全自动维氏/努氏硬度计 VH3300 | 美国威尔逊硬度计
全自动维氏/努氏硬度计 VH3300 | 美国威尔逊硬度计
全自动维氏/努氏硬度计 VH3300 | 美国威尔逊硬度计
全自动维氏/努氏硬度计 VH3300 | 美国威尔逊硬度计
全自动维氏/努氏硬度计 VH3300 | 美国威尔逊硬度计
全自动维氏/努氏硬度计 VH3300 | 美国威尔逊硬度计
全自动维氏/努氏硬度计 VH3300 | 美国威尔逊硬度计
全自动维氏/努氏硬度计 VH3300 | 美国威尔逊硬度计
全自动维氏/努氏硬度计 VH3300 | 美国威尔逊硬度计
全自动维氏/努氏硬度计 VH3300 | 美国威尔逊硬度计
全自动维氏/努氏硬度计 VH3300 | 美国威尔逊硬度计

¥50万 - 100万







  • 金牌
  • 第21年
  • 生产商
  • 营业执照已审核

仪器种类: 维氏硬度计

测定材料: 金属硬度计

仪器类型: 台式

产地类别: 进口

测量范围: 10-100

总试验力: 0.5-50kgf

测试空间: 105/155mm (H) X 175 (D)

摄像头: 500万像素

VH3300全自动维氏/努氏硬度计配备6位转塔,可同时安装3个力值传感器和3个压头,因此适用载荷范围非常宽,为10gf至50kgf。在配置 VH3300时,可根据您的测试需求,选择小型10N力值传感器、中型100N力值传感器或大型500N力值传感器。此外,加上Wilson DiaMet软件,按照ISO 6507、ISO 4545和ASTM E384标准要求,VH3300硬度计非常适合宏观维氏、显微维氏和努氏硬度测试。如果您只要求0.05—10kg载荷范围,不妨考虑一下我们的 VH3100硬度计!



通常在设置和操作时,自动化程度越高,复杂性也越高。DiaMet打破这一惯例,提供了快速、简单的操作,即使无经验的用户也能使用,同时还保留了专业用户 所需功能的灵活性及多样性。一旦设置好测试程序,操作者只需点击或触碰(触摸屏操作时)4下,即可运行该程序进行一系列维氏/努氏硬度测试。








重现、重现、再重现; DiaMet自动照明功能可以不受材质类型(钢、工具钢、碳化物、涂层)的影响,根据样品的表面情况自动调整到合适的状态。








威尔逊 VH3300产核心参数
载荷0.01-50kgf   可配置
物镜3   位 - 可配置物镜
压头多达3   位,努氏和维氏
测试标尺HV0.01   - HV0.025 - HV0.05 - HV0.1 - HV0.2 - HV0.1 - HV0.2 - HV0.3 - HV0.5 - HV1 -   HV2 - HV3 - HV5 - HV10 - HV20 - HV30 - HV50
    HK0.01 - HK0.025 - HK0.05 - HK0.1 - HK0.2 - HK0.3 - HK0.5 - HK1 - HK2



标乐 Buehler & 威尔逊 Wilson 厂家

  • 本篇Tech-Note主要研究Al-Si相图,这样的研究具有很重要的实际意义。二元相图是研究复杂合金的基础。在Al合金中的Si和Fe被认为是杂质元素存在,但是在铸造和锻造Al合金中Si又是一种添加元素。各种铸造Al合金中Si的含量从5~22%(重量比)不等。

    钢铁/金属 2009-09-18

  • Microsectioning has become a standard requirement of printed wiring board (PWB) quality assurance due to the potential for hidden, subsurface defects, and for process control. In recent years, increasing numbers of PWB customers have begun to require certified vendors to perform statistical sampling of their product. Cost reduction initiatives are the driving forces which have shifted this responsibility to the vendor. Many wiring board manufacturers, however, are unprepared for this shift. Their microsectioning capabilities remain manual in nature, and they are poorly equipped to handle the volume of coupon cross-sectioning necessary to meet their customer’s requirements. Often, all that is needed is a small investment in microsectioning automation, but the perceived costs keep many PWB production houses from taking this critical step. In addition, many are fearful that automation will result in loss of jobs. While it is true that automation will free significant amounts of time for workers to focus on other efforts, it does not eliminate the need for operators altogether. This paper offers a look at manual and automated microsectioning of PWB’s, with the purpose of illustrating the time and cost benefits of automation.

