
检测样品: 汽车涂层和镀层
检测项目: 涂层和镀层性能
浏览次数: 230
发布时间: 2017-05-16
关联设备: 1种 查看全部



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汽车工业中涂漆层用来防腐及避免外界损伤,这些漆层暴露在环境当中承受诸如剧烈的温度变化,水蒸气以及盐等因素的影响。除此之外,汽车工业中的涂层还要具备一定的韧性能够承受石屑等的刮擦,如洗车当中。因此,这需要漆层在硬度和弹性之间达到平衡。 Fischer的HM2000可以快速、准确、定量的测量和分析漆层的马氏硬度(一种专门衡量软性材料的塑性和弹性的通用硬度)、弹性模量、蠕变、松弛、弹性功等机械性能,以这种方式,一些化工工艺可以在制造过程当中或喷涂硬化过程中快速制定。 更多详细信息请联系Fischer!


Coating Thicknesshh Material Analysis Application of FISCHER products AN019en Mechanical characterisation of lacquer coatings inautomotive applications In the automotive industry paint coatings are usedas protection from corrosion and external damage.These lacquers are exposed toenvironmentalinfluences such as extreme temperature fluctuationsormoistureandsalt.In addition, automotivecoatings must exhibit a certain toughness to makethem resistant to stone chips and scratches, forexample inn car washes. This requires the rightbalances between hardness and elasticity. Car paint has to fulfill different functions and possessestherefore various properties. A quick differentiation anddetermination of its properties is possible with thecharacteristic parameters obtained from theinstrumented indentation test: The Martens hardness (HM) and the Martens hardnessafter creeping (HMcR) are values which specify plasticand elastic properties of the paint coating. Theindentation hardness (Hir) considers only the plasticportion of tthhee material deformation. The hardneSSparameters provide conclusions about aging, curing,cross-linking,embrittlement through UVradiation,hardness change through temperature influences andthe degree of polymerisation of the lacquer. Fig. 1:Weathering rack in Florida of the company Atlas with various carbody parts One of themostirimportantaadvantagesofttheinstrumented indentation test is the determination ofelastic properties. Parameters like the modulus ofindentation (Eir), elastic recovery (nit), creep amaximum load (CiT 1) and creep at minimum load (CiT2)can be detected using this method. The parametersPalalldescribed above allow various conclusions regardingvisco-elastic properties of lacquer coatings. These inturn show the vulnerability of the lacquer againstweather influences, its susceptibility to rockfall, the abilityto heal in case of scratches and the reflow behaviour. Sample HM[N/mm²1 nIT[%] C IT1[%] CIT2[%] Ei[kN/mm21 A(mean)(standard dev.) 42.91.2 23.40.8 18.40.2 -10.60.3 1,390.1 B (mean)(standard dev.) 143.05.6 45.70.4 6.10.1 -9.00.3 3,070.1 Fig.2: Martens hardness plot and plastic and elastic measurementparameters for 2K automotive repair paints; A being a soft sample and Ba hard one Using the FISCHERSCOPEIHM2000 makes thedetermination of material characteristics like surfacehardness, cross-linking, elastic modulus and healingbehaviour in case of scratches simple and easy. Inthis manner, several chemical process parameterscan be determined quickly during manufacturing orhardening of automotive paint coatings. Your localFISCHER representative will be happy to answerfurther questions. 汽车工业中涂漆层用来防腐及避免外界损伤,这些漆层暴露在环境当中承受诸如剧烈的温度变化,水蒸气以及盐等因素的影响。除此之外,汽车工业中的涂层还要具备一定的韧性能够承受石屑等的刮擦,如洗车当中。因此,这需要漆层在硬度和弹性之间达到平衡。Fischer的HM2000可以快速、准确、定量的测量和分析漆层的马氏硬度(一种专门衡量软性材料的塑性和弹性的通用硬度)、弹性模量、蠕变、松弛、弹性功等机械性能,以这种方式,一些化工工艺可以在制造过程当中或喷涂硬化过程中快速制定。更多详细信息请联系Fischer!





