莱伯泰科 DMA-80直接测汞仪
莱伯泰科 DMA-80直接测汞仪





DMA-80 evo直接测汞仪



  • 钻石
  • 第20年
  • 一般经销商
  • 营业执照已审核

仪器原理: 冷原子吸收法

检测限: 0.0005ng

线性误差: 高回收率>98.5% at 1000ng

DMA-80 evo直接测汞仪采用催化热解-金齐化-冷原子吸收原理,无需任何样品前处理,直接测定样品中汞含量,真正的固体、液体、气体样品直接进样,2~5min得出准确结果。



  • 固/液/气各种基质样品均可直接进样,无需任何样品前处理过程

  • 无需消耗任何化学试剂,绿色分析,大幅度减少实验室运行成本

  • 2~5 分钟完成样品全部分析过程,提高实验室效率

  • 简单快捷的测量过程,实验人员仅需称样,一键完成测量

  • 避免了汞在前处理过程中的损失和交叉污染,克服了分析过程中的记忆效应

  • 0.0002ng 的检出限,0-30000ng 7个数量级的测定范围,RSD ≤ 1.0% 良好的重现性

  • 稳定性好,标准曲线仅需 3-6个月校正一次

  • 众多国内外权准方法的制定仪器:EPA7473, HJ923-2017, GB5009.17-2021 等"

  • 硫柳汞又名乙基汞硫代水杨酸钠,是一种含汞有机化合物,以重量计含汞49.6%。是一种在疫苗中广泛使用的防腐剂。由于是汞制剂,硫柳汞的加入量必须严格控制,以防止对人体造成毒害,所以我国药典规定对生物制品(疫苗)中硫柳汞含量要进行测定,以确保生物制品质量符合国家标准。本文参考《中国药典》2020版3115硫柳汞测定法,通过DMA80快速测定生物制品中的硫柳汞含量。相对标准偏差RSD为0.68~0.91%,加标回收率为98.6~98.8%。结果表明,该方法具有操作简单、快速高效等优点,可用于生物制品中硫柳汞含量的快速测定。

    制药/生物制药 2021-06-25

  • 本文参考HJ910-2017建立金膜富集-冷原子吸收分光光度法直接测定环境空气中的气态汞。空气采样器采样,环境空气中的汞被金膜富集管吸附,通过DMA80测定富集管中的汞含量。相对标准偏差RSD为0.82~1.74%,加标回收率为98.7~102.5%。结果表明,该方法具有操作简单、快速高效、检出限低、基体干扰小等优点,可用于环境空气中汞含量的批量分析。

    环保 2018-09-14

  • 摘要: 当今社会越来越关注孕妇及其胎儿和小孩食用被汞污染鱼类和水产品的危害性。美 国食品和药物管理局(USFDA)警告人们减少对旗鱼、鲨鱼和金枪鱼的消费。美国 的海洋渔业、美国环保署(USEPA)和美国食品及药物管理局正非常谨慎地监控在 海中和淡水中的鱼类体内的汞含量水平。 可以使用DMA-80直接测汞仪精确而快速地完成对鱼组织、贝类组织、龙虾组织和比 目鱼组织的汞含量的测定。该仪器不需对样品进行湿化学处理或前处理。当若干重 的部分样品放入仪器中,不到10分钟就可以完成分析。直接测定汞含量,采用一体 化的热分解、接触反应转换、融合、和原子吸收光谱测量的分析顺序,EPA 7473方 法描述了该过程,这种方法适合于实验室和野外测量分析。

