赛多利斯 ambr® 15 微生物系统
赛多利斯 ambr® 15 微生物系统
赛多利斯 ambr® 15 微生物系统
赛多利斯 ambr® 15 微生物系统
赛多利斯 ambr® 15 微生物系统
赛多利斯 ambr® 15 微生物系统

¥20万 - 50万




ambr®15 微生物系统



  • 钻石
  • 第22年
  • 一般经销商
  • 营业执照已审核

Micro bioreactor, 10-15mL

ambr® 15 fermentation is a new automated microscale bioreactor system designed for microbial applications.

Based on the gold-standard ambr 15 technology, it provides a consistent microscale model for early microbial strain screening with enhanced capabilities supporting fed-batch microbial cultures.

  • Increases lab productivity by automating experiment setup, sampling and reagent addition for up to 24 experiments in parallel.

  • Enhances scalability over shaken cultures with full control of DO and pH in fed-batch culture, impeller stirring, gas sparging and pumped additions of pH reagent and feed.

  • Enables data-rich culture profiles with automated sampling and enough culture volume for many samples during a run.


ambr® 15 fermentation combines 24 single-use micro bioreactor vessels, an automated workstation and user-friendly software:

  • Online monitoring and closed-loop control of pH (6-8) and DO, with independent control of N2, O2  and air for each vessel

  • Cascade DO control system for gas flow, stirrer speed and gas mixture

  • Full control of impeller speed, gas flow rates and bioreactor temperature

  • Automated liquid handling for reactor set-up, feeds, base addition and sampling

  • Software controls and monitors all experiments and records data and events with a full audit trail.

  • Easy installation into laminar flow hood allowing aseptic operation


ambr® 15 fermentation vessels mimic the characteristics of a classical lab scale bioreactor:

  • Single-use micro bioreactors designed for use with the ambr® 15 fermentation workstation

  • Sensors for pH (6-8) and DO for continuous monitoring and control

  • Integral impeller for rapid, efficient mixing

  • Sparge tube delivers gas to the impeller mixing zone

  • 10-15mL working volume (8-12 mL liquid plus gas bubbles) with sample port to allow addition of reagents and feeds or removal of samples


ambr® 15 fermentation can be used as a microscale model to enhance research in a range of development applications such as:

  • Vector screening

  • Strain selection

  • Media development

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