    电子/电气 2008-01-15

  • Microelectronics, Part I: Cutting, Mounting Written by: Scott Holt,Applications Engineer,Buehler Editor:George Vander VoortDirector, Research and Technology, Buehler Introduction For most microelectronic devices and packages, direct microscopic observation of a cross section is an important means of inspecting a particular defect. The creation of a cross section, as a destructive measure, is often used in the microelectronics lab as a decisive and final inspection tool after all other economical means of nondestructive inspection are employed. In order to produce a cross section, many of the techniques used in the metals industry have been borrowed; to a large degree, with success. However, the philosophy and logic for choosing a particular method of cutting, mounting, and abrasive preparation has often been lost in the process. This is of extreme significance because the needs of the microelectronics industry vary greatly from those of the metals industry. Issues such as feature size, specific area cross sectioning, and the ability to prepare a variety of materials with different mechanical properties within a single plane of polish require an understanding of basic abrasive processes so that appropriate sectioning methods might be developed. This issue of TECH-NOTES is the first half of a two part effort to summarize some of the basic concepts involved in proper preparation of microelectronic materials. We will discuss some simple guidelines which the microelectronic materials analyst might draw upon in the development of better preparation techniques. In particular, this issue will cover the variables involved in cutting and mounting of microelectronic materials, and summarize some of the technique and consumable choices that must be considered in order to achieve quality results. The next microelectronics issue of TECH-NOTES will continue with the abrasive processes of grinding and polishing these materials.

    电子/电气 2007-01-19

  • 应用于医疗组件上的合金由于其在研磨/抛光阶段存在极高可能性的结构变化甚至损坏,对于金相制样提出了挑战,需要谨慎选择合适的工艺。常见问题包括油污染、划痕和机械变形既很难消除同时影响测量准确性。本文介绍了医疗植入物之钛及其合金的金相制备。

    医疗/卫生 2022-10-20

  • 应用于医疗组件上的合金由于其在研磨/抛光阶段存在极高可能性的结构变化甚至损坏,对于金相制样提出了挑战,需要谨慎选择合适的工艺。常见问题包括油污染、划痕和机械变形既很难消除同时影响测量准确性。本文介绍了医疗植入物之钛及其合金的金相制备。

    医疗/卫生 2022-10-20

  • 钴合金是一种结构坚固的材料,具有优异的耐磨性、耐腐蚀性和良好的生物相容性。与铁基或钛基医用合金相比,它们通过传统加工工艺制造的成本较高,因此更倾向于使用后两种。随着增材制造工艺的出现,钴铬合金越来越多地用于医疗植入物,这归功于近净形状制造能力的提高,只需很少或不需要加工。本文介绍了钴基合金的金相制备方案。

    医疗/卫生 2022-10-20

  • 应用于医疗组件上的合金由于其在研磨/抛光阶段存在极高可能性的结构变化甚至损坏,对于金相制样提出了挑战,需要谨慎选择合适的工艺。常见问题包括油污染、划痕和机械变形既很难消除同时影响测量准确性。这些合金上的陶瓷涂层可以是氧化锆、氧化铝或微晶玻璃等。最常用的是羟基磷灰石(HA)涂层,但也可以采用磷酸三钙和其他磷酸钙。由于这些涂层是通过热喷涂技术涂覆的,因此其孔隙率、厚度和涂层/基体界面是应检查的关键金相参数。

    医疗/卫生 2022-10-20

  • 不锈钢,如AISI 316L,因其成本低、机械性能好、易于加工等优点,一直被用于骨科。不锈钢合金可能会带来其他挑战,如由于其密度较高,与周围骨组织的不相容性,以及合金在体液环境中随时间发生腐蚀的可能性。这是一个主要问题,因为腐蚀副产物对人体组织的影响可能会造成严重的健康风险。

    医疗/卫生 2022-10-20

  • 随着对产品的规格要求日益严苛,成品检验作为必不可少的一环要求也水涨船高。比如钢材的热处理,其硬度测试可追溯到100年前,随着应用越来越具体、技术发展越来越完善,测试方法也一直在进步 。在竞争激烈的刀具行业中,刀片要求既能满足拥有足够的硬度去切割,又不能因过硬的硬度导致脆性失效。

    材料 2023-09-18

  • 增强型纤维材料中我们最熟悉的莫过于碳纤维了,碳钎维是一种含碳量在95%以上的高强度、高模量的新型纤维材料,已经普遍应用在汽车、航空航天、医疗、国防及民用工业等众多领域,因为其具有轴向强度和模量高,密度低、比性能高,无蠕变,非氧化环境下耐超高温,耐疲劳性好,热膨胀系数小且具有各向异性,耐腐蚀性好,X射线透过性好,良好的导电导热性能、电磁屏蔽性好等等优良性能,碳化硅被誉为“黑色黄金”。当然,除了碳纤维以外,碳化硅纤维和玻璃纤维也是我们所熟知的应用较广的纤维材料。本次分享将与大家分别探讨碳纤维、碳化硅纤维、玻璃纤维的样品制备那些事。

