
检测样品: 原油
检测项目: 重金属
浏览次数: 168
发布时间: 2018-03-09
关联设备: 2种 查看全部



解决方案总数: 143 方案总浏览次数:
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石脑油(naphtha)是以原油或其他原料加工生产的用于化工原料的轻质油,主要用于裂解制取乙烯、丙烯等产品,是重要的化工原料。石脑油中的汞含量必须控制在一定范围,一旦超标将直接影响乙烯产品品质和操作人员的身体健康,而且会加速管线和设备腐蚀,如发生漏油、漏气情况极易引发火灾。 LUMEX石脑油方案符合美国材料协会 ASTM D7622-10(2015) 以及检验检疫标准SN/T 4429.2-2016原油中总汞含量的测定 塞曼校正冷原子吸收光谱法 测定石脑油中的汞含量。两项标准均采用LUMEX塞曼校正测汞技术分析原油中的汞含量。LUMEX公司在欧洲及美国拥有广泛的客户群,康菲石油,壳牌等均是LUMEX产品长期采购客户。 塞曼校正技术分析原油及石脑油具有高灵敏、高选择性以及抗干扰性强等特点,能有效去除原油及石脑油中的芳香族伪数据等问题。


重 DETERMINATION OF THE MERCURY CONCENTRATION IN NAPHTHACOMPLIANT WITH ASTM D7622-10(2015) INTRODUCTION The mercury concentration in crude oil and petroleum products can vary in a wide range of less than 0.1 ppbto dozens ppm. Direct mercury determination in crude oil and petroleum products at the range above 5 ppbis covered by ASTM D7622-10(2015) "Standard test method for total mercury in crude oil usingcombustion and direct cold vapor atomic absorption method with Zeeman background correction".Mercury determination in naphtha and light petroleum products (condensate, gasoline and diesel fuel) at alevel below 5 ppb is a vital problem for the oil refining and petrochemical industry. Complex organic matriximpedes conventional quantitative analysis for mercury. MEASURING METHOD The proposed method of direct mercury determination in naphtha, condensate, and light oil products isbased on the atomization of mercury contained in the sample in a PYRO-915+ attachment and subsequentmercury determination by flameless AAS with a mercury analyzer RA-915M. At the mercury concentration above 1-5 ppb (ug/kg), the analysis is made directly without any samplepreparation and mercury accumulation on a sorbent. The sample of 50-200 pl is sufficient for mercurydetermination in a range of 5 ppbto 100 ppm. The analysis takes 1-2 min. If the mercury concentration is below 1-5 ppb, a preconcentration step is required. Mercury is extracted to aspecial solid sorbent from a sample of 1-5 ml that reduces the limit of detection down to 0.02 ppb. Theanalysis takes 5-6 min. ANALYSIS FEATURES : Simple measurement procedure and user-friendly interface . No sample preparation is necessary in the case of mercury concentration above 1-5 ppb. . Preconcentration from a 1-5 ml sample is required for mercury determination at a sub-ppb level. Very fast analysis taking from 1 to 5 min. . Wide dynamic measurement range, no "memory effect". . The SRM of any composition can be used for calibration and validation of composition. The calibration coefficient has long-term (months).stability Control of the non-selective absorption during the measurement process excludes analysis errors. . Visualization of the mercury release from the sample via a user-friendly computer interface. No need for cylinders with compressed oxygen or other carrier gas. . Low running cost. ANALYTICAL CHARACTERISTICS Direct Analysis Preconcentration Sample composition crude oil, condensate, naphtha, gasoline, diesel fuel, lubricants, etc. condensate, naphtha,gasoline, diesel fuel Sample volume 20-200 ul 1-5 ml Detection limit 1-5 ppb 0.1 ppb Upper limit of the measurementrange 10,000 ppb 20 ppb Measurement time 1-2 min 5-6 min EQUIPMENT AND REAGENTS The following equipment and materials are used for analysis ● Mercury analyzer RA-915M or RA-915+with PYRO-915+ attachment; PC with Windows@XP/Vista/7/8 and RAPID software: Any certified SRM of mercury; . Set for mercury preconcentration. EXAMPLES OF ANALYSIS Measuring mercury concentration in naphtha using the preconcentration step. Sampleweight, mg C, ppb 1 2537 0.70 2 2679 0.77 3 1447 0.72 4 3906 0.74 5 1855 0.79 6 2137 0.78 7 3106 0.72 8 3034 0.70 9 1743 0.68 10 3717 0.70 Cav, ppb 0.730 sD 0.037 RSD,% 5.1 1-sample weight 1.45 g; (measured value is 0.72 ug/kg) 2-sample weight 3.03 g; (measured value is 0.70 ug/kg) The information in this leaflet is supplemental. To get more specific information on this method, please contact the developer of thismethod LUMEX INSTRUMENT Group. NORTH AMERICAEUROPERUSSIACHINALumex Instruments CanadaLumex Analytics GmbHLumex-Marketing LLCBeijing Lumex Analytical0890278 B.C. Ltd.E-mail: info@lumexanalytics.deE-mail: sales@lumex.ruEquipment Co. Ltd.E-mail: eaa@lumexinstruments.comwww.lumexanalytics.dewww.lumexinstruments.comE-mail: lumex@lumex.com.cnWww.lumexinstruments.comwww.lumexcn.com www.lumexinstruments.com 石脑油(naphtha)是石油产品之一,又叫化工轻油,是以原油或其他原料加工生产的用于化工原料的轻质油,主要用于裂解制取乙烯、丙烯等产品,是重要的化工原料。石脑油通常含有铅、汞、砷、硫、氯等杂质,其含量必须控制在一定范围,一旦超标将直接影响乙烯产品品质和操作人员的身体健康,而且会加速管线和设备腐蚀,如发生漏油、漏气情况极易引发火灾。LUMEX石脑油方案符合美国材料协会 ASTM D7622-10(2015)  以及检验检疫标准SN/T 4429.2-2016原油中总汞含量的测定 塞曼校正冷原子吸收光谱法 测定石脑油中的汞含量。两项标准均采用LUMEX塞曼校正测汞技术分析原油中的汞含量。LUMEX公司在欧洲及美国拥有广泛的客户群,康菲石油,壳牌等均是LUMEX产品长期采购客户。塞曼校正技术分析原油及石脑油具有高灵敏、高选择性以及抗干扰性强等特点,能有效去除原油及石脑油中的芳香族伪数据等问题。 





LUMEX INSTRUMENTS (鲁美科思分析仪器)为您提供《石脑油,化工油,轻质油,原油中汞含量检测方案(测汞仪)》,该方案主要用于原油中重金属检测,参考标准--,《石脑油,化工油,轻质油,原油中汞含量检测方案(测汞仪)》用到的仪器有LUMEX应急便携测汞仪RA-915M(汞分析仪)、LUMEX紫外/荧光测油仪Fluorat