    食品/农产品 2017-11-28

  • Approximately 2700 – 6000 tons of mercury are released into the at mosphere annually. Once airborne, mercury can travel thousand mile s from its generation point. Eventually, it precipitates onto the l and and water. And once it enters water, mercury is transformed by microorganisms into methylmercury, the most toxic and dangerous for m of mercury. Exposure to high dosage of methylmercury can cause tremors, inabili ty to walk, convulsions and even death. Children exposed to the mercury show a variety of abnormalities such as delayed onset of walking and talking, cerebra l palsy, and slowed neurological reflexes and learning abilities. One of the best indicators of exposure to mercury is testing for co ncentration in hair and blood. The average concentration of mercur y in non-exposed people is about 8 ppb in blood and 2 ppm in hair Mercury has traditionally been measured in hair, blood, tissues, an d urine by CVAAS (Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry), which is a time and labor consuming method that relies on complicat ed wet chemistry sample preparation. The DMA-80 Direct Mercury Analyzer from Milestone eliminates the sa mple preparation step, allowing you to rapidly process your samples in m inutes, instead of the hours needed for traditional methods. This r apid testing (which is as accurate, if not more so, that CVAAS) giv es you the answers you need without consuming valuable time and eff ort. Other benefits include: Process both liquid and solid samples – no matter how difficult th e matrix you will get an accurate total mercury reading. The built-in 40-position autosampler allows unattended operation fo r a large number of samples The DMA-80 is portable enough to be stationed where you need it mos t; in your laboratory, in a portable testing van, etc... No chemicals are used in the process so no additional toxic wastes are generated. Completely compatible with US EPA Method 7473

    医疗/卫生 2017-11-28

  • 民以食为天,食以安为先。众所周知,粮食是人类赖以生存和发展的最基本物质基础。粮食安全关系到广大人民群众的身体健康和生命安全,关系到经济健康发展和社会稳定。随着人们对粮食安全的关注,越来越多的人开始重视粮食安全,粮食安全已经成为世界性问题。 粮食重金属超标是我们国家重点检测的项目之一。常见重金属元素由于某些原因未经处理就被排除河流、湖泊或海洋,或者进入了土壤中,使得这些河流、湖泊、海洋和土壤收到污染,它们不能被生物降解。重金属被稻谷、小麦等农作物吸收被人类食用,重金属就会进入人体使人产生重金属中毒,轻则发生怪病,重者导致死亡。 莱伯泰科一直致力于样品的前处理领域,在样品前处理领域有着自己独特的优势,现结合国家相关标准方法和现有前处理仪器,推出粮油无机样品前处理解决方案,供广大用户进行参考。

    食品/农产品 2021-04-29

  • 摘要: 当今社会越来越关注孕妇及其胎儿和小孩食用被汞污染鱼类和水产品的危害性。美 国食品和药物管理局(USFDA)警告人们减少对旗鱼、鲨鱼和金枪鱼的消费。美国 的海洋渔业、美国环保署(USEPA)和美国食品及药物管理局正非常谨慎地监控在 海中和淡水中的鱼类体内的汞含量水平。 可以使用DMA-80直接测汞仪精确而快速地完成对鱼组织、贝类组织、龙虾组织和比 目鱼组织的汞含量的测定。该仪器不需对样品进行湿化学处理或前处理。当若干重 的部分样品放入仪器中,不到10分钟就可以完成分析。直接测定汞含量,采用一体 化的热分解、接触反应转换、融合、和原子吸收光谱测量的分析顺序,EPA 7473方 法描述了该过程,这种方法适合于实验室和野外测量分析。

    食品/农产品 2017-11-28

  • 摘要: 当今社会越来越关注孕妇及其胎儿和小孩食用被汞污染鱼类和水产品的危害性。美 国食品和药物管理局(USFDA)警告人们减少对旗鱼、鲨鱼和金枪鱼的消费。美国 的海洋渔业、美国环保署(USEPA)和美国食品及药物管理局正非常谨慎地监控在 海中和淡水中的鱼类体内的汞含量水平。 可以使用DMA-80直接测汞仪精确而快速地完成对鱼组织、贝类组织、龙虾组织和比 目鱼组织的汞含量的测定。该仪器不需对样品进行湿化学处理或前处理。当若干重 的部分样品放入仪器中,不到10分钟就可以完成分析。直接测定汞含量,采用一体 化的热分解、接触反应转换、融合、和原子吸收光谱测量的分析顺序,EPA 7473方 法描述了该过程,这种方法适合于实验室和野外测量分析。

