
检测样品: 其他
检测项目: 光学特性
浏览次数: 227
发布时间: 2016-11-11
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本文向您介绍如何使用日立高新固体分析分光光度计专家UH4150分光光度计分析检测多种塑料板(包括PMMA,PVC,PET,PC)在330 - 2500 nm波长范围内的光学特性。UH4150采用升级版棱镜-光栅双单色器光学系统,实现更低噪音测定。此外,扩容后的UH4150大型样品室能够处理更大体积样品,操作者无需任何塑料板前处理切割操作,可直接检测样品,灵活使用附件,更好的提升了操作性。高精度的光学系统测定,使得不同塑料板紫外吸收谱图清晰易懂,一目了然。


Measurement of Optical Characteristic of Plastic by UH4150 SpectrophotometerAn example of High Throughput measurements in the UV, Visibleand Near-Infrared Regions- INTRODUCTION Plastic is a highly transparent, light, and durable material. For the optical evaluation of an object, such as lighttransmittance property, color, and transparency, the transmission spectrum and reflectance spectrum are measured bya spectrophotometer. These measurements do not only provide the optical information but also the information related to optical functions such as UV and infrared ray shielding levels.This time, the optical properties of various plastic materials were measured by using UH4150 spectrophotometer, thenew model developed focusing on the photometric accuracy for solids such as optical materials. UH4150 is thespectrophotometer which inherited the optical system of U-4100 having an established reputation for its parallel beamand low polarization property that are suitable for the optical material evaluation. It is possible to change the detectorand accessories depending on the analytical applications to meet various analytical requirements. Higher throughput, compared with the conventional instrument, was achieved and the analysis with the scan speed of 1200 nm/min for the sampling interval of 1 nm is possible. For example, for the wavelength range of the analysis introduced this time, the measurement can be completed in about 2 minutes. SAMPLE (1) (2) (3) (4) Sample: Plastic plate (thickness of 2 mm) (1) Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), (2) Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)(3) Polyethylene terephthalate (PET), (4) Polycarbonate (PC) INSTRUMENT CONDITIONS Instrument : UH4150 Spectrophotometer Measurement wavelength range: 330 to 2500 nm Sampling interval : 1.0nm 【NIR】 【UV/VIS】 Scan speed : 1200nm/min Scan speed : 1200 nm/min Slit : Automatic control Slit : 8nm PbS sensitivity :2 ACCESSORY 060 standard integrating sphere(for total reflectance)(P/N:1J1-0121) Transmission holder (tightattachment) (P/N: 1J0-0202) 20 (4)PC 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Wavelength (nm) Figure 1 Transmission Spectra of Various Plastic Plates (thickness of 2 mm) by UH4150 Various plastic materials, polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyethylene terephthalate(PET), and polycarbonate (PC) were analyzed and their transmission spectra are shown in Figure 1. It was found thatthe transmittance differs depending on the material.1. In the visible light region, polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) showed the highest transmittance while the difference inthe spectral shapes originating from the structures is observed in the near-infrared region. KEY WORDS Material/Processing Material Related, Polymer Material, Plastic,Transmission Spectrum,Spectrophotometer, UH4150 Spectrophotometer (UV) Sheet No. UV130006-01 Measurement of Optical Characteristic of Plastic by UH4150 Spectrophotometer- An example of High Throughput measurements in the UV, Visibleand Near-Infrared Regions - UH4150 SAMPLE Sample:FPlastic plate Polymethyl methacrylate(PMMA) INSTRUMENT CONDITIONS ACCESSORY Instrument : UH4150 Spectrophotometer Measurement wavelength range : 330 to 2500 nm Sampling interval : 1.0nm 【UV/VIS】 【NIR】 Scan speed : 1200nm/min Scan speed : 1200nm/min Slit : 8 nm Slit : Automatic control PbS sensitivity :2 o60 integrating sphere accessory (for total reflectance)(P/N: 1J1-0121) Transmission holder (tight attachment) (P/N: 1J0-0202) Figure 2 Transmission Spectrum of PMMA with Different Plate Thickness by UH4150 Figure 2 shows the transmission spectrum obtained by changing the plate thickness of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA). Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) has a high transmittance of about 92% in the visible light region. As theremaining about 8% reflects at the front and back of the sample, there is little absorption. Therefore, thetransmittance is almost consistent regardless of the plate thickness. On the other hand, in the near-infraredregion where absorption occurs, it has been confirmed that the transmittance decreases as the platethickness increases. KEY WORDS Material/Processing Material Related, Polymer Material, Plastic,Transmission Spectrum, Spectrophotometer, UH4150 Spectrophotometer (UV) Sheet No. UV130006-02 Measurement of Optical Characteristic of Plastic by UH4150 Spectrophotometer UH4150 KEY WORDS Material/Processing Material Related, Polymer Materials, Plastic,Transmission Spectrum, Spectrophotometer, UH4150 Spectrophotometer (UV) SAMPLE Sheet No.UV130006-03 Sample : Plastic plate (thickness of 2 mm) (1) Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), (2) Polyvinyl chloride (PVC),(3)Polyethylene terephthalate (PET), (4) Polycarbonate (PC) INSTRUNMENT CONDITIONS ACCESSORY Instrument :UH4150 Spectrophotometer Measurement wavelength range :380 to 780 nm Sampling interval : 1.0 nm 【UV/VIS】 Scan speed : 1200 nm/min Slit : 8nm 0150 standard integratingsphere (with light trap) (P/N: 1J0-0212) Light source mask : 05 mm Option package (P/N: 1J1-0211) Table 1 Measurement Results of Total Light Transmittance and Total Light Reflectance forVarious Plastic Materials Thickness No. lype T1(%) T2(%) T3(%) T4(%) Tt(%) pt(%) tt+pt(%) YI (mm) 8.2 99.9 0.2 4 1 PMMA 2 100 92.3 99.4 8.2 91.72 PVC 2 100 82.3 99.4 8.9 81.8 8.9 90.7 -2.73 PET 2 100 88.8 99.4 9.9 88.2 10.0 98.2 2.5PC 2 100 88.3 99.4 10.3 87.7 10.3 98.1 0.1 Hitachi High-Tech Science Corporation




