Artium PDI-FP 双量程可机载飞行探头
Artium PDI-FP 双量程可机载飞行探头
Artium PDI-FP 双量程可机载飞行探头
Artium PDI-FP 双量程可机载飞行探头

¥50万 - 100万







  • 金牌
  • 第17年
  • 一般经销商
  • 营业执照已审核

仪器种类: 气溶胶检测仪

        PDI 飞行探头系特别为满足机载云层特性研究需求而设计研发,能够测量液滴直径分布,速度分布,数密度,及液态水含量。探头采用成熟可靠的相位多普勒技术来直接测量云层中每个液滴的粒径和速度。这种测量方法仅对球形颗粒敏感从而可以将非球形的冰晶颗粒剔除掉。







  • 采用美国Artium公司的机载相位多普勒粒子干涉仪(PDI)飞行探头。测量暖积云中微小水液滴的粒径和速度,并据此得出液态水含量LWC数据。探头悬挂安装在双水獭飞机机翼下。在空中飞行状态下,对云层进行测量。

    其他 2018-12-13

  • LaVision公司的3D3C层析粒子成像测试系统(Tomo-PIV)可以获得瞬时三维体空间流动的全场三分量速度矢量场。利用这一结果数据,通过vortex-in-cell (VIC)方法,可以求出流体压力场。

    其他 2017-09-25

  • The mass balance of orchard air-blast sprayers has historically been assessed using an array of samplers to capture airborne particles. However, these methods only provide an idea of flux with no other information which is pertinent to understand the movement of droplets and their potential to drift. While droplet analysis for agricultural sprayers has always been conducted in a laboratory setting with the use of laser devices, a new phase Doppler approach is being explored to assess droplet spectra, velocity, and flux in outdoor field conditions. Therefore it is the objective of this study to develop a methodology and the potential limitations for using a phase Doppler system while in a laboratory setting. Due to the expected variability of field conditions as well as the turbulence of orchard sprayers, a computational approach was sought to assess flux from a single scan of a conical spray plume's diameter. Using a constant scanning speed of 0.0079 m/s, a disc core (D1/DC33) hollow cone nozzle was examined at 310, 410, and 520 kPa pressure at five different heights (10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 cm). Computational flux was then compared to the actual flow rate, finding a 3.3% average error with a range of 16.9% and 4.7% illustrating a small underestimation of mass with the phase Doppler which was related to distance and droplet frequency. Further, comparisons were also assessed including pattern/symmetry, droplet spectra, velocity, and the overall number of samples. The proposed methodology indicates potential for the use of phase Doppler technology for in situ measurements of spray equipment using a conical-type spray nozzle, such as that of the orchard air-blast sprayer.

    其他 2016-09-28

  • Crude Unit Column Overhead – Corrosion Water is usually injected in the overhead piping to: • Help quench and scrub the overhead vapors • Dilute acids formed • Prevent any salts or acids from forming in the system

    其他 2016-09-27

  • There are many industrial pollutants produced from coal fired power generation plants. Recent legislation is pushing to reduce these emissions. Greenhouse gasses as well as nitrous oxides (NOX) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) are the targeted pollutants. Governmental legislation outlined by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) through its Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) guideline is a major thrust.

    环保 2016-09-18

  • Sulfur dioxide is the major environmental contaminant that contributes to smog and soot. The reduction of air pollu-tants is a worldwide goal that has become a focus for sustainable environmental development strategies. As emission standards increase, the waste gas cleaning system will be required to adapt or be upgraded. Wet FGD is character-ized as one of the most reliable and effective SO2 removal techniques, with the added benefit of low operating cost. However, implementation and maintenance is considered high. Spray towers are essential elements in the emission cleaning system. Control of the droplets throughout the tower geometry is critical to ensuring maximum reduction and minimal scaling. In order to improve the scrubber, nozzle characteristics and placement must be optimized to reduce the cost of the system implementation and mitigate risks of inadequate pollution removal. A series of large flow rate, hydraulic full and hollow cone injectors were investi-gated for this study. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations were used to examine a standard industrial-size wet scrubber design for injection system optimization. ANSYS Fluent solvers were used with Lagrangian particle tracking meth-od for heat and mass transfer between gas and liquid. The alkaline sorbent material and SO2 reaction was modeled to determine uniformity and efficacy of the system. Surface chemical mechanisms were used to simulate the reaction rate. Drop size, liquid rheology, and injector array layout were examined to achieve SO2 removal above 90%. Wall impingement and flow pattern results were evaluated, due to their impact in minimizing equipment corrosion and plugging.

    环保 2016-09-18

  • In 2011, NASA Glenn’s Icing Research Tunnel underwent a major modification to it’s refrigeration plant and heat exchanger. This paper presents the results of the subsequent full cloud calibration. Details of the calibration procedure and results are presented herein. The steps include developing a nozzle transfer map, establishing a uniform cloud, conducting a drop sizing calibration and finally a liquid water content calibration. The goal of the calibration is to develop a uniform cloud, and to build a transfer map from the inputs of air speed, spray bar atomizing air pressure and water pressure to the output of median volumetric droplet diameter and liquid water content.

    环保 2016-09-18











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