    材料 2021-04-02

  • 工具钢是一种非常重要的材料,它的化学成分组成从简单的塑性成型的模具钢和水淬硬化碳钢到高合金的高速钢. 这些材料都有一个共同的特点——铁基材料。在工具钢和模具钢的失效分析中,有时会观察到各种各样我们不希望出现的显微组织。

    材料 2023-08-28

  • 齿轮、齿条(以下案例为感应淬火+回火工艺样品)金相检验过程主要包括:切割取样、镶嵌、研磨抛光、腐蚀以及金相拍照/分析。

    汽车及零部件 2022-06-14

  • 标乐在硬度测试领域拥有超过百年的经验,可以为硬度测试方法提供单独解决方案,也可将这些方法整合到一台设备中。下文中主要介绍了焊接件的维氏测试,以及如何将其应用于生成材料的硬度彩色云图。云图显示了整个需要测量区域的硬度梯度,特别有助于直观体现材料硬度的分布情况。

    汽车及零部件 2022-10-20

  • 本文主要介绍铝合金电阻点焊接头的样品制备,观察铝合金点焊接头宏观结构、微观组织及显微硬度分布。客户可以通过对接头组织性能特点的管控,保证高可靠性的焊接接头。

    汽车及零部件 2024-05-09

  • Microsectioning has become a standard requirement of printed wiring board (PWB) quality assurance due to the potential for hidden, subsurface defects, and for process control. In recent years, increasing numbers of PWB customers have begun to require certified vendors to perform statistical sampling of their product. Cost reduction initiatives are the driving forces which have shifted this responsibility to the vendor. Many wiring board manufacturers, however, are unprepared for this shift. Their microsectioning capabilities remain manual in nature, and they are poorly equipped to handle the volume of coupon cross-sectioning necessary to meet their customer’s requirements. Often, all that is needed is a small investment in microsectioning automation, but the perceived costs keep many PWB production houses from taking this critical step. In addition, many are fearful that automation will result in loss of jobs. While it is true that automation will free significant amounts of time for workers to focus on other efforts, it does not eliminate the need for operators altogether. This paper offers a look at manual and automated microsectioning of PWB’s, with the purpose of illustrating the time and cost benefits of automation.

    电子/电气 2008-01-15

  • Microelectronics, Part I: Cutting, Mounting Written by: Scott Holt,Applications Engineer,Buehler Editor:George Vander VoortDirector, Research and Technology, Buehler Introduction For most microelectronic devices and packages, direct microscopic observation of a cross section is an important means of inspecting a particular defect. The creation of a cross section, as a destructive measure, is often used in the microelectronics lab as a decisive and final inspection tool after all other economical means of nondestructive inspection are employed. In order to produce a cross section, many of the techniques used in the metals industry have been borrowed; to a large degree, with success. However, the philosophy and logic for choosing a particular method of cutting, mounting, and abrasive preparation has often been lost in the process. This is of extreme significance because the needs of the microelectronics industry vary greatly from those of the metals industry. Issues such as feature size, specific area cross sectioning, and the ability to prepare a variety of materials with different mechanical properties within a single plane of polish require an understanding of basic abrasive processes so that appropriate sectioning methods might be developed. This issue of TECH-NOTES is the first half of a two part effort to summarize some of the basic concepts involved in proper preparation of microelectronic materials. We will discuss some simple guidelines which the microelectronic materials analyst might draw upon in the development of better preparation techniques. In particular, this issue will cover the variables involved in cutting and mounting of microelectronic materials, and summarize some of the technique and consumable choices that must be considered in order to achieve quality results. The next microelectronics issue of TECH-NOTES will continue with the abrasive processes of grinding and polishing these materials.

    电子/电气 2007-01-19

  • 本篇Tech-Note主要研究Al-Si相图,这样的研究具有很重要的实际意义。二元相图是研究复杂合金的基础。在Al合金中的Si和Fe被认为是杂质元素存在,但是在铸造和锻造Al合金中Si又是一种添加元素。各种铸造Al合金中Si的含量从5~22%(重量比)不等。

    钢铁/金属 2009-09-18


保修期: 1年



免费培训: 面议

免费仪器保养: 面议

保内维修承诺: 面议

报修承诺: 面议











全自动维氏/努氏硬度计 VH3300 | 美国威尔逊硬度计信息由美国标乐为您提供,如您想了解更多关于全自动维氏/努氏硬度计 VH3300 | 美国威尔逊硬度计报价、型号、参数等信息,欢迎来电或留言咨询。


