated from CD spectra. SSE software has been applied mainly in academic or research studies of protein structure. JASCO now offers the new SSE Program based on the PLS/PCR method of multivariate analysis, to cope with expanding usage of protein studies across a wide range of fields, su

    生物产业 2015-09-25

  • Amphetamines are controlled substances which are potent stimulants that induce feelings of strength and energy while decreasing the need to sleep or eat. The majority of illegal amphetamine products are racemic; consequently, both isomers will appear in the biological fluids unchanged. In comparison the break-down products formed by the metabolism of most pharmaceutical drugs show the appearance of pure amphetamine enantiomers. Circular dichroism is a form of light absorption spectroscopy that measures the difference in absorbance of right- and leftcircularly polarized light (rather than the commonly used absorbance of isotropic light) by a substance. Since different enantiomers absorb different portions of the light, it provides and excellent means for enantiomer detection. In this application CD will be used to study the isomers of amphetamine and methamphetamine. Introduction Amphetamines are synthetic drugs that stimulate the

    生物产业 2015-09-25

  • Introduction Generally, a sample for CD measurement needs to be in a liquid state to allow transmission measurement, more recently there has been increasing requirement for CD measurement of samples that are insoluble or may change structure in solution. These types of sample are best measured in solid state. Although CD measurement can be made in transmission for solid samples, there is a requirement for sample preparation; such as making a pellet and if sample dilution is required, sample recovery can be difficult. As an alternative, measurement using Diffuse Reflection (DR) CD is recommended. 1), 2) This application note illustrates the use of DRCD measurement with the DRCD-575 diffuse reflectance accessory (See Fig. 1.) optimized for the J-1500 CD spectrometer with the multi-probe simultaneous CD/LD measurement. DRCD uses incident light to illuminate a solid sample and

    生物产业 2015-09-25

  • 当手性化合物用非偏振光激发时,可以测量左旋和右旋圆偏振光发射强度的差异。这种现象被称为圆偏振发光(CPL)。圆二色性提供了手性分子基态的信息,而CPL光谱则探测手性分子的激发态。 本申请说明演示了使用两种互补技术测量和分析樟脑醌:圆二色性和圆偏振发光。 关键词:圆偏振发光,圆二色性,CD-0031,材料

    材料 2023-05-26

  • 本应用说明演示了使用CPL-300对三铕(三氟甲基)-(+)-樟脑)(Eu(facam)3)的高分辨率CPL光谱测量。Eu(facam)3是一种常见的核磁共振移位试剂,已被用作CPL测量的标准。 关键词:CPL、镧系元素、发光材料

    材料 2023-05-29

  • 本应用说明将通过测量四种蛋白质的CD光谱来演示一滴微采样盘的简易性和效率。 关键词:一滴测量,微采样盘,圆二色性,二级结构,J-1500

    材料 2023-05-30

  • 本申请说明演示了使用J-1500 CD光谱仪在光谱的近红外区域探测酒石酸镍溶液和柠檬烯的振动和电子跃迁。 关键词:J-1500,电子圆二向色性,振动圆二向性,近红外区,酒石酸镍,柠檬烯,NIR-ECS,NIR-VCD,金属配合物,化学

    材料 2023-05-26

  • 本应用说明描述了盐酸胍(GuHCl)对α-乳凝蛋白变性的荧光各向异性测量的变化 关键词:J-1500、圆二色性、CDF-426、荧光、各向异性、α-乳白蛋白、GuHCl、二级结构、变性、生物化学

    食品/农产品 2023-05-29

  • 在本申请说明中,来源于牛胸腺的血红蛋白和DNA的CD光谱是使用J-1500 CD光谱仪的微取样盘测量的。使用3µL样品体积进行测量,以证明J-1500在微样品池中具有小样品体积的灵敏度。 关键词:微量分析,微量取样盘,微样品池,圆二色性,血红蛋白,DNA,牛胸腺,二级结构,J-1500

    食品/农产品 2023-05-26

  • CD光谱测量可用于有机化合物的光谱测量,本文中,我们将展示几个关于有机化合物的CD光谱数据。关键词:测量一滴血,圆形,二色性,有机化合物,金属络合物。

    医疗/卫生 2015-09-25

  • CD光谱是一种必不可少的对蛋白质结构分析和核磁共振一样或x射线晶体学测量方法。体积小或低浓度样品测量通用请求最近在这个市场。Jasco开发了新技术和应用程序以满足最终smallvolume或低浓度样品测量条件。本文,我们想展示用微抽样磁盘(MSD)测量一滴血CD光谱的结果。关键词:测量一滴血、蛋白质、圆二色性

    医疗/卫生 2015-09-25

用户单位 采购时间
湘潭大学 2023-09-06
中国医学科学院药用植物研究所 2023-07-19
湖南师范大学 2023-07-24
中国海洋大学 2023-08-09
山东省医疗器械研究院 2023-03-21
浙江清华长三角研究院 2023-02-17
华中科技大学分析测试中心 2023-01-09
厦门大学化工学院 2023-01-19
上海交通大学材料学院 2022-11-08
南开大学材料科学与工程学院 2022-07-14
北京大学宁波海洋药物研究院 2022-08-12
浙江海洋大学食品学院 2022-03-25
河北省药品医疗器械检验研究院 2022-02-23
常州合全药业有限公司 2021-09-13
中国医学科学院药物研究所 2021-06-09
上海齐鲁制药研究中心有限公司 2021-05-25
中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院 2021-04-20
天津药明康德新药开发有限公司 2021-02-26
武汉大学化学院 2020-11-05
南京大学化工学院 2020-08-16
上海理工大学光电学院 2020-03-05
兰州大学化学化工学院 2019-12-11
重庆医科大学 2019-11-08
上海大学化学与环境工程学院 2019-06-18
深圳北理莫斯科大学 2019-04-17
中国科学技术大学 2021-08-13
北京理工大学 2021-11-11
上海师范大学 2020-01-08
中国科学院化学研究所 2019-09-04
哈尔滨工程大学 2015-09-06
合肥工业大学 2015-09-08
上海中医药大学中药研究所 2015-09-09
复旦大学 2012-09-02
中国科学院物理研究所 2014-06-12
国家纳米科学中心 2013-09-29
清华大学生物膜国家重点实验室 2013-02-25
中国科学院大学 2012-11-22
中国科学院化学研究所 2008-10-06

产品货期: 60天

整机质保期: 1年

培训服务: 提供付费培训

安装调试时间: 到货后7天内

电话支持响应时间: 2小时内


维修响应时间: 1天内


核心零部件货期: 14天

核心零部支持时间: 3年







维修付款方式: 先维修后付款

基本维修资料公开: 维修手册

无理由退换货: 不支持

  • 手性是自然界的普遍现象。天然产物、合成药物、生物 大分子(蛋白质、核酸、糖)大多具有手性。手性是自然界的普遍现象。天然产物、合成药物、生物 大分子(蛋白质、核酸、糖)大多具有手性。环状化合物则具有螺旋手性(Spiral chirality)

    2759MB 2015-09-17










JASCO圆二色光谱仪CD J-1500信息由佳士科商贸有限公司为您提供,如您想了解更多关于JASCO圆二色光谱仪CD J-1500报价、型号、参数等信息,欢迎来电或留言咨询。


