




Phenom pure


  • 白金
  • 第12年
  • 一般经销商
  • 营业执照已审核

仪器种类: 台式/桌面型

电子枪种类: 六硼化铈

产地类别: 进口

二次电子图象分辨率: 10nm

放大倍数: 175,000

加速电压: 5kV, 10kV

背散射电子图像分辨率: 10nm

Phenom台式扫描电子显微镜标准版Pure装配的基本组件可以满足高分辨率成像的要求,这些基本组件不仅可以保证电镜高质量的成像,而且能够实现最快速得装载样品,最短时间内成像。精确的自动聚焦和电子束自动对中使飞纳电镜系列成为市场上最受用户欢迎、操作最简单的智能型扫描电镜。对于有高分辨率成像需求的用户来说,Phenom Pure 可以提供最经济、最高效的解决方案。

  • 放大倍数:175,000 X

  • 分辨率:优于 10 nm

  • 灯丝材料:优于 1500 小时 CeB6 灯丝

  • 抽真空时间:小于 15 秒

  • 探测器:背散射电子探测器、二次电子探测器(可选)


  • 高分辨率图像,全自动化操作,15 秒抽真空,30 秒成像,光学导航结合自动马达样品台,实现点到哪里看到哪里。

    生物产业 2015-11-17

  • Phenom飞纳台式电镜在陶瓷研究的应用 世界领先的扫描电子显微镜制造商——FEI 公司在收购飞利浦电镜部后,于2006年发布了全球第一款台式扫描电镜Phenom G1(飞纳第一代),并于2009年成立Phenom-World公司,专业研发并生产Phenom(飞纳)系列台式扫描电镜。Phenom(飞纳)台式扫描电镜具有45,000×放大倍数,10秒快速抽真空,不用喷金测量不导电样品等优势。Phenom(飞纳)台式扫描电镜的一系列产品及相关领域的配件,可应用于材料科学、纳米颗粒、生物医学、纺织纤维、地质科学等诸多领域,旨在为亚微米尺度应用要求的用户提供成像解决方案。 Phenom-World专注于台式扫描电镜的研究与开发,不断投资、研发和完善Phenom(飞纳)台式扫描电镜产品和相关配件,增加台式电镜的可拓展性,帮助客户获得更高质量的图像数据,节省获得数据的时间,提高他们的投资回报。

    材料 2013-03-15

  • Fiber ClassifFicCation with the Phenom Fibers play an important part in everyday materials and cutting edge research. The Phenom has been used to investigate several different cutting edge applications in industries covering filtration, medical equipment, insulation, aerospace, and nanotechnology. It provides accurate information about fibers like general construction, diameter, and surface morphology.

    石油/化工 2012-05-13

  • METALLURGICAL INSPECTION USING THE PHENOM The properties of many engineering materials are mostly governed by a combination of metal composition and the morphology and distribution of key microstructural features. These features can be observed with conventional optical microscopy. However, when higher magnification and 3-D detail is required, a scanning electron microscope (SEM) is best suited.

    地矿 2012-05-13

  • 高分辨率图像,全自动化操作,15 秒抽真空,30 秒成像,光学导航结合自动马达样品台,实现点到哪里看到哪里。

    生物产业 2015-11-17

  • MICRON SCALE INSECT ANATOMY The samples imaged were air-dried insects (ant, fruit fly, mosquito) and a tick (Arachnids). A number of structures were imaged to create a single classroom presentation in insect anatomy for North Shore Community College in Massachusetts, and as part of a broader series of classroom presentations directed at grades 9-12, physics, chemistry and biology, at Newburyport High School. The specimens were collected from readily available and indigenous species such as the tick, fruit fly, ant and mosquito. The images showed the students not only specific anatomical detail and inter specie variations but how detailed and complex these structures can be at very small scale.

    生物产业 2012-05-13

  • DIATOMS TELL THE TRUTH ABOUT OUR ENVIRONMENT Diatoms provide information on both the biological integrity of the ecosystem and those factors likely to be causing any observed changes. Researchers are rapidly developing new techniques for using diatoms to provide even more quantitative and accurate inferences of ecosystem condition, and diatoms are being included in a growing number of local and regional-scale monitoring programs. FEI Company’s Phenom™, a new type of microscope, proves to be a valuable and cost-effective instrument for imaging and classification of diatoms at the Dutch Water Treatment & Control Laboratories.

