德国LaVision 表面PIV
德国LaVision 表面PIV

¥80万 - 100万


LaVision GmbH





  • 金牌
  • 第17年
  • 一般经销商
  • 营业执照已审核

测量效果: 平面(二位/三维)

产地类别: 进口

测量频率: 低频

测速范围: 0-2km/s

测定准确度: 1%

测量区域大小: 0-1mX1m

        表面流动测量系统采用摄影法和光学互相关处理技术。可以测量并记录表面3D速度场合三维表面形貌随时间演化过程。这种新方法是研究表面形貌和周围流场相互作用耦合效应的理想工具。表面流动测量可以简便地利用标准3D PIV FlowMaster® 测量系统来实现,并且只用到两台相机装置和软件分析工具,不需要任何特别的照明光源。

  • PIV systems rely on a combination of seed particles, laser light intensity, and camera positioning to collected velocity data. Careful attention is needed when selecting the ap- propriate setup con guration for PIV systems. This paper focuses on several areas for improvement in PIV data collection for a compressible turbulent boundary layer study on a at plate using MVG's. The topics include determining the seed particle surface preparation for a at plate, and PIV system con guration.

    农/林/牧/渔 2012-07-10

  • Many materials, such as paints, clay suspensions, concrete or inks, are complex fluids which present non-Newtonian properties. To define their rheological properties and particularly for coarse suspensions (debris mud, sediments…), we need to develop specific devices because of the size of the particles within the fluid to reach the continuum assumption. The study of the inclined plane flows can be a solution as soon as we are able to measure the evolution of the free surface and the surface velocity during the flow. We have developed specific 3D measurements based on stereovision to extract rheological properties of two materials flowing down an inclined flow. First a shear thinning fluid (a polyoxyde ethylene solution) is used to validate the method which is then applied to a viscoplastic material (a bentonite suspension). The comparison of the results with conventional measurements using a rheometer is in good agreement.

    石油/化工 2012-07-07

  • In this report we present the methodology we are using in the AMI group to compare optic flow estimation methods in the context of the FLUID Specific Targeted Research Project - Contract No 513633 founded by the CEE. The main goal of this report is to try to unify comparison criteria between the different parnerts in order to share information and conclusions. We think that it is one of the topics we have to address in Las Palmas Meeting December next. In order to describe the methodology we use, we divide it in five steps: 1. We choose a number of optic flow estimation methods 2. We choose an image sequence dataset to apply the methods. 3. We apply the methods and we store the results in a ASCII file using an standard format 4. We define a number of statistics to compare the methods (we use the ASCII files as basic information to compare). 5. We compute the statistics for each pair of methods and we generate tables with the information. To help result interpretation we use arrow images and in the case we know the optic flow groundtruth we generate image to provide the information about what method perform better in the different areas of the image. To illustrate this approach and to fit ideas we present the results of this approach in a particular image sequence provided by LaVision in sections from 1.1 to 1.4. Then, in section 2 we remark some of the difficulties we have found in our work, which should be discussed in order to be able to compare results provided by all the partners of the FLUID project.

    其他 2012-07-01

  • 本文介绍了浅水流动表面的大尺度PIV测量方法,详细介绍了实验设备和不用激光照明进行PIV测量的技术途径。特别研究了在表面流动分析时示踪粒子的选择和播撒方法。

    环保 2008-02-05

  • PIV systems rely on a combination of seed particles, laser light intensity, and camera positioning to collected velocity data. Careful attention is needed when selecting the ap- propriate setup con guration for PIV systems. This paper focuses on several areas for improvement in PIV data collection for a compressible turbulent boundary layer study on a at plate using MVG's. The topics include determining the seed particle surface preparation for a at plate, and PIV system con guration.

    农/林/牧/渔 2012-07-10

  • In this report we present the methodology we are using in the AMI group to compare optic flow estimation methods in the context of the FLUID Specific Targeted Research Project - Contract No 513633 founded by the CEE. The main goal of this report is to try to unify comparison criteria between the different parnerts in order to share information and conclusions. We think that it is one of the topics we have to address in Las Palmas Meeting December next. In order to describe the methodology we use, we divide it in five steps: 1. We choose a number of optic flow estimation methods 2. We choose an image sequence dataset to apply the methods. 3. We apply the methods and we store the results in a ASCII file using an standard format 4. We define a number of statistics to compare the methods (we use the ASCII files as basic information to compare). 5. We compute the statistics for each pair of methods and we generate tables with the information. To help result interpretation we use arrow images and in the case we know the optic flow groundtruth we generate image to provide the information about what method perform better in the different areas of the image. To illustrate this approach and to fit ideas we present the results of this approach in a particular image sequence provided by LaVision in sections from 1.1 to 1.4. Then, in section 2 we remark some of the difficulties we have found in our work, which should be discussed in order to be able to compare results provided by all the partners of the FLUID project.

    其他 2012-07-01

  • Many materials, such as paints, clay suspensions, concrete or inks, are complex fluids which present non-Newtonian properties. To define their rheological properties and particularly for coarse suspensions (debris mud, sediments…), we need to develop specific devices because of the size of the particles within the fluid to reach the continuum assumption. The study of the inclined plane flows can be a solution as soon as we are able to measure the evolution of the free surface and the surface velocity during the flow. We have developed specific 3D measurements based on stereovision to extract rheological properties of two materials flowing down an inclined flow. First a shear thinning fluid (a polyoxyde ethylene solution) is used to validate the method which is then applied to a viscoplastic material (a bentonite suspension). The comparison of the results with conventional measurements using a rheometer is in good agreement.

    石油/化工 2012-07-07

  • Many marine organisms have complex life histories, having sessile adults and relying on the planktonic larvae for dispersal. Larvae swim and disperse in a complex fluid environment and the effect of ambient flow on larval behavior could in turn impact their survival and transport. However, to date, most studies on larvae–flow interactions have focused on competent larvae near settlement. We examined the importance of flow on early larval stages by studying how local flow and ontogeny influence swimming behavior in pre-competent larval sea urchins, Arbacia punctulata. We exposed larval urchins to grid-stirred turbulence and recorded their behavior at two stages (4- and 6-armed plutei) in three turbulence regimes. Using particle image velocimetry to quantify and subtract local flow, we tested the hypothesis that larvae respond to turbulence by increasing swimming speed, and that the increase varies with ontogeny.

    502MB 2016-08-26

LaVision GmbH粒子图像测速FlowMaster®-surf的工作原理介绍


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LaVision GmbHFlowMaster®-surf的说明书有吗?

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LaVision GmbHFlowMaster®-surf有现货吗?

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