不溶性微粒分析仪PSS Accusizer 780 SIS
不溶性微粒分析仪PSS Accusizer 780 SIS
不溶性微粒分析仪PSS Accusizer 780 SIS
不溶性微粒分析仪PSS Accusizer 780 SIS





AccuSizer 780 SIS



  • 白金
  • 第12年
  • 一般经销商
  • 营业执照已审核

PSS Accusizer 780 SIS 不溶性微粒分析仪

型号:PSS Accusizer 780 SIS 不溶性微粒分析仪

PSS Accusizer 780 SIS 不溶性微粒分析仪集自动进样、自动检测、数据处理以及自动清洗等全自动检测功能于一身,为注射剂检测提供安全、快捷、高效、可靠的不溶性微粒分析解决方案。其搭载的系列传感器采用先进的半导体用光阻法单颗粒光学传感技术(SPOS),更额外加载了光散传感器,除覆盖传统的光阻法检测范围1.5 μm – 400 μm外,更可下探到0.5μm的极限值。

Particle Sizing Systems is dedicated to providing innovative
solutions to our customer's most difficult particle sizing problems.

Particle Sizing Systems* engineers are focused on inventing unique
instruments that offer powerful capabilities in the laboratory and process
environments. We have been a major force in the manufacture and
patenting of automated single particle sizing instruments for both wet and
dry applications. Currently, we are the only company to offer an automated,
high resolution, single particle optical sizing system in the market.

Our SPOS instrument fits a unique position offering a complimentary
technique for many other laser light scattering instruments on the market today.
We provide information about the tails of distributions that other instruments
lack the sensitivity to detect.

Our approach is simple; we first listen to a client's problems and then focus
our more than 30 years of particle sizing experience to solve them.

From research and development to quality control environments our
particle size analyzers offer unique solutions to our customers*
problems with colloidal stability, particle characterization, and by
focusing on the derails” of their distributions.


A few outliers can spell the difference between product success and failure; however traditional laser diffraction particle size analyzers cannot detect large particle outliers in a sea of smaller particles.

The AccuSizer 780 reveals particle size differences that previously went unnoticed.

The 780 is a stable, sensitive instrument that uses Single Particle Optical Sizing (SPOS) to count and size particles one at a time, eliminating missed particles while allowing:

o Particle sensitivity of 10 PPT

o Particle size accuracy of 2%

o Particle count accuracy of 10%

Recently, an independent study proved that SPOS analyzers were 1,500 to 25,000 times more sensitive in detecting outliers than light scattering and accoustical sizing instruments.

The AccuSizer 780 can also resolve fine particle distributions that are directly related to the materials' properties. It is a proven and valuable tool that laboratories around the world are already using to reformulate their product lines from R&D to production.


  • 医用注射液不能含有可见异物。不可见异物通过使用光阻法的法、或者显微镜法检测,或者两者同时使用。在测量体积>100 mL时一般用光阻法,除另有规定外。针对单个或者混合无菌粉体制剂配成的注射液容积<100 mL (小剂量)就要单独检测。

    388MB 2021-04-14
  • 基于治疗的蛋白质溶液聚集可能产生有害的免疫原性。对于较大尺寸的团聚体,可以测量这些团聚体,但在0.15至2微米范围内的较小团聚体很难量化。动态光散射(DLS)技术可以证明聚集体的存在,但不能提供任何关于聚集体的绝对浓度的信息。单粒光写传感器技术(SPOS)现在可以测量聚集蛋白的大小和浓度,并成为这一应用的首选技术。

    1376MB 2021-04-12
  • 纳米颗粒指小于100~1000nm 的微粒,纳米颗粒疫苗不但能提高抗原的稳定性和免疫原性,而且能够靶向性递呈抗原和缓慢释放,增强机体产生免疫应答。综述了近年来纳米颗粒在疫苗发展过程中的应用,介绍了不同纳米颗粒作为运输系统或免疫佐剂与免疫细胞之间的相互作用。

    226MB 2021-03-11
  • 瓶装的软饮料所选用的调味乳剂的乳滴粒径必须高度均匀且足够小,这样可以防止聚集及奥斯瓦尔德熟化过程,这两个过程都将导致破乳以引入“neck ring”(瓶颈结块),幸运的是“neck ring”形成过程较缓慢,在形成最初我们就可以检测到。 检测乳剂平均粒径的方法有很多种,但是大部分方法对能够导致“neck ring”的少量大颗粒的检测却无能为力。而基于分析粒子粒径与数量的单颗粒计数法恰恰是专门用于分析这种情况的。即使在生产过程中这些粒径超出正常值的粒子非常少。 AccuSizer 单颗粒光学计数法是检测平均粒度分布大于1um的乳剂尾端离群的大颗粒的理想工具。在测量时,我们使粒子通过一个狭窄的测量室,由此来保证一次只测量一个粒子,所以说单颗粒光学传感技术测量这些偏离主峰的离群大粒子时具有超高的灵敏度及分辨率。通过对粒子的粒径及数量的检测我们就可以发现哪些乳剂可能形成“neck ring”或者沉积。

    661MB 2021-03-11

美国PSS颗粒计数器AccuSizer 780 SIS的工作原理介绍

颗粒计数器AccuSizer 780 SIS的使用方法?

美国PSSAccuSizer 780 SIS多少钱一台?

颗粒计数器AccuSizer 780 SIS可以检测什么?

颗粒计数器AccuSizer 780 SIS使用的注意事项?

美国PSSAccuSizer 780 SIS的说明书有吗?

美国PSS颗粒计数器AccuSizer 780 SIS的操作规程有吗?

美国PSS颗粒计数器AccuSizer 780 SIS报价含票含运吗?

美国PSSAccuSizer 780 SIS有现货吗?

不溶性微粒分析仪PSS Accusizer 780 SIS 信息由上海奥法美嘉生物科技有限公司为您提供,如您想了解更多关于不溶性微粒分析仪PSS Accusizer 780 SIS 报价、型号、参数等信息,上海奥法美嘉客服电话:400-801-5771,欢迎来电或留言咨询。


