


LaVision GmbH





  • 金牌
  • 第17年
  • 一般经销商
  • 营业执照已审核

产地类别: 进口


PicoStar  PicoStar是Lavision公司生产的在同类产品中居于世界领先水平的超短 快门相机,



PicoStar UF: 50 ps @ 10 kHz,像直径12 mm

PicoStar: 80 ps @ 10 kHz,像直径18 mm

PicoStarHR: 200 ps @ < 110 MHz, 像直径18 mm

ModStar: 增益调制深度可达100%,调制频率可达 1 GHz,

适用用于频域 FLIM  

CCD 传感器 640 x 480 / 512 x 512 / 1376 x 1040 像素

模数转换位数 12 -16 bit

像增强器 12 或 18 mm 孔径




荧光寿命成像光谱 (FLIM)





时间门采样和测距(LIDAR 等.)


  • 采用LaVision公司独有的,快门宽度最小可达50皮秒的增强型CCD相机,通过化疗可咯和多模光学成像方法对光子激发诱导线粒体损伤机理进行了研究。

    医疗/卫生 2017-07-24

  • 采用德国LaVision公司独特的皮秒门宽增强型CCD相机对鼠抗体样本进行了增强器快门门宽尺度对基于寿命的福斯特共振能量转移(FRET)参数的估计的研究。

    生物产业 2017-07-18

  • An imaging fibre bundle is demonstrated for spatially-multiplexed probe beam delivery in OCT, with the aim of eliminating the mechanical scanning currently required at the probe tip in endoscopic systems. Each fibre in the bundle addresses a Fizeau interferometer formed between the bundle end and the sample, allowing acquisition of information across a plane with a single measurement. Depth scanning components are now contained within a processing interferometer external to the completely passive endoscope probe. The technique has been evaluated in our laboratory for non-biological samples. Images acquired using the bundle-based system are presented. The potential of the system is assessed, with reference to SNR performance and acquisition speed.

    医疗/卫生 2016-10-24

  • Research on laser-liquid interaction and its induced fluid flows, as well as microbubbles, is important in many applications, such as laser ophthalmic microsurgery, manufacturing and repairing of micro-electronic-mechanical devices, laser deposition of thin liquid film to a specific location in micro system, etc. This work was focused on the interaction mechanisms of a laser pulse with distilled/degassed water as well as the characteristics of the microbubbles. Microbubbles and optohydrodynamic flows induced by a Nd:YAG pulse laser (New Wave Research) were studied. A recently improved PIV and PDA system were used to analyze the bubble dynamics and fluid flow quantitatively. Two CCD cameras were used to capture the images of microbubbles and visualize the laser induced Optohydrodynamic flows. The experimental results show that a bright fluid beam (density flow) with duration less than 127&#956;s is produced by a focused laser pulse while an explosive cavitation just around the focus point is also occurred. Immediately following the fluid beam and the explosive cavitation, two new fluid regions which may be formed with the superheated dense fluid were found. One of them is just under the fluid beam due to the optical pressure while the other one is around the explosion area due to the force caused by the explosive cavitation. As shown in Figure 1, Single and multi microbubbles were generated immediately after the cavitation explosion when the nucleation conditions were satisfied. In addition, the characteristics, such as bubble velocities and diameters, were measured by a recently improved phase-Doppler anemometry (PDA). These results will help to have a better understanding of the mechanisms of laser-induced optohydrodynamic flows and bubbles related phenomena, which is crucial to numerical modeling.

    其他 2016-10-24

  • Research on laser-liquid interaction and its induced fluid flows, as well as microbubbles, is important in many applications, such as laser ophthalmic microsurgery, manufacturing and repairing of micro-electronic-mechanical devices, laser deposition of thin liquid film to a specific location in micro system, etc. This work was focused on the interaction mechanisms of a laser pulse with distilled/degassed water as well as the characteristics of the microbubbles. Microbubbles and optohydrodynamic flows induced by a Nd:YAG pulse laser (New Wave Research) were studied. A recently improved PIV and PDA system were used to analyze the bubble dynamics and fluid flow quantitatively. Two CCD cameras were used to capture the images of microbubbles and visualize the laser induced Optohydrodynamic flows. The experimental results show that a bright fluid beam (density flow) with duration less than 127&#956;s is produced by a focused laser pulse while an explosive cavitation just around the focus point is also occurred. Immediately following the fluid beam and the explosive cavitation, two new fluid regions which may be formed with the superheated dense fluid were found. One of them is just under the fluid beam due to the optical pressure while the other one is around the explosion area due to the force caused by the explosive cavitation. As shown in Figure 1, Single and multi microbubbles were generated immediately after the cavitation explosion when the nucleation conditions were satisfied. In addition, the characteristics, such as bubble velocities and diameters, were measured by a recently improved phase-Doppler anemometry (PDA). These results will help to have a better understanding of the mechanisms of laser-induced optohydrodynamic flows and bubbles related phenomena, which is crucial to numerical modeling.

