安捷伦 1260 Infinity II 单元液相色谱系统
安捷伦 1260 Infinity II 单元液相色谱系统





1260 Infinity II 单元



  • 钻石
  • 第23年
  • 生产商
  • 营业执照已审核

仪器种类: 常规高效液相色谱


连续稳定运行的液相色谱平台,值得您的信赖。 Agilent 1260 Infinity II 液相色谱拥有满足您期望的性能,以及稳定性和可靠性,让您的分析、仪器和实验室效率迈上一个新台阶,带给您信心十足的日常分析结果。该仪器十分可靠,将最新色谱柱技术与先进备件完美结合,确保实现稳定的分离和稳健的检测性能。轻松的色谱柱操作,出色的样品流程,从样品提交到数据分析都能确保快速的周转时间和最高的仪器利用率。无缝的方法转移和逐步升级的方式有助于对现有架构进行零风险整合,在预算范围之内实现无干扰的方法转移,并获得最高的性能。


● 兼容传统和超高性能的液相色谱 – 操作压力高达 600 bar,1260 Infinity II 四元泵是 Poroshell 120 色谱柱的理想之选。

● 超低的残留 — 1260 Infinity II Multisampler 的多重清洗功能可在多次运行间清洁所有相关的进样部件。此复杂、集成功能用三种溶剂由内而外冲洗进样针,采用针座反冲程序,能成功将残留降至 10 ppm 以下。

● 缩短循环时间 — 得益于安捷伦独特的双针头设计,您可以通过两个进样通道交替运行样品。将循环时间缩短至数秒钟,基本消除了传统的等待时间,不论对大体积上样还是冲洗步骤,均是如此。

● 高效的样品处理和流程 — 1260 Infinity Multisampler 采用浅孔板抽取器,最多可容纳 16 个微量滴定板和 6144 个样品,是容量最高的单一系统。

● 高效的色谱柱操作和温度控制 — 1260 Infinity II 高容量柱温箱通过一个快速切换阀直接连接每根色谱柱,可最多容纳四根色谱柱,极具灵活性,无需断开和重新连接色谱柱。

● 快速连接,轻松方便 — 采用 InfinityLab Quick-Connect 接头节省时间并减少故障。

● 更高质量的数据 — 1260 Infinity II 二极管阵列检测器 HS 能够信心十足地提供更低的检测限和更高质量的数据。

● 高效的控制、采集和报告 — 安捷伦的仪器控制体系 (ICF) 可以通过第三方色谱数据系统平稳控制安捷伦液相色谱仪器。


  • Agilent GeneSpring and Mass Profiler Professional (MPP) software was used to perform integrated multi-omics analysis of mRNA expression, miRNA expression, protein expression, and copy number aberration (CNA) associated with glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), the most frequent and lethal of the central nervous system tumors. The genomic data was obtained from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) project. The molecular subtypes defined by TCGA for GBM were based on mRNA expression. We applied GeneSpring metadata analysis framework to explore the relationship between GBM subtypes and genomic CNA. A multi-omics correlation analysis was performed between mRNAs involved in neurogenesis and their validated miRNAs highlighting the molecular events in Proneural tumors that result in suppression of p53 signaling. Furthermore, a combined analysis of mRNA expression data from TCGA with an independent, label-free GBM proteomics study revealed core subset of 54 signature genes and proteins highlighting the integrated biology analysis power of GeneSpring/MPP software. The core genomics signature clearly differentiated the known tumor subtypes in TCGA cohort. Intriguingly, while TCGA categorization of the proteomics samples were not experimentally determined, the core proteomics signature separated this cohort in 2 or 3 groups, suggesting that different TCGA subtypes may be present.

    医疗/卫生 2016-07-22

  • Agilent GeneSpring and Mass Profiler Professional (MPP) software was used to perform integrated multi-omics analysis of mRNA expression, miRNA expression, protein expression, and copy number aberration (CNA) associated with glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), the most frequent and lethal of the central nervous system tumors. The genomic data was obtained from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) project. The molecular subtypes defined by TCGA for GBM were based on mRNA expression. We applied GeneSpring metadata analysis framework to explore the relationship between GBM subtypes and genomic CNA. A multi-omics correlation analysis was performed between mRNAs involved in neurogenesis and their validated miRNAs highlighting the molecular events in Proneural tumors that result in suppression of p53 signaling. Furthermore, a combined analysis of mRNA expression data from TCGA with an independent, label-free GBM proteomics study revealed core subset of 54 signature genes and proteins highlighting the integrated biology analysis power of GeneSpring/MPP software. The core genomics signature clearly differentiated the known tumor subtypes in TCGA cohort. Intriguingly, while TCGA categorization of the proteomics samples were not experimentally determined, the core proteomics signature separated this cohort in 2 or 3 groups, suggesting that different TCGA subtypes may be present.

    医疗/卫生 2016-07-22

  • 安捷伦600bar液相系统:效率提高10倍,获得更好分离结果;大幅降低使用成本,节约实验室费用,第一年节省的费用甚至超过仪器升级费用的3-5倍;100% HPLC 兼容性;多种扩展方案,为未来提供无限潜能;仪器可选择二元或四元系统,色谱柱可选择 Poroshell 120 色谱柱或 RRHT 色谱柱。

    230MB 2016-08-08
  • 一个样品,上千种条件,一个结果。 Agilent 1200 Infinity 系列方法开发解决方案提供有上千种可快速自动访问的、独特的液相色谱分离条件,可以最大限度地提高仪器的效率和性能。

    212MB 2014-03-07
  • 了解安捷伦液相色谱和液质联用系统纯化解决方案 安捷伦提供各式高性能仪器、色谱柱、软件以及服务组合,不论样品是几微克还是数公斤,都能获得高纯化结果。用最短的时间和最少的成本获得最高的回收率和纯度。

    230MB 2014-03-07

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液相色谱仪1260 Infinity II 单元可以检测什么?

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安捷伦 1260 Infinity II 单元液相色谱系统信息由安捷伦科技(中国)有限公司为您提供,如您想了解更多关于安捷伦 1260 Infinity II 单元液相色谱系统报价、型号、参数等信息,安捷伦客服电话:400-629-8889,欢迎来电或留言咨询。