    食品/农产品 2017-11-28

  • 摘要: 当今社会越来越关注孕妇及其胎儿和小孩食用被汞污染鱼类和水产品的危害性。美 国食品和药物管理局(USFDA)警告人们减少对旗鱼、鲨鱼和金枪鱼的消费。美国 的海洋渔业、美国环保署(USEPA)和美国食品及药物管理局正非常谨慎地监控在 海中和淡水中的鱼类体内的汞含量水平。 可以使用DMA-80直接测汞仪精确而快速地完成对鱼组织、贝类组织、龙虾组织和比 目鱼组织的汞含量的测定。该仪器不需对样品进行湿化学处理或前处理。当若干重 的部分样品放入仪器中,不到10分钟就可以完成分析。直接测定汞含量,采用一体 化的热分解、接触反应转换、融合、和原子吸收光谱测量的分析顺序,EPA 7473方 法描述了该过程,这种方法适合于实验室和野外测量分析。

    食品/农产品 2017-11-28

  • 意大利Milestone公司DMA系列直接测汞仪、北京莱伯泰科MAX-S直接测汞仪,其分析功能包括热解析、汞齐化和原子吸收光谱测定,这种设计使得该仪器不需进行化学预处理而直接进行分析样品,每个样品的分析时间约2-5分钟。这一测定系统可应用于各种各样的基体分析,包括环境、地质、疾控、食品、气体检测等不同行业与领域的样品。 测汞仪通道使样品配制和样品分析一体化成为一个自动分析系统。自动进样由精密电气动系统完成,样品再自动插入石英分解管,该试管由两个单独的炉膛:干燥/分解炉和催化剂炉加热。在分解管内,样品首先经过干燥,然后再进行热分解。作为载气的氧气流将分解生成物通过分解管带入催化散炉中,并以最高1000℃的温度完成分解,酸性卤化物和氧化物被吸附,残留的分解产物则进入纳米级金质汞齐化器,在此完成汞吸附。氧气流将一些残余气体排除。然后汞齐化器被迅速加热,汞蒸气被蒸发到吸收管,然后通过原子光谱法在253.7nm处进行测量,测出汞的绝对含量(ng)。

    环保 2022-03-14

  • 本文参考HJ910-2017建立金膜富集-冷原子吸收分光光度法直接测定环境空气中的气态汞。空气采样器采样,环境空气中的汞被金膜富集管吸附,通过DMA80测定富集管中的汞含量。相对标准偏差RSD为0.82~1.74%,加标回收率为98.7~102.5%。结果表明,该方法具有操作简单、快速高效、检出限低、基体干扰小等优点,可用于环境空气中汞含量的批量分析。

    环保 2018-09-14

  • Mercury has been the center of public attention for sometime now du e its high toxicity. There are many ways dangerous concentrations o f elemental mercury can get into the soil including illegal dumpin g of contaminated wastes, manufacturing effluents, and even the sim ple operation and maintenance of mercury manometers. Testing and removal of mercury contaminated soil is a costly and ti me consuming job. Waiting to find out lab results from each sample batch can take hours. But now it^s possible to get lab quality resu lts on site, and in only a few minutes.

    环保 2017-11-28

  • 建立了直接测汞法快速测定土壤中总汞的方法。样品进行热分解,样品中的汞经金汞齐化管富集,加热破坏汞齐后,采用冷原子吸收光谱进行总汞分析。试验结果表明,采用直接测汞法测定土壤中总汞含量有良好的效果,完全可以替代国标方法GB/T 17136-1997。该方法快速、准确且无药品试剂污染,重现性优于采用国标方法测定的结果。

    环保 2017-09-05

  • Precise and rapid determination of total mercury in Powder face can be performed using Direct Mercury Analyzer. Such an instrument requires no sample wet chemistry or pretreatment. Once a weighed sample portion is introduced into the instrument, analysis is complete in six minutes. Direct analysis of mercury, using the integrated sequence of Thermal Decomposition, Catalyst Conversion, Amalgamation, and Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, is described in EPA 7473 and is validated for laboratory as well as field analysis.

