牛津仪器Ultim Extreme无窗超级能谱
牛津仪器Ultim Extreme无窗超级能谱

¥20万 - 30万




Ultim Extreme



  • 白金
  • 第23年
  • 一般经销商
  • 营业执照已审核

产地类别: 进口

仪器种类: 多探头

能量分辨率: 127eV

峰背比: 20000:1

最大计数率: 500,000cps

元素检测范围: Li-Bi

探测器面积: 100m㎡

窗口类型: 无窗



  • 可对锂元素进行检测和成像

  • 加速电压小于2kV时块状样品中的空间分辨率低于10nm

  • 在低于1kV加速电压下对材料进行表征

  • 与浸没式电镜相配合,可在高达30kV的加速电压下收集高质量的元素信息

Ultim Extreme 硅漂移探测器是高分辨率场发射扫描电镜应用的一个突破,可提供远远超越传统微米和纳米分析的解决方案。

Ultim Extreme是Ultim Max系列中的一款无窗能谱,晶体面积100mm2,经优化设计来尽可能提高灵敏度和空间分辨率。它采用跑道型结构设计,优化高分辨率场发射扫描电镜在低加速电压和短工作距离下工作时的成像和EDS性能,使用Ultim Extreme,EDS的空间分辨率接近扫描电镜的分辨率。

Ultim Extreme是高分辨率场发射扫描电镜应用中的一个突破性解决方案。该探测器实现了在低的加速电压(例如1-3kV)和非常短的工作距离下进行EDS数据采集和元素分析,从而在高SEM分辨率下分析纳米材料和表面的元素信息。

高分辨率场发射扫描电镜可以用来研究更小的纳米结构、界面和表面。然而,在这些分析条件下,工作距离很小,工作电压非很低,束流需要尽可能小以充分利用镜筒内探测器的电子信号,但现在没有EDS可提供此类元素表征。Ultim Extreme的出现改变了这种现状,它专为此类分析而设计:


  • 在更小的工作距离下工作

  • 在传统EDS安装接口上使立体角尽可能提高。立体角通常比Ultim 170大5倍,传感器与试样的距离缩短为普通探测器的一半


  • 与任何其他大面积探测器相比,立体角提高的同时,对低能端X射线的灵敏度提高了10~30倍

  • 新型电子电路提高对极低能量X射线的灵敏度, 增强了高计数率下低能量X射线的分析能力

  • 将AZtec Live和Tru-Q ®分析引擎结合实现低加速电压下的数据处理和分析

  • 优化TruMap用于低电压谱峰重叠校正

  • 为了实现这种独特的几何结构,Ultim Extreme采用非圆形100mm2传感器和无窗设计,这种设计已成功用于X-Max N 100TLE,以优化TEM的灵敏度。此外,该探测器采用新型的体积更小的的电子陷阱设计,可在高达7kV的电压下进行精确定量分析,并在较高能量下进行元素定性分析


FIB载网Omniprobe四齿铜网100个/盒           FIB全钨取样针Omniprobe全钨探针10根/盒

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网格标样栅格网标样放大倍率校正标样             金颗粒标样2-30nm,分辨率测定标样

333.jpg       444.jpg



  • Introduction Historically energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy has been focused towards high energies where X-ray lines are well separated and the X-ray background is low. Recently the demand for higher spatial resolution, whether that is when analysing semiconductor devices or measuring precipitates in metals, has increased dramatically. To ensure maximum sensitivity when working under these demanding conditions the Ultim® range of EDS detectors combine the largest area SDD with optimised geometries to consistently deliver a higher count rate.

    电子/电气 2020-06-15

  • Testing EDS spatial resolution using a tin sphere on carbon imaging standard Using 2 kV at 5 mm WD, a spectrum image (6,500 cps, 15 minutes) was collected from an area of the standard where the smallest spheres were concentrated. The X-ray data were reconstructed into a ‘layered map’ combining the Sn M (400 eV) and O K signals from the Sn spheres (Fig. 1). Inspection of the image shows that spheres down to 10 nm in diameter are clearly differentiated. Smaller spheres, which were measured at 7.5 nm, can also be distinguished in the image.

    电子/电气 2020-06-15

  • The growth and manufacture of nanomaterials and nanostructure is fundamentally different to traditional top down manufacturing. Nanowires and 2D materials such as Graphene, MoS2 and hBN are grown by a catalytic self-assembly process and can be used to enhance current devices and build new device architectures.

    材料 2019-07-31

  • The properties and uses of many polymers can be modified by varying their formulation and by the use of additives.

    石油/化工 2019-07-31

  • A detailed measurement of porosity, connectivity and fluid content is fundamental to the evaluation of a rock’s reservoir potential.

