
检测样品: 其他
检测项目: 行人安全
浏览次数: 109
发布时间: 2017-05-12
关联设备: 0种



解决方案总数: 228 方案总浏览次数:
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Every day, public transportation passengers rely on trains, metros or trams to bring them safely and timely at their point of destination. However, the risky or careless behavior of people can sometimes lead to accidents that will cause a lot of delay as well as severe damage to rolling goods and rail infrastructure. Thermal imaging cameras can detect this risky behavior in time and help public transportation operators to take th eappropriate measures.


TECHNICALNOTE FLIR 24/7 people and vehicle detection forpublic transportation The advantage of thermal imaging Every day, public transportation passengers rely on trains, metros or trams to bring them safelyand timely at their point of destination. However, the risky or careless behavior of people cansometimes lead to accidents that will cause a lot of delay as well as severe damage to rollinggoods and rail infrastructure. Thermal imaging cameras can detect this risky behavior in timeand help public transportation operators to take the appropriate measures. Every year accidents on the railway or onmetro/tram tracks are caused by peopletaking risks. Whether they're taking ashort-cut home,zigzagging their way ona level crossing, spraying graffiti on railwayproperty or not taking the usual care aftera few drinks, people ignore the rules ofthe railways every day and put their livesat risk, as well as risking the safe runningof the railway. The same goes for level crossings. Whenused correctly, level crossings provide asafe way to cross the railway, but misuse oruser error can have tragic consequences.Every year accidents are caused by road users andpedestrians ignoringlevelcrossing barriers, warnings and speedingtrains to save a few minutes. Thermalimaging Railway,metro or tramway operators wantto prevent accidents as much as possible.Traditionally, CCTV cameras are beingused to monitor public transportationenvironments, such as metro platforms orrailway tracks. By detecting risky behaviorfrom pedestrians and road users in time,CCTV cameras can provide a real-timewarning to control room operators, whoin turn can take the appropriate measures. Thermal imaging cameras can detect people walking onthe tracks and trigger a message on a VMS panel in order toalert the tram driver of a potential dangerous situation Thermal imaging cameras give public transportationauthorities uninterrupted 24-hour detection of vehicles andpedestrians. Vehicle detection at a level crossing Infrared-part of the electromagnetic spectrum Our eyes are detectors that are designed to detect visible light (or visible radiation). There areother forms of light (or radiation) that we cannot see. The human eye can only see a very smallpart of the electromagnetic spectrum. At one end of the spectrum we cannot see ultravioletlight, while at the other end our eyes cannot see infrared. Infrared radiation lies between thevisible and microwave portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. The primary source of infraredradiation is heat or thermal radiation. Any object that has a temperature above absolute zero (-273.15 degrees Celsius or 0 Kelvin)emits radiation in the infrared region.Even objects that we think of as being very cold, such asice cubes, emit infrared radiation. We experience infrared radiation every day. The heat that wefeel from sunlight, a fire or a radiator is all infrared. Although our eyes cannot see it, the nervesin our skin can feel it as heat. The warmer the object, the more infrared radiation it emits. Infrared thermography is the art of transforming an infrared image into a radiometric one, whichallows temperature values to be read from the image. In order to do this, complex algorithmsare incorporated into the thermal imaging camera. Although CCTV cameras are reliable toolsfor video analysis (identification), theyneed additional algorithms to overcomeseveral limitations. In order to work atnight, additional light may be neededCCTV cameras can also be blinded bylight from the sun or train. Vehicles orpedestrians that are moving in shadowsor inside tunnels can be a challenge todetect. Thermal imaging cameras can overcomeall of these limitations. A thermal imagingcamera creates a crisp image based onsubtle temperature differences and is notaffected by environmental challenges,such as total darkness, smoke, fog orsandstorms. They do not need any lightwhatsoever and can't be blinded by direct. sunlight; they are therefore an ideal sourcefor detection on a 24/7 basis. Thermal imaging cameras produce imagesof invisible infrared or "heat” radiation.Based on temperature differencesbetween objects, thermal imaging sensorsproduce a clear image in any lightingcondition, day or night. Thermal imagingcameras will allow railway operators todetect trespassers, stopped cars on tracks,people falling from platforms on tracks,people walking in tunnels, etc. Vehicle detection and collision warningat level crossings Level crossing accidents are a continuousthreat and do not only harm and injurepassengers but also damage the railinfrastructure and rolling stock. Thermalimaging cameras can prevent collisionsbetween trains and obstacles at levelcrossings by detecting if a vehicle stopson the tracks and is blocking the passagefor an oncoming train. Via detection outputs or via TCP/IP, awarning signal is transmitted to a railwayoperations center. An operator can viewthe threat in his workstation and decidewhich safety scenario is appropriate. Avehicle-train collision can be preventedby warning the approaching train/tramthrough rail signals, warning lights ordirectly to the train/tram driver. This resultsin improved safety at level crossings. 