    化妆品 2017-10-30

  • Precise and rapid determination of total mercury in Lipstick can be performed using Direct Mercury Analyzer. Such an instrument requires no sample wet chemistry or pretreatment. Once a weighed sample portion is introduced into the instrument, analysis is complete in six minutes. Direct analysis of mercury, using the integrated sequence of Thermal Decomposition, Catalyst Conversion, Amalgamation, and Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, is described in EPA 7473 and is validated for laboratory as well as field analysis.

    化妆品 2017-10-30

  • Precise and rapid determination of total mercury in Lipstick can be performed using Direct Mercury Analyzer. Such an instrument requires no sample wet chemistry or pretreatment. Once a weighed sample portion is introduced into the instrument, analysis is complete in six minutes. Direct analysis of mercury, using the integrated sequence of Thermal Decomposition, Catalyst Conversion, Amalgamation, and Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, is described in EPA 7473 and is validated for laboratory as well as field analysis.

    化妆品 2017-09-06

  • 硫柳汞又名乙基汞硫代水杨酸钠,是一种含汞有机化合物,以重量计含汞49.6%。是一种在疫苗中广泛使用的防腐剂。由于是汞制剂,硫柳汞的加入量必须严格控制,以防止对人体造成毒害,所以我国药典规定对生物制品(疫苗)中硫柳汞含量要进行测定,以确保生物制品质量符合国家标准。本文参考《中国药典》2020版3115硫柳汞测定法,通过DMA80快速测定生物制品中的硫柳汞含量。相对标准偏差RSD为0.68~0.91%,加标回收率为98.6~98.8%。结果表明,该方法具有操作简单、快速高效等优点,可用于生物制品中硫柳汞含量的快速测定。

    制药/生物制药 2021-06-25

  • 在日常生活中,各种类型的药物可以满足人们治病或者保健的需要。然而,并非所有药物中的物质含量都对人体无害。很多药物中都存在重金属物质。重金属物质可能来自于药品原材料辅料及生产设备,也可能来自药品存储及运输等过程。世界各地的监管机构负责确保药品的有效性与安全性。为实现这一目标,必须对潜在有毒和有害的污染物(包括元素杂质)进行鉴定,并规定患者允许暴露的最大浓度。因此,在药物分析检测中,如何有效地对药物中重金属进行检查是医药研发人员一项重要的工作。

    制药/生物制药 2021-04-29

  • 准备好了吗?2020年即将来临,新版药典(2020年版)初稿也已编纂完成,现正处于公示阶段。时隔五年,相较于现行的2015年版,2020年版一部新增中药标准约220个,修订完善中药标准约500个。其中重点解决中药材和中药饮片的农药残留、重金属及有害元素以及真菌毒素的限量标准。

    制药/生物制药 2019-12-20

  • Approximately 2700 – 6000 tons of mercury are released into the at mosphere annually. Once airborne, mercury can travel thousand mile s from its generation point. Eventually, it precipitates onto the l and and water. And once it enters water, mercury is transformed by microorganisms into methylmercury, the most toxic and dangerous for m of mercury. Exposure to high dosage of methylmercury can cause tremors, inabili ty to walk, convulsions and even death. Children exposed to the mercury show a variety of abnormalities such as delayed onset of walking and talking, cerebra l palsy, and slowed neurological reflexes and learning abilities. One of the best indicators of exposure to mercury is testing for co ncentration in hair and blood. The average concentration of mercur y in non-exposed people is about 8 ppb in blood and 2 ppm in hair Mercury has traditionally been measured in hair, blood, tissues, an d urine by CVAAS (Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry), which is a time and labor consuming method that relies on complicat ed wet chemistry sample preparation. The DMA-80 Direct Mercury Analyzer from Milestone eliminates the sa mple preparation step, allowing you to rapidly process your samples in m inutes, instead of the hours needed for traditional methods. This r apid testing (which is as accurate, if not more so, that CVAAS) giv es you the answers you need without consuming valuable time and eff ort. Other benefits include: Process both liquid and solid samples – no matter how difficult th e matrix you will get an accurate total mercury reading. The built-in 40-position autosampler allows unattended operation fo r a large number of samples The DMA-80 is portable enough to be stationed where you need it mos t; in your laboratory, in a portable testing van, etc... No chemicals are used in the process so no additional toxic wastes are generated. Completely compatible with US EPA Method 7473

