SPARC -高性能SEM阴极发光成像系统
SPARC -高性能SEM阴极发光成像系统
SPARC -高性能SEM阴极发光成像系统
SPARC -高性能SEM阴极发光成像系统
SPARC -高性能SEM阴极发光成像系统
SPARC -高性能SEM阴极发光成像系统
SPARC -高性能SEM阴极发光成像系统
SPARC -高性能SEM阴极发光成像系统
SPARC -高性能SEM阴极发光成像系统
SPARC -高性能SEM阴极发光成像系统

¥150万 - 200万







  • 铜牌
  • 第8年
  • 一般经销商
  • 营业执照已审核

产地类别: 进口

ARC(angle resolved cathodoluminescence)由FOM Institute of AMOLF的Peter Polman group 创新研发, 获得2014年MRS创新大奖。 后由荷兰Delmic公司重新设计并商用,它是一套高性能的阴极发光检测系统。凭借独特的高精度镜面,SPARC开辟了新的研究途径,如电子束引起的纳米光子学。灵敏度和易用性,SPARC帮助和推动科学家将阴极发光应用到更多高阶研究领域。




系统无干涉安装在SEM提供的真空端口上,内部硬件可电动回退。恢复电镜到原始状态异常简单轻松, 您只需要操作软件,点击抛物镜回退功能即可。整个过程不到五分钟,就可完整恢复SEM到其原始状态。




SPARC提供非常独特的角分辨解析图像。与常规通过光纤或狭窄开口耦合光线不同,大面积半抛物反射镜直接耦合反射到成像照相机,大幅度提高光子收集效率。最特别的是, 系统还能检测光的发射方向性,也常被称为瞬间光谱。在这种模式下,调整使用滤光片转轮上特定滤波片用于选择需要的波长。


当SPARC系统运行在光谱模式下,从反射镜传递来的光聚焦在光栅或柴尔尼 - 特纳摄谱仪成像。不同的成像探测器可以覆盖200nm-1600nm的光谱范围。通过电子束扫描整个样品,就可以得到高空间分辨率的光谱图像。




Odemis 软件

模块化设计加上开源的ODEMIS软件, 我们提供友好交互解决方案以服务广泛的用户类型。 我们提供系统化解决方案,实现真正根据应用需求定制化的独特的系统,充分满足科学家不同的需求。


强大的软件功能,比如图像自动峰值校准,即时极性制图、图像到处和漂移校正等,提高您图像采集的效率和质量。开源程序使用Python语言编写, 专家用户可以自己二次开发全面定制属于自己的图像算法和硬件控制

  • 采用极化直接观察纳米光子特征 Rotating plate polarimeter consisting of a quarter-wave plate (QWP) and linear polarizer (LP) • Polarization is different for every emission angle • Correction for the mirror to go from detector to sample plane

    能源/新能源 2019-06-03

  • The new white paper, which demonstrates the possibilities of studying alluvial sapphires from Australia with cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging. This research shows how cathodoluminescence can help to assess crystallisation histories of the precious gemstones and underlying causes for luminescence. While being used for a wide range of geological application, including sedimentary petrology, igneous petrology, metamorphic petrology, crystal growth, and gemstone identification, cathodoluminescence is not a common technique to study natural sapphires. However, it is used on zircons frequently to see zircon growth crystallisation, and due to the color zonation in some sapphires, hyperspectral cathodoluminescence was used (together with laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry) to examine zonation and trace element defects to understand the conditions of sapphire formation. The CL measurements for this research were performed with the SPARC, a cathodoluminescence detector, which was mounted on FEG scanning electron microscope (SEM) from Thermo Fisher Scientific/FEI. The results illustrate a strong correlation between color, trace element concentrations, and spectral CL measurements of sapphires.

    地矿 2018-12-12

  • While most of the time perovskites are grown in a more traditional shape of thin-films and nanocrystals, it was discovered recently that with the use of carbonate salts perovskite materials can take a large variety of complex 3D shapes.

    能源/新能源 2018-07-09

  • 自动旋转QWP,LP,软件自动纠正偏差, 直接成像 Light is a transverse electromag- netic wave: the electric and mag- netic fields that compose the light wave always oscillate trans- versely to the propagation direc- tion. Besides color (energy) and momentum (propagation direc- tion), light is also characterized by a polarization which describes in what direction these electro- magnetic fields oscillate. If the electromagnetic oscillations re- main in the same plane, the po- larization is referred to as linear but this plane can also rotate while the wave is propagating. In that case, the polarization is elliptical which can be either left- (anti-clockwise) or right-handed (clockwise) depending on the direction of rotation (circular polarization is a special case of elliptical polarization).

