
检测样品: 其他食品
检测项目: 农药残留
浏览次数: 116
发布时间: 2018-04-27
关联设备: 2种 查看全部



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使用UltiMate 3000 RSLC在一个系统平台上执行全系列HPLC或纳升级HPLC应用系统。为了增加流动相灵活性,包括Thermo Scientific™Dionex™Ultimate™HPG-3400RS 包括快速分离二元泵,提供真正的冲击梯度具有出色的保留时间精度。


Thermo ScientificPesticide Explorer Collection Start-to-finish workflows for pesticide analysis Comprehensive Pesticide Analysis Solutions Pesticide Explorer Collection Selection table Triple Quadrupole Solutions Orbitrap Solutions 1-Standard Quan 2-Premium Quan 3-HRAM Quan 4-HRAM Quan/Qual Lab Profile Routine-Standard Quantitation Routine-High Sensitivity Quantitation Routine -Targeted HRAM Quantitation Routine Plus - Targeted and Non-targeted Screening and Quantitation Workflow and Components Targeted Targeted Targeted Targeted + Non-targeted Thermo ScientificQuEChERS kit Pre-set Methods (LC-MS) Thermo ScientificAccucoreaQ C18 LC columns (100x2.1 mm,2.6um) Thermo Scientific"UltiMate"3000 LC system (HPG-3400RS) MS System Thermo ScientificTSQ Endura MS Thermo ScientificTSQ Quantiva MS Thermo ScientificQ ExactiveFocus MS Software Thermo ScientificTraceFindersoftware Thermo Scientific Compound Discoverer" software Thermo ScientificSIEVEsoftware Thermo ScientificHRAM MS/MS Spectral Library Quick-Start Manual 3-day training The Thermo ScientificPesticides Explorer Collectionis a comprehensive set of liquid chromatography-massspectrometry (LC-MS) solutions designed for laboratoriesperforming routine quantitation, targeted and non-targetedscreening of pesticide residues in food matrices. Eachconfiguration includes all the workflow components needed-consumables, hardware, software and built-in instrument anddata processing methods-pre-configured and tested, fromyour single trusted supplier, Thermo Fisher Scientific. Choice of configurations simplify complex pesticide methods To ensure your immediate success, the Pesticide Explorer Collection is available in four pre-configured, pre-tested solutions. For laboratories performing routine targeted quantitation, the Pesticide Explorer Collection offers two triple quadrupole massspectrometer workflow-based configurations for Standard and Premier Quantitation. The Standard Quantitation configurationincludes the TSQ Endura triple quadruople mass spectrometer and ensures compliance against regulated levels of detection.For quantitative applications demanding the highest possible sensitivity, the Premier Quantitation configuration features the TSQQuantiva triple quadruople mass spectrometer to meet or exceed regulatory limits. For laboratories offering specialized analytical services, there is a choice of two Thermo ScientificHRAM Orbitrapconfigurations for quantitation and screening employing the Thermo ScientificQ ExactiveFocus mass spectrometer. HRAMcapability significantly enhances quantitative accuracy even when analyzing complex sample matrices with limited prior cleanup as well as the ability to quantify and confirm in one single analysis. Configurations available in the Pesticide Explorer Collection ·Pesticide Explorer Collection -Standard Quantitation Pesticide Explorer Collection-Premier Quantitation Pesticide Explorer Collection- Orbitrap HRAM Quantitation Pesticide Explorer Collection- Orbitrap HRAM Screening and Quantitation Robust, Routine Workflows for Triple Quadrupo The Standard and Premier Quantitation configurations provide everything needed toperform robust, routine workflows for SRM-based quantitation of pesticides, fromthe QuEChERS sample extraction kit to proven multi-class pesticide residue analysismethods. Pre-configured methods for each solution are easy to access on the USBdrive included with the Pesticide Explorer Collection installation guide. Select compounds from the compounddatabase to automatically create theinstrument and processing method. Users can quickly and easily set up a newmethod using the TraceFinder softwarecompound database, or by uploading andmodifying pre-configured methods. Flexibility in the instrument method allowsyou to create or edit pre-configured methodswith SRM transitions and retention timeswith ease. le-Based Quantitation Thermo TIFIcFCIE The color flagging features inTraceFinder software enable theanalyst to quickly review and confirmresults. Data is acquired under optimal conditionsfor large multi-component pesticide residueanalysis. REVIEW AND REPORT After data review, generate high-quality standard and custom reportsto rapidly turn your samples into results. Routine Workflows for Orbitrap HRAM Targeted The Orbitrap HRAM Quantitation configuration provides high resolution accurate massanalysis, a unique capability that enables quantitation without compromise in sensitivity,accuracy, precision, or linear dynamic range. High resolving power is particularly usefulfor the analysis of contaminants in complex matrices and can overcomethe masking effects of isobaric inferences, allowing detection of analytes at verylow concentrations. Reduce method development time by using