    其他 2016-10-24

  • Nitric oxide laser-induced-fluorescence (NO-LIF) 2-D imaging measurements using a new multi-spectral detection strategy are reported for high-pressure flames (1–60 bar). This work builds on previous research that identified interference LIF from O2 and CO2 in high-pressure flames and optimized the choice of excitation strategies as a function of application conditions. In this study, design rules are presented to optimize the LIF detection wavelengths for quantitative 2-D NO-LIF measurements over a wide range of pressures (1–60 bar) and temperatures. Simultaneous detection of LIF in multiple wavelength regions enables correction of the NO signal for interference from O2 and CO2 and allows simultaneous imaging of all three species. New experiments of wavelength-resolved 1-D LIF in slightly lean (/ = 0.9) and slightly rich (/ = 1.1) methane/air flames are used to evaluate the design rules and estimate the NO detection limits for a wide range of flame conditions. The quantitative 2-D measurements of NO in the burnt gas are compared with model calculations (using GRI-Mech 3.0) versus pressure for slightly lean and slightly rich flames. The discussions and demonstrations reported in this study provide a practical guideline for application of instantaneous 1-D or 2-D NO-LIF imaging strategies in high-pressure combustion systems.  2006 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    其他 2016-10-24

  • This paper describes the development of an experimental technique that combines simultaneous planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) and infrared (IR) thermography imaging, and its application to the measurement of unsteady and conjugate heat-transfer in harmonically forced, thin liquid-film flows falling under the action of gravity over an inclined electrically heated-foil substrate. Quantitative, spatiotemporally resolved and simultaneously conducted measurements are reported of the film thickness, film free-surface temperature, solid–liquid substrate interface temperature, and local/instantaneous heat flux exchanged with the heated substrate. Based on this information, local and instantaneous heat-transfer coefficients (HTCs) are recovered. Results concerning the local and instantaneous HTC and how this is correlated with the local and instantaneous film thickness suggest considerable heat-transfer enhancement relative to steady-flow predictions in the thinner film regions. This behaviour is attributed to a number of unsteady/mixing transport processes within the wavy films that are not captured by laminar, steady-flow analysis. The Nusselt number Nu increases with the Reynolds number Re; at low Re values the mean Nu number corresponds to 2.5, in agreement with the steady-flow theory, while at higher Re, both the Nu number and the HTC exhibit significantly enhanced values. Evidence that the HTC becomes decoupled from the film thickness for the upper range of observed film thicknesses is also presented. Finally, smaller film thickness fluctuation intensities were associated with higher HTC fluctuation intensities, while the amplitude of the wall temperature fluctuations was almost proportional to the amplitude of the HTC fluctuations.

    其他 2016-10-17

  • The ignition characteristics of a premixed bluff-body burner under lean conditions were investigated experimentally and numerically with a physical model focusing on ignition probability. Visualisation of the flame with a 5 kHz OH* chemiluminescence camera confirmed that successful ignitions were those associated with the movement of the kernel upstream, consistent with previous work on non-premixed systems. Performing many separate ignition trials at the same spark position and flow conditions resulted in a quantification of the ignition probability Pign, which was found to decrease with increasing distance downstream of the bluff body and a decrease in equivalence ratio. Flows corresponding to flames close to the blow-off limit could not be ignited, although such flames were stable if reached from a richer already ignited condition. A detailed comparison with the local Karlovitz number and the mean velocity showed that regions of high Pign are associated with low Ka and negative bulk velocity (i.e. towards the bluff body), although a direct correlation was not possible. A modelling effort that takes convection and localised flame quenching into account by tracking stochastic virtual flame particles, previously validated for non-premixed and spray ignition, was used to estimate the ignition probability. The applicability of this approach to premixed flows was first evaluated by investigating the model’s flame propagation mechanism in a uniform turbulence field, which showed that the model reproduces the bending behaviour of the ST-versus-u curve. Then ignition simulations of the bluff-body burner were carried out. The ignition probability map was computed and it was found that the model reproduces all main trends found in the experimental study.

    其他 2016-10-17

  • 采用LaVision公司独有的,快门宽度最小可达50皮秒的增强型CCD相机,通过化疗可咯和多模光学成像方法对光子激发诱导线粒体损伤机理进行了研究。

    医疗/卫生 2017-07-24

  • An imaging fibre bundle is demonstrated for spatially-multiplexed probe beam delivery in OCT, with the aim of eliminating the mechanical scanning currently required at the probe tip in endoscopic systems. Each fibre in the bundle addresses a Fizeau interferometer formed between the bundle end and the sample, allowing acquisition of information across a plane with a single measurement. Depth scanning components are now contained within a processing interferometer external to the completely passive endoscope probe. The technique has been evaluated in our laboratory for non-biological samples. Images acquired using the bundle-based system are presented. The potential of the system is assessed, with reference to SNR performance and acquisition speed.

