Introduction of ACCSI 2012

Annual Conference of China Scientific Instruments 2012(ACCSI 2012)is hosted by China Instruments Manufacturers Association, China Instrument Society Analytical Instrument Society and www.instrument.com.cn , China Association for Instrument Analysis and www.woyaoce.cn is the co-organizer.

In ACCSI 2012, "Top Ten News of Scientific Instruments and Testing Industry of the Year 2011 in China" will be announced, the awards of "Best New Instruments of the Year 2011", "Green Instruments of the Year", " Manufacturers of the Year" and" the most satisfied manufacturers on after-service”will be issued. These awards can reflect the cognitive degree of Chinese customers for various instrument brands and highlight the popular instruments in Chinese market in 2011. They also reflect the overall situation of Chinese instrument market and the latest technology development trends.

Moreover, several well-known experts and government officers will give the speech on technology and newest policies in food safety, pharmaceutical industry and other areas. The presidents or CEO from six famous domestic and international instrument manufacturers will discuss the market developing trends in the following year.

More than 500 people will attend ACCSI 2012, including government officials, well-known experts, lab headers, managers from main instrument manufacturers and distributors. Besides that, more than 30 professional medias involved in reporting ACCSI 2012.

ACCSI is a high-level instrument industry summit in China, which has been successfully held five times. As the 6th annual conference, ACCSI 2012 aims to facilitate the efficient communication between government, manufacturers, distributors, researchers, and customers, to conduct a comprehensive summary for the year 2011, to outlook for the year 2012 of Chinese instrument market, and to provide useful information for decision-makers.

About www.instrument.com.cn

Instrument.com.cn, founded in 1999, is the largest website for scientific instruments in China. Instrument.com.cn focuses on Chinese instrument market and provides one-stop Internet solution for customers that have instrument business in China. More than 15,000 companies, 500,000 products and 1100,000 users have registered in our online database. The web site receives about 2,200,000 page views, 80,000 visitors and 700 new registered users everyday.