    能源/新能源 2018-04-27

  • 长期以来阴极发光成像是地质研究的有力工具。最新的技术说明(technical note)为您讲解大面积高光谱阴极发光成像的采集模式。大面积(large area)光谱采集模式主要用于面积较大标本的阴极发光成像,例如锆石和其他矿物。 为了达到大面积阴极发光成像,特地调整光学模组中的光学器件,故意使狭缝平面中的CL焦点散焦。通过这一技术,我们就可以均匀地收集到较大阴极发光视场(FOV),视场大约~300×200μm2。通过调整狭缝宽度,平衡高效率(HE)和视野大小(与正常CL采集相比)

    地矿 2019-03-29

  • The new white paper, which demonstrates the possibilities of studying alluvial sapphires from Australia with cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging. This research shows how cathodoluminescence can help to assess crystallisation histories of the precious gemstones and underlying causes for luminescence. While being used for a wide range of geological application, including sedimentary petrology, igneous petrology, metamorphic petrology, crystal growth, and gemstone identification, cathodoluminescence is not a common technique to study natural sapphires. However, it is used on zircons frequently to see zircon growth crystallisation, and due to the color zonation in some sapphires, hyperspectral cathodoluminescence was used (together with laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry) to examine zonation and trace element defects to understand the conditions of sapphire formation. The CL measurements for this research were performed with the SPARC, a cathodoluminescence detector, which was mounted on FEG scanning electron microscope (SEM) from Thermo Fisher Scientific/FEI. The results illustrate a strong correlation between color, trace element concentrations, and spectral CL measurements of sapphires.

    地矿 2018-12-12

  • 充分利用SEM的高空间分辨率, 结合阴极发光对材料的官能表征, 实现纳米级光学性能和材料结构表征。 ARC(angle resolved cathodoluminescence)由FOM Institute of AMOLF的Albert Polman group 创新研发, 获得2014年MRS创新大奖。 后由荷兰Delmic公司重新设计并商用,它是一套高性能的阴极荧光检测系统。凭借独特的高精度镜面,SPARC开辟了新的研究途径,如电子束引起的纳米光子学。灵敏度和易用性,SPARC帮助科学家推动阴极荧光到更多和更高阶应用。

    地矿 2018-02-10

  • These results illustrate that the SPARC CL system provides an excellent platform to quickly reveal zonation patterns in such minerals and that it can also be used as an effective screening tool for ad

    地矿 2017-02-27

  • 采用极化直接观察纳米光子特征 Rotating plate polarimeter consisting of a quarter-wave plate (QWP) and linear polarizer (LP) • Polarization is different for every emission angle • Correction for the mirror to go from detector to sample plane

    能源/新能源 2019-06-03

  • While most of the time perovskites are grown in a more traditional shape of thin-films and nanocrystals, it was discovered recently that with the use of carbonate salts perovskite materials can take a large variety of complex 3D shapes.

    能源/新能源 2018-07-09

  • 自动旋转QWP,LP,软件自动纠正偏差, 直接成像 Light is a transverse electromag- netic wave: the electric and mag- netic fields that compose the light wave always oscillate trans- versely to the propagation direc- tion. Besides color (energy) and momentum (propagation direc- tion), light is also characterized by a polarization which describes in what direction these electro- magnetic fields oscillate. If the electromagnetic oscillations re- main in the same plane, the po- larization is referred to as linear but this plane can also rotate while the wave is propagating. In that case, the polarization is elliptical which can be either left- (anti-clockwise) or right-handed (clockwise) depending on the direction of rotation (circular polarization is a special case of elliptical polarization).

    能源/新能源 2018-04-27

  • 斯坦福大学与荷兰AMOLF Polman教授课题组采用纳米光学技术在光伏结构设计应用, 利用阴极发光实现纳米尺度光学3D重构。 文章发表在nature nanotechnology杂志。视频简要介绍其中的机理。

    能源/新能源 2017-08-13

用户单位 采购时间
西安电子科技大学 2017-07-20










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