    医疗/卫生 2016-10-24

  • Amphiphysin 1, an endocytic adaptor concentrated at synapses that couples clathrin-mediated endocytosis to dynamin-dependent fission,wasalsoshownto have a regulatory role in actindynamics. Here, we report that amphiphysin 1 interacts with N-WASP and stimulates N-WASP- and Arp2/3-dependent actin polymerization. Both the Src homology 3 and the N-BAR domains are requiredforthisstimulation.Acidicliposome-triggered,N-WASPdependent actin polymerization is strongly impaired in brain cytosol of amphiphysin 1 knock-out mice. FRET-FLIM analysis of Sertoli cells, where endogenously expressed amphiphysin 1 colocalizes with N-WASP in peripheral ruffles, confirmed the association between the two proteins in vivo. This association undergoes regulation and is enhanced by stimulating phosphatidylserine receptors on the cell surface with phosphatidylserine- containing liposomes that trigger ruffle formation. These results indicate that actin regulation is a key function of amphiphysin 1 and that such function cooperates with the endocytic adaptor role and membrane shaping/curvature sensing properties of the protein during the endocytic reaction.

    医疗/卫生 2011-03-09

  • 采用德国LaVision公司独特的皮秒门宽增强型CCD相机对鼠抗体样本进行了增强器快门门宽尺度对基于寿命的福斯特共振能量转移(FRET)参数的估计的研究。

    生物产业 2017-07-18

  • NADPH oxidase (NOX2) is a multisubunit membrane-bound enzyme complex that, upon assembly in activated cells, catalyses the reduction of free oxygen to its superoxide anion, which further leads to reactive oxygen species (ROS) that are toxic to invading pathogens, for example, the fungus Aspergillus fumigatus. Polymorphonuclear cells (PMNs) employ both nonoxidative and oxidative mechanisms to clear this fungus from the lung. The oxidative mechanisms mainly depend on the proper assembly and function of NOX2. We identified for the first time the NAD(P)H-dependent enzymes involved in such oxidative mechanisms by means of biexponentialNAD(P)H-fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM). A specific fluorescence lifetime of 3670&#177;140 picoseconds as compared to 1870 picoseconds for NAD(P)H bound to mitochondrial enzymes could be associated with NADPH bound to oxidative enzymes in activated PMNs. Due to its predominance in PMNs and due to the use of selective activators and inhibitors, we strongly believe that this specific lifetime mainly originates from NOX2. Our experiments also revealed the high site specificity of the NOX2 assembly and, thus, of the ROS production as well as the dynamic nature of these phenomena. On the example of NADPH oxidase, we demonstrate the potential of NAD(P)H-based FLIM in selectively investigating enzymes during their cellular function.

    生物产业 2011-03-27

  • 利用德国LaVision公司门宽达到皮秒量级的超快门宽增强型CCD相机PicoStar研究二氧化钛微粒聚集体的局域化行为。

    石油/化工 2017-06-23

  • DaVis是德国LaVsion公司推出的应用于反应和非反应流场测量,材料表面成像和追迹以及超快成像的智能(激光)成像技术的完整软件平台。 DaVis以灵活的图像采集模块,可用户定制的应用界面和特殊应用软件包三大特色功能成就了完美的成像系统所需软件。 DaVis软件可满足用户以纳秒量级的精度进行相机曝光,外部照明以及外部触发的同步控制并能自由选择采集图像序列。除此之外,DaVis软件拥有各种成像设置和控制的功能。 DaVis软件对用户开放,这种特色结合软件本身的宏命令语言,能够使得成像系统快速适应从高深的科学研究到可靠的工业应用等各种不同测量需求。 不仅如此,DaVis还拥有灵活的图像采集模式,先进的图像处理算法,多维图像数据的智能存储和显示,多种硬件的软件控制等功能。 集成了2DPIV和3DPIV功能模块的DaVis软件,参加了连续三年的PIVChallenge(http://www.pivchallenge.org)评测活动,均取得了优异成绩。客观证明了DaVis软件平台的出色性能。 PIVChallenge的组织者将两次PIVChallenge 活动的结果作了详尽的总结,并将结果发表在了公开的网站和杂志上。有关文章和下载网址如下: 1. Stanislas M, Okamoto K, Kaehler C (2003) Main results of the First International PIV Challenge. Meas Sci Technol 14:R63-R89 下载地址: http://stacks.iop.org/0957-0233/14/R63 或: http://www.oplanchina.com/download/Stanislas PIV challenge 2001.pdf 2. Stanislas M, Okamoto K, Kaehler C, Westerweel J (2005) Main results of the Second International PIV Challenge. Exp Fluids 39: 170-191 下载地址:http://www.oplanchina.com/download/PIV Challenge 2003 Results.pdf

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