1.ThermiCam detects a stopped vehicleand sends a message to the control room 14. Rail signals are switched to red 5. An approaching train will slow down 2. The danger is visualizedand an operator verifiesthe threat 3. The operator activates asafety scenario Product highlight: ThermiCam FLIR's ThermiCam product is an intelligent thermal sensor combining a high quality320x240 or 640x480 resolution camera with a detector. Different lens options allowoptimizing the camera view for specific location environment and mounting. ThermiCam has embeddedvideo detectionalgorithms offering accurate detection for thefollowing train/tram/metro applications in rail/tunnel/platform environments: · Vehicle stop detection at level crossings forcollision warning · People detection on rails, platforms and tunnelsfor safety and surveillance The ThermiCam can easily be installed on existinginfrastructure, is designed for harsh environmentsand suited for all climates. The detection results willtrigger contact closures and are sent as TCP/IP XMLmessages. Detection is visible on the video streamin overlay. ThermiCam is capable of performing dualvideo streaming over the network at full frame rate30 fps in MJPEG, MPEG-4 and/or H.264 compression.This can be useful, for example to send high qualitylower frame rate images to a recording device, whilesending lower quality, high frame rate images to amonitor screen. Detection of people on tracks, onplatforms and in tunnels On a metro or tram platform, bothundergroundand above ground, aperson falling from the platform ontothe tracks is a dangerous situation. Thesame is true in outdoor rail environmentswhen a person is walking on the tracks.Thermal imaging cameras can detect ifa person is on the tracks, whether theperson just fell or is deliberately goingon the tracks By detecting people entering a train/tram/metro tunnel or walking on anoutdoor track, thermal imaging camerascan warn an operator with accurateinformation and position of the person.Also here, outputs and/or events aregenerated in case of the presence ofhuman movement in a certain user-configurable detection zone. Thermalimaging. cameras canensure24/7detection operation in tunnels regardlessof surround ilillumination. They canprovide a complete coverage of thetunnel portal, rails and maintenancepathway.As people can be standing andwalking freely on the platform, waitingfor a train or metro, thermal camerascan beinstalled on the tunnel ceiling orwand, where an imaginary line dividesthe tunnel from the platform and islooking further into the tunnel. By doingso,thermal imaging cameras can providereliable detection for people enteringthe tunnel from the platform or fromthe rails. APPLICATIONSTORY Driver vision enhancement Thermal imaging night vision systemsinstalled onboard trams allow driversto see clearly in total darkness or inbad weather conditions. Compared totraditional headlights, they offer increaseddetection of potentialrhazards.likepedestrians, cars, animals, on the tracks.As a result, it increases the reaction timeof coperatorssignificantly. lMorettimemeans more options, smoother driving inemergencies and more room to stop. User-configurable detection zones can be drawn on the thermal image. Flexibletechnology Thermal imaging camerass give publictransportation authorities uninterrupted24-hourdetectionnOofff vehicles andpedestrians regardless of the amount oflight available. It is also a very flexibletechnology, offering the following benefits:for · High image quality, optimizedthermal video detection purposes Different lens options: allows to optimizethe camera view for your locationenvironment and specific mounting ·Easy to install: can be installed on existinginfrastructure Thermal imaging cameras provide reliable detection of people entering tunnels. . Designed for harsh environments, suitedfor all climates Product highlight: PathFindIR II Detection systems using thermal imagingcameras are a more reliable and flexibletechnology for pedestrian and vehicledetection than any other technology,enabling increased safety and operationsin several application domains. PathFindIR Il is a powerful thermalnight vision camera that lets you seeclearly in total darkness, regardless ofthe vehicle you're driving. Headlightsusually only let you see about 450feet straight ahead, but PathFindIR ⅡIsees heat not light, so you can seeeverything in front of you up to fourtimes farther down the track. Unique in the industry, PathFindIR Il isa hermetically sealed system, rated to Thermal imaging night vision systems onboard trams allowdrivers to see clearly in total darkness. IP-69, with an integrated, automatic window heater. It uses 12 VDC input power, and standard NTSC or PALvideo is output for compatibility with most monitors or displays. For more information about thermal imaging came-ras or about this application, please contact: Intended as an aftermarket addition,PathFindIR Il is based on a 320x240thermal camera system with a 24° field of view. For applicationsthat require wider or narrower fields of view, choices of AGC levels,color, digital zoom, higher resolutions, or smaller packing volume, FLIRrecommends the Tau 2 or Quark. FLIR Intelligent Transportation Systems Luxemburgstraat2 2321 Meer Belgium Tel.:+32 (0) 3665 5100 Fax: +32 (0) 3303 5624 e-mail:flir@flir.com The images displayed may not be representative of theactual resolution of the camera shown. Images for illustra-tive purposes only. Z二s< Every year accidents on the railway or on metro/tram tracks are caused by peopletaking risks. Whether they're taking a short-cut home, zigzagging their way on a level crossing, spraying graffiti on railwayproperty or not taking the usual care after a few drinks, people ignore the rules of the railways every day and put their lives at risk, as well as risking the safe running of the railway.