the HRAMspectral fragmentation library and compound database toidentify compounds with speed and confidence. SELECT Pre-configured instrument methods fortargetedquantitation enable the user to quickly startacquiring data. LOAD METHOD AND ACQUIRE DATA Q Exactive Focus MS and UltiMate 3000 LC System Master Method templates available with the Pesticide Explorer Collectioninstantly allows users to acquire and process data for quantitation. Quantitation Review results rapidly by flagging methodcriteria and/or regulatory levels. Choose from alarge number of pre-defined and customizablereport templates meeting a variety of regulatoryrequirements. View the result of changes to thedata processing method immediately withoutmanual intervention. In data review, the analyst is able to quickly glance through allcompounds and samples in a single view. Customizable reports can easily be exported in MS Excel format forpossible LIMS integration. Targeted Screening Q Exactive Focus MS and UltiMate 3000 LC System Non-targeted Screening With full-scan,targeted data-dependant MS/MS, the analyst enjoys greaterflexibility to detect large sets of compounds in a single run. METHOD SELECTION With variable data independent acquisition (vDIA),full-scan MS andMS/MS HRAM analysis, no sample-specific method optimization isnecessary, and the risk of missing important non-targeted compoundsis greatly reduced. Orbitrap HRAM Screening and Quantitation Built-in databases in TraceFinder software allow theuser to perform quantitation. 1o2 hei Tireh oant Confrmed langet Norse foma LO Atuchs tsE-5555 225 A1C941129075252 N435342-0 GHIACIR 0046 MCAX-7 004 1C000Cabofa G42-15ACB 222143471220241-0】Eiporined 14-00 DI2031C3 1d 47CHINAC 141514117645 1o2 Hydagon"20H73341E-o 202 ME30E+Poo CttetACe 1u2 Tireh Hydngo"oue L4E-0 141575414H7S45N 102 BA5 BA 5 E4 ydog View positive hits during data review; confirmation is easily done usingfragmentation, spectra, retention time, and isotope pattern information. Detailed reports are generated and exported for printing and alsocustomizable for individual customers. CONFIRM RESULTS REVIEW AND REPORT When integrated into the TraceFinder workflow, SIEVEsoftware extracts compound spectra from complex data andperforms differential and statistical analysis to determinethe compounds that vary significantly within the sample set. Compound Discoverer software can be used to identify thedegradents and metabolites of known target compounds. Power of HRAM MS/MS SpectralLibraries and Compound Databases The Thermo Scientific Pesticide Explorer Collection includes the High-Resolution Accurate-Mass MS/MS SpectralLibraries and TraceFinder compound databases. These were designed specifically for targeted screening, quantitation andanalysis of non-targeted contaminants in food, environmental, clinical research and forensic toxicology sample matrices.Fully integrated and searchable using TraceFinder software with over 2,600 compounds and more than 15,000 spectra,the HRAM MS/MS Spectral Libraries can be used to screen and identify a variety of known and unknown compoundswith speed and confidence. To reduce method development time and increase confidence in compounds detected, theHRAM MS/MS compound database includes retention times that were determined using the same internal standards. aboratories using The Pesticide Explorer Collection comprising of either the Orbitrap HRAM Quantitation or OrbitrapHRAM Screening and Quantitation configuration will enjoy the time-savings provided by an "off-the-shelf" database ofMS/MS spectra - no need to build your own libraries! To meet specific laboratory requirements, the libraries can beexpanded and customized by adding new compounds and spectra. COMPOUND CLASS Food Safety and Environmental Forensic Toxicology Emerging Environmental Contaminants Drugs of Abuse Pesticides Natural and Industrial Toxins Veterinary Drugs Prescription Drugs Mycotoxins Performance Enhancing Drugs Perfluorinated Compounds (PFCs) Other Drug Monitoring Research Table 1. Compound classes provided in the HRAMMS/MS spectral libraries. Compound Groupings UniqueEntries TotalSpectra Environmental andFood Safety 1,634 8,906 Clinical Research andForensic Toxicology 926 4,630 Table 2. Unique entries and total spectrain the HRAM MS/MS spectral libraries. TM Thermo Scientific m/z Cloud Library assists withunknown identification CLOUD The m/z Cloud library is a continuously expanding, highly curated mass spectral fragmentationdatabase that assists in the identification of compounds when they are not in local spectralfragmentation libraries. The library features a freely searchable collection of HRAM spectrathat can be accessed using an advanced spectral correlation algorithm. Comprehensive,High ProductivityReporting The heat map reporting templates allow for the quick evaluation ofthe presence of components and their relative abundance acrossthe sample set. As the identification of pesticide residues becomes increasinglyimportant, so does that