    生物产业 2012-05-13

  • Phenom飞纳台式电镜在陶瓷研究的应用 世界领先的扫描电子显微镜制造商——FEI 公司在收购飞利浦电镜部后,于2006年发布了全球第一款台式扫描电镜Phenom G1(飞纳第一代),并于2009年成立Phenom-World公司,专业研发并生产Phenom(飞纳)系列台式扫描电镜。Phenom(飞纳)台式扫描电镜具有45,000×放大倍数,10秒快速抽真空,不用喷金测量不导电样品等优势。Phenom(飞纳)台式扫描电镜的一系列产品及相关领域的配件,可应用于材料科学、纳米颗粒、生物医学、纺织纤维、地质科学等诸多领域,旨在为亚微米尺度应用要求的用户提供成像解决方案。 Phenom-World专注于台式扫描电镜的研究与开发,不断投资、研发和完善Phenom(飞纳)台式扫描电镜产品和相关配件,增加台式电镜的可拓展性,帮助客户获得更高质量的图像数据,节省获得数据的时间,提高他们的投资回报。

    材料 2013-03-15

  • 对于许多工程材料,其性质决定于其金属成分的组合、形貌特点及关键微观结构的分布特征。这些特征可以借助传统光学显微镜进行观察。而当需要高倍图像和3-D细节信息时,扫描电子显微镜(SEM)成为了必不可少的研究武器。 Phenom台式扫描电镜可以快速检测各种常见工程合金(如Al、Ti、Fe、Ni等),广泛适用于金相分析、质量控制、故障分析及科学研究等领域。

    材料 2013-02-18

  • Fiber ClassifFicCation with the Phenom Fibers play an important part in everyday materials and cutting edge research. The Phenom has been used to investigate several different cutting edge applications in industries covering filtration, medical equipment, insulation, aerospace, and nanotechnology. It provides accurate information about fibers like general construction, diameter, and surface morphology.

    石油/化工 2012-05-13

  • Nano-structured Electrolyte Layers for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

    石油/化工 2012-05-13

  • MONITORING PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS WITH TABLETOP SEM In the pharmaceutical industry, pharmaceutical dosage forms are getting increasingly important as a basis for making more effective drugs. In the successful development of a new dosage form, formulation development typically plays a crucial role in the introduction and application of stateof-the-art pharmaceutical technology. The manufacturability and/or bioavailability of many of these dosage forms regularly depend on the characteristics of the individual ingredients. It is for this reason, that it is extremely important that the bulk characteristics of so-called particulate systems such as powders and suspensions can be accurately monitored.

    制药/生物制药 2012-05-13

  • METALLURGICAL INSPECTION USING THE PHENOM The properties of many engineering materials are mostly governed by a combination of metal composition and the morphology and distribution of key microstructural features. These features can be observed with conventional optical microscopy. However, when higher magnification and 3-D detail is required, a scanning electron microscope (SEM) is best suited.

    地矿 2012-05-13


保修期: 1年



免费培训: 1年2个名额


保内维修承诺: 质保期内,除自然灾害和人为因素损坏外,全部免费维修

报修承诺: 货物出现故障后,供货方8小时给出初步反馈。

  • 借助 3D 粗糙度重建模块,Phenom 可以产生样品的 3D 还原图像,并进行亚微米量级的粗糙度测量。 3D 粗糙度重建模块可以帮助用户更加细致的分析 Phenom 台式扫描电子显微镜所得到的图像,提取出样品的隐藏信息,并将其可视化。 3D 图像可以帮助用户更好的理解样品特点,使得在 2D 图像中很难分辨的凹坑、划痕、刻纹等特征,变得清晰可见。3D 粗糙度重建模块是 Phenom 的理想扩展,特别适用于下列领域: 机械加工的质量控制 纹理分析 证物鉴定 缺陷&失效分析 摩擦学-磨损分析

    22585MB 2014-04-24
  • 很大一部分样品由于其结构的限制,例如丝状、孔、多层结构等,需要观测者从某一特定的角度观测样品,才能够得到最佳的样品。这要求电镜具有灵活的操作方式。 自动倾斜/旋转样品杯可以方便精确的对样品进行倾斜和旋转,满足样品观测要求

    487MB 2013-02-18
  • 降低充电效应样品杯 专为不导电样品设计,为用户免去了额外的预处理过程。各种不导电样品,如纸张、聚合物、有机材料、陶瓷、玻璃以及涂层等,均可借助降低充电效应样品杯,得到其原始形貌的图像。 主要优点: 将开始充电的放大倍数提高8倍左右 无需喷金,可以简化不导电材料的制备过程,节省购置喷金设备的经费 得到样品原始形貌的图像,通过背散射电子探测其成分信息

    1785MB 2012-08-22
  • 金相样品杯 Phenom拥有远优于光学显微镜的高分辨率(25nm),并且克服了传统SEM价格昂贵、使用成本高、成像速度慢且操作复杂的缺点。 Phenom可以快速检测各种常见工程合金(如Al、Ti、Fe、Ni等),在利用大景深得到丰富而细致的表面形貌信息的同时,图像对比度的变化还给出了微结构的晶相分布,广泛适用于金相分析、质量控制、故障分析及科学研究等领域。

    1706MB 2012-08-22

飞纳电镜扫描电镜Phenom pure的工作原理介绍

扫描电镜Phenom pure的使用方法?

飞纳电镜Phenom pure多少钱一台?

扫描电镜Phenom pure可以检测什么?

扫描电镜Phenom pure使用的注意事项?

飞纳电镜Phenom pure的说明书有吗?

飞纳电镜扫描电镜Phenom pure的操作规程有吗?

飞纳电镜扫描电镜Phenom pure报价含票含运吗?

飞纳电镜Phenom pure有现货吗?