    地矿 2019-07-31

  • Mineral liberation is a critical stage in the production of high quality mineralogical concentrates from their ores. The products (concentrates) must be of a suitable degree of purity for the downstream processes in which they will be used. The original mined ore must be processed via comminution (crushing, grinding and classification) to liberate the desired minerals from it and via concentration (froth flotation, gravity separation, magnetic separation) to enrich the mineral content to the desired level. In order to design, diagnose, monitor and optimise the process, information is needed on the extent to which the valuable mineral grains have been released from the accompanying gangue minerals (degree of liberation) and to which form they are lost in tailings (deportment studies).

    地矿 2018-01-08

  • Introduction Application Note As semiconductor devices continue to decrease in size to improve performance and take advantage of advances in fabrication techniques, there is a need to analyse both their structure and chemistry at ever increasing resolution. Typically this requires the use of TEM for metrology and failure analysis. Using ultrahigh resolution FEG-SEM, low kV imaging and the new X-Max® Extreme EDS detector we demonstrate the ability to retain some of this high resolution analysis in the SEM. This allows for better targeting of resources and increased throughput of analysis.

    半导体 2020-06-15

  • 高性能电动汽车等高新技术领域对高效动力转换的需求与日俱增,在这些领域高效动力转换必不可少。SiC 和 GaN 材料的使用降低了能耗。牛津仪器通过原子层沉积(ALD)技术、等离子体辅助蚀刻和沉积技术优化了工艺,提高了器件的能效。

    半导体 2019-07-31

  • Introduction Historically energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy has been focused towards high energies where X-ray lines are well separated and the X-ray background is low. Recently the demand for higher spatial resolution, whether that is when analysing semiconductor devices or measuring precipitates in metals, has increased dramatically. To ensure maximum sensitivity when working under these demanding conditions the Ultim® range of EDS detectors combine the largest area SDD with optimised geometries to consistently deliver a higher count rate.

    电子/电气 2020-06-15

  • Testing EDS spatial resolution using a tin sphere on carbon imaging standard Using 2 kV at 5 mm WD, a spectrum image (6,500 cps, 15 minutes) was collected from an area of the standard where the smallest spheres were concentrated. The X-ray data were reconstructed into a ‘layered map’ combining the Sn M (400 eV) and O K signals from the Sn spheres (Fig. 1). Inspection of the image shows that spheres down to 10 nm in diameter are clearly differentiated. Smaller spheres, which were measured at 7.5 nm, can also be distinguished in the image.

    电子/电气 2020-06-15

  • An important part of the research and development of thin-film solar cells is the characterisation of microstructural and compositional properties of the functional layers. For this purpose, energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS) and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) represent techniques which exhibit spatial resolutions on the nanometer scale but can be, at the same time, applied on large areas of several square millimeters. The application of EDS and EBSD is demonstrated on this example of thin-film solar cells with Cu(In,Ga)Se2 absorber layers. While EDS provides elemental distributions even in layers with a nominal thickness of 30-50 nm, EBSD gives not only information of average grain sizes, local orientations and grain boundaries. Moreover, strain distributions within individual grains can be calculated by the evaluation of EBSD patterns recorded on individual grains.

    能源/新能源 2018-01-08

  • The growth and manufacture of nanomaterials and nanostructure is fundamentally different to traditional top down manufacturing. Nanowires and 2D materials such as Graphene, MoS2 and hBN are grown by a catalytic self-assembly process and can be used to enhance current devices and build new device architectures.

    材料 2019-07-31


保修期: 详询工程师



免费培训: 详询工程师

免费仪器保养: 详询工程师

保内维修承诺: 详询工程师

报修承诺: 详询工程师

  • Ultim® Extreme SEM中EDS分析高空间分辨率和低能端性能。将Extreme电子电路、无窗设计与几何结构和传感器的优化设计相结合,灵敏度比传统大面积SDD高15倍。

    31740MB 2020-07-15

牛津仪器X射线能谱仪Ultim Extreme的工作原理介绍

X射线能谱仪Ultim Extreme的使用方法?

牛津仪器Ultim Extreme多少钱一台?

X射线能谱仪Ultim Extreme可以检测什么?

X射线能谱仪Ultim Extreme使用的注意事项?

牛津仪器Ultim Extreme的说明书有吗?

牛津仪器X射线能谱仪Ultim Extreme的操作规程有吗?

牛津仪器X射线能谱仪Ultim Extreme报价含票含运吗?

牛津仪器Ultim Extreme有现货吗?

牛津仪器Ultim Extreme无窗超级能谱信息由牛津仪器科技(上海)有限公司为您提供,如您想了解更多关于牛津仪器Ultim Extreme无窗超级能谱报价、型号、参数等信息,牛津仪器客服电话:400-860-2711,欢迎来电或留言咨询。