ability to review and report results quickly andaccurately. In particular, high productivity multi-residue anayses requireaccurate and robust reporting across multiple regulatory agencies. TheTraceFinder software reporting system allows creation and automatedgeneration of quantitative and qualitative reports covering a broad arrayof pesticide residue analysis methods. The reports can be tailored tomeet specific reporting needs. Powerful Software Empowers YourPesticide Analyses TraceFinder software provides an extensive suite of targetedquantitation and screening LC-MS workflows, experiments andreports for environmental and food safety applications as well asprotects the integrity of the analytical data. Further updates on the TraceFinder compound database are offeredto registered users at https://thermo.flexnetoperations.com SIEVE software enables label-free, semi-quantitative differentialanalysis of complex LC-MS data sets. Whether your analytes arelarge or small molecules or whether you are comparing two orhundreds of samples, SIEVE software confidently and reproduciblyidentifies components with statistically significant inter-sampledifferences in abundance. Designed to save time, Compound Discoverer software includes anextensive set of tools to ensure confident compound identificationand structural elucidation in pharmaceutical metabolism, impurityanalysis, forensic toxicology, and food and environmentalapplications. Single Provider Solution Ensures Your Succes The Pesticide Explorer Collection provides start-to-finish workflows tailored to help food monitoring and testing laboratories reduce startup time and cost. Thecollection provides compelling productivity and efficiency enhancements for both startup laboratories and laboratories adding new analytical capabilities to addressevolving customer and industry demands. Regardless of staff or laboratory expertise, the Pesticide Explorer Collection is designed to make it easier for both newand experienced users to obtain reliable, unambiguous, high-quality LC-MS/MS results. At Thermo Fisher Scientific, we'll match you to the right products - throughexperienced commercial support combined with the most comprehensive line of instruments, equipment, consumables, chemicals, reagents and software available. QuEChERs products area convenient and effective approach for determining pesticide residues in fruit,vegetables and other foods. The extraction and clean-up products are easy to use and enableresearchers to determine greater numbers of pesticides than with standard SPE. Perform the full range of HPLC or nano HPLC applications on one system platform using UltiMate 3000 RSLCsystems. For added mobile phase flexibility, the included Thermo ScientificDionexUltimateHPG-3400RSRapid Separation Binary Pump is included, provides true ballistic gradientswith excellent retention time precision. Simplify and improve your analytical results with Thermo Scientific HPLC columns. Available in particle sizesand column designs to meet all separation needs, they improve resolution, enhance sensitivity, and deliverfaster analysis and consistent performance. Meet today's challenges with us to safeguard the global food supply. Triple quadrupole MS deliversSRM sensitivity and speed to detect targeted compounds more quickly and HRAM solutions usingThermo Scientific OrbitrapMS enables screening with accurate quantitation of hundredsof contaminants. Screening, identification, and quantification of food and environmental contaminants are faster andmore confident with High-Resolution Accurate-Mass MS/MS Spectral Libraries.The libraries provide high-resolution, accurate-mass (HRAM) MS/MS spectra for identification,confirmation, and quantification of thousands of compounds. www.thermofisher.com/Pesticides-LCMS O2015-16 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. mzCloud and the mzCloud logo are trademarks of HighChemLLC. All other trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. and its subsidiaries. Specifications, terms andpricing are subject to change. Not all products are available in all countries. Please consult your local sales representative fordetails. Africa +43 1 333 50 34 0 Denmark +45 70 23 62 60 Japan +81 45 453 9100 Australia +61 3 9757 4300 Europe-Other +43 1 333 50 34 0 Korea +82 2 3420 8600 Austria +43 810 282 206 Finland +358 10 3292 200 Latin America+1 5616888700 Belgium +32 53 73 42 41 France +33 1 60 92 48 00 Middle East +43 1 333 50 34 0 Canada +1 800 530 8447 Germany +49 6103 408 1014 Netherlands +31 76 579 55 55 ( R ussia/CIS +43 1 333 50 340 Singapore +65 6289 1190Spain +34 914 845 965Sweden + 4 6 8 556 468 00 Switzerland + 41 61 7 16 77 0 0 UK + 44 1442 233555USA + 1 8 00 532 4752 ) China 800 810 5118 (free call India +91 22 6742 9494 New Zealand +64 9 980 6700 domestic) 400 650 5118 Italy +39 02 950 591 Norway +46 8 556 468 00 BR64515-EN 0716S QuEChERs产品是一种方便有效的方法来测定水果中的农药残留,蔬菜和其他食物,提取和清理产品易于使用和启用。






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