    医疗/卫生 2017-11-28

  • 目的 建立热分解齐化原子吸收法测定尿中总汞的方法。方法 样品不经消解处理,采用直接测汞仪测定。结果 样品基体干扰少,测定方法线性良好,线性范围0.0ng~1200ng,方法检出限为0.0050ng,精密度1.50%~2.62%之间,回收率在102%~107%之间,测定国家标准参考物质,测定值均在标准值范围内。结论 热分解齐化原子吸收法方法简便、快捷、干扰少、灵敏度高,适用于职业卫生中尿汞的筛查及汞中毒的快速检测,有较高实用价值。

    医疗/卫生 2016-05-30

  • Approximately 2700 – 6000 tons of mercury are released into the at mosphere annually. Once airborne, mercury can travel thousand mile s from its generation point. Eventually, it precipitates onto the l and and water. And once it enters water, mercury is transformed by microorganisms into methylmercury, the most toxic and dangerous for m of mercury. Exposure to high dosage of methylmercury can cause tremors, inabili ty to walk, convulsions and even death. Children exposed to the mercury show a variety of abnormalities such as delayed onset of walking and talking, cerebra l palsy, and slowed neurological reflexes and learning abilities. One of the best indicators of exposure to mercury is testing for co ncentration in hair and blood. The average concentration of mercur y in non-exposed people is about 8 ppb in blood and 2 ppm in hair Mercury has traditionally been measured in hair, blood, tissues, an d urine by CVAAS (Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry), which is a time and labor consuming method that relies on complicat ed wet chemistry sample preparation. The DMA-80 Direct Mercury Analyzer from Milestone eliminates the sa mple preparation step, allowing you to rapidly process your samples in m inutes, instead of the hours needed for traditional methods. This r apid testing (which is as accurate, if not more so, that CVAAS) giv es you the answers you need without consuming valuable time and eff ort. Other benefits include: Process both liquid and solid samples – no matter how difficult th e matrix you will get an accurate total mercury reading. The built-in 40-position autosampler allows unattended operation fo r a large number of samples The DMA-80 is portable enough to be stationed where you need it mos t; in your laboratory, in a portable testing van, etc... No chemicals are used in the process so no additional toxic wastes are generated. Completely compatible with US EPA Method 7473

    医疗/卫生 2003-08-18

用户单位 采购时间
三名出入境检验检疫局 2012-04-15
山东省分析测试中心 2012-03-01

保修期: 合同约定



免费培训: 咨询

免费仪器保养: 咨询

保内维修承诺: 咨询

报修承诺: 咨询




MILESTONE测汞仪DMA-80 evo直接测汞仪的工作原理介绍

测汞仪DMA-80 evo直接测汞仪的使用方法?

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测汞仪DMA-80 evo直接测汞仪可以检测什么?

测汞仪DMA-80 evo直接测汞仪使用的注意事项?

MILESTONEDMA-80 evo直接测汞仪的说明书有吗?

MILESTONE测汞仪DMA-80 evo直接测汞仪的操作规程有吗?

MILESTONE测汞仪DMA-80 evo直接测汞仪报价含票含运吗?

MILESTONEDMA-80 evo直接测汞仪有现货吗?

莱伯泰科 DMA-80直接测汞仪信息由北京莱伯泰科仪器股份有限公司为您提供,如您想了解更多关于莱伯泰科 DMA-80直接测汞仪报价、型号、参数等信息,莱伯泰科客服电话:400-838-7877,欢迎来电或留言咨询。


