Ionplus MILEA多核素小型加速器质谱仪
Ionplus MILEA多核素小型加速器质谱仪










资料下载:300kV多同位素低能量加速器质谱仪(MILEA, 10Be, 14C, 26Al, 41Ca, 129I)、200kV放射性碳加速器质谱仪(14C AMS)、全自动石墨化系统(AGE3)、碳酸盐处理系统(CHS2)、气动压样装置(PSP)、铁粉分配器(FED)、同位素比质谱仪(IRMS)、气体接口系统(GIS)、管密封装置(TSE).pdf[6.79MB]

Ionplus AG目前与ETH Zurich合作,正在开发一套MILEA低能量多同位素加速器质谱仪。MILEA结合了MICADAS的加速器和离子源技术,以及ETH 600kV TANDY的高能质谱仪技术,将能够用于天然长寿命放射性核素(10Be, 14C, 26Al ,41Ca, 129I以及236U、Pu、Np、Am、Cm、Cf等重核核素测量MILEA基本特点:

-  小型化(7 m × 3.5 m × 2 m)、轻量化(15000kg)

- 可以用于固体样品和14C气体样品测量(与GIS配合)

-  300kV真空绝缘高电压平台加速器,低维护固态电源

-  采用低噪声气体电离探测器统计计数

-  氦剥离气体剥离器,对同位素的传输效率高。

        -  简单快速调试、长时间测量稳定性好。


Based on a feasibility- and concept study conducted at ETH in the context of the PhD thesis of Sascha Maxeiner, it was found that it is possible to build a very compact multi-isotope AMS instrument dedicated to measure10Be, 14C, 26Al, 41Ca (biomed applications), 129I and actinides. The new system combines the accelerator and ion source technology of the MICADAS system [1] with the concept of the high-energy spectrometer layout of the 600 kV TANDY facility at ETH [2]. 

Layout of the new multi-isotope AMS facility dedicated for Be-10, C-14, Al-26, Ca-41, I-129 and actinides.


With a footprint of only 3.5 x 7 m2, the space requirements of this new AMS facility are very low. The accelerator is based on the MICADAS design, but has been upgraded to support up to 300 kV. Such a vacuum insulated prototype accelerator was already in operation and has been tested for all isotopes in combination with the existing ETH Tandy spectrometer and ion source. The test results indicated that similar performance can be expected as provided by the existing Tandy system [4-9].


The low energy spectrometer of the new instrument comprises an achromatic combination of a 90° electrostatic and magnetic deflector. The layout of the high energy side is inspired by the TANDY spectrometer (90° magnetic, 120° electrostatic and 110° magnetic deflector). A quadrupole triplet right after the accelerator unit guarantees similar ion optical conditions for the different isotopes measured on this machine. Based on developments made at ETH, a new improved low noise DE-Eres gas ionization chamber is mounted on the back end for the identification of interfering particles [1, 10].


A first prototype will go into operation by the end of 2017 and Ionplus is planning to manufacture such multi-isotope AMS instruments in the future.



[1] H. A. Synal,  M. Stocker and M. Suter, MICADAS: A new compact radiocarbon AMS system. NIM B, 259 (1) (2007), p. 7-13.

[2]  A.M. Müller, J. Lachner, M. Christl, M. Suter, H.A. Synal,  Competitive 10Be measurements below 1 MeV with the upgraded ETH-TANDY AMS facility. NIM B, 268 (2010), p. 2801

[3]  S.  Maxeiner, M. Suter, M. Christl, H.-A. Synal, Simulation of ion beam scattering in a gas stripper. NIM B, 361 (2015), p. 237-244

[4] T. Schulze-K?nig, M. Seiler, M. Suter, L. Wacker, The dissociation of 13CH and12CH2 molecules in He and N2 at beam energies of 80-250 keV and possible implications for radiocarbon mass spectrometry. NIM B, 269 (2011), p. 34-39

[5]  J. Lachner, M.  Christl, A.M. Müller, M. Suter, H.-A. Synal, 10Be and 26Al low-energy AMS using He-stripping and background suppression via an absorber. NIM B, 331 (2014), p. 209-214

[6]  C. Vockenhuber, V. Alfimov, M. Christl, J. Lachner, T. Schulze-K?nig, M. Suter, H.-A. Synal, The potential of He stripping in heavy ion AMS. NIM B, 294 (2013), 382-386

[7]  C. Vockenhuber, T. Schulze-K?nig, H. A. Synal, I. Aeberli and M. B. Zimmermann, Efficient 41Ca measurements for biomedical applications, NIM B 361 (2015), p. 273-276 

[8] C. Vockenhuber, N. Casacuberta, M. Christl, and H.-A. Synal, Accelerator Mass Spectromentry of 129I towards its lower limits, NIM B 361 (2015), p. 445-449

[9] M. Christl, N. Casacuberta, J. Lachner, S. Maxeiner, C. Vockenhuber, H.-A. Synal, I. Goroncy, J. Herrmann, A. Daraoui, C. Walther, R. Michel, Status of236U analyses at ETH Zurich and the distribution of 236U and 129I in the North Sea in 2009, NIM B 361 (2015), p. 510-516

[10]  A.M. Müller, M. Suter, H.A. Synal, Performance of the ETH gas ionization chamber at low energy. NIM B, 287 (2012), p. 94-102

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中国辐射防护研究院 2018-08-08
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