水下粒子成像测速系统(Under Water PIV)
水下粒子成像测速系统(Under Water PIV)
水下粒子成像测速系统(Under Water PIV)
水下粒子成像测速系统(Under Water PIV)
水下粒子成像测速系统(Under Water PIV)
水下粒子成像测速系统(Under Water PIV)
水下粒子成像测速系统(Under Water PIV)

¥200万 - 300万


LaVision GmbH





  • 金牌
  • 第17年
  • 一般经销商
  • 营业执照已审核

测量效果: 平面(二位/三维)

产地类别: 进口

测量频率: 低频

测速范围: 0-2km/s

测定准确度: 1%

测量区域大小: 0-1mx1m

        LaVision 公司致力于研发前沿尖端的PIV测量系统迄今已逾20年,型号功能丰富的标准和用户定制FlowMaser® PIV系统在全世界的用户现场安装运行。优异的性能值得信赖。科学家和工程师们用他们出色的测量结果对LaVision的研发和创新能力给予了充分的肯定。LaVision公司提供的的解决方案,不仅是简单的一件易用工具,更是一套适应范围广,功能全面而灵活的智能化测试系统。我们的PIV分析软件算法,在连续三年的评测活动PIV Challenge中得到了优秀的结果。我们独创的专利的自标定算法为测试片光和标定板的偏离提供了精读更高,更为安全高效的,无需手动干预的自动补偿能力。

        FlowMaster@-UW 水下PIV系统采用模块化结构。能够配置成多种几何形态的测量系统。同时维持高的光学成像精确度。我们设计的紧凑型潜望管道镜和鱼雷体水下PIV测量系统,对被测水流的干扰可以降低到最小。同时电子设备可以安全地放置到水面以上(欢迎咨询细节)。浸没水下的设计则采用了体积小巧的遥控高分辨率PIV相机。经过精心设计和加工确保了整个系统的机械刚性,强度并经过严格的实地运行检测验证。水下部件设计的原则是尽量减小体积尺寸,降低对被测流动的干扰。


  • PIV systems rely on a combination of seed particles, laser light intensity, and camera positioning to collected velocity data. Careful attention is needed when selecting the ap- propriate setup con guration for PIV systems. This paper focuses on several areas for improvement in PIV data collection for a compressible turbulent boundary layer study on a at plate using MVG's. The topics include determining the seed particle surface preparation for a at plate, and PIV system con guration.

    农/林/牧/渔 2012-07-10

  • As part of the FARWAKE project, subtask 2.1.1, wake vortex flow experiments are performed using the PIV measurement technique in a water tank. The wake generating model consists of a simple wing/flap model that can be equipped with water jets to simulate propulsion effects. The model was tested at a speed of 3m/s and two angles of attack: 0and 6. Chord Reynolds number of approximately 225.000 and Vortex Reynolds numbers of approximately 150.000 and 220.000 were obtained during the tests. The main objective of the present study is to investigate the influence of a jet on the flap end vortex and the wake vortex formation. The investigation focuses on the direct influence of the jet on the flap end vortex and the (merged) vortex characteristics in the near to mid field. The main vortex characteristics addressed in this report are: the vortex trajectory, the maximum tangential velocity, the peak vorticity and the vortex core radius. The vortex information is obtained from Stereo-PIV experiments performed in a fixed plane perpendicular to the towing direction. The measurements return the 3 components of the velocity in that plane and the streamwise component of the wake vorticity. A submergible moving camera system is used in order to keep the moving vortex in the field of view during the vortex downward motion.

    其他 2012-07-07

  • In this report we present the methodology we are using in the AMI group to compare optic flow estimation methods in the context of the FLUID Specific Targeted Research Project - Contract No 513633 founded by the CEE. The main goal of this report is to try to unify comparison criteria between the different parnerts in order to share information and conclusions. We think that it is one of the topics we have to address in Las Palmas Meeting December next. In order to describe the methodology we use, we divide it in five steps: 1. We choose a number of optic flow estimation methods 2. We choose an image sequence dataset to apply the methods. 3. We apply the methods and we store the results in a ASCII file using an standard format 4. We define a number of statistics to compare the methods (we use the ASCII files as basic information to compare). 5. We compute the statistics for each pair of methods and we generate tables with the information. To help result interpretation we use arrow images and in the case we know the optic flow groundtruth we generate image to provide the information about what method perform better in the different areas of the image. To illustrate this approach and to fit ideas we present the results of this approach in a particular image sequence provided by LaVision in sections from 1.1 to 1.4. Then, in section 2 we remark some of the difficulties we have found in our work, which should be discussed in order to be able to compare results provided by all the partners of the FLUID project.

    其他 2012-07-01

  • Memorial University purchased a Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) system in January 2004. So far it has been used to study flow around a small propeller and a tug hull. Studies have also been made to determine the best seeding particles and the best method of introducing the seeding particles into the flow. This report describes the major components of the PIV system, and the analysis software. Some studies on the selection of seeding particles were made and they are described in this report. The PIV system was used to measure the flow field around a small model propeller and a model of a tug. The results of these experiments are also described. Finally, some recommendations are made for improving the experiment procedures and analysis techniques for future experiments.

    其他 2012-02-02

  • As part of the FARWAKE project, subtask 2.1.1, wake vortex flow experiments are performed using the PIV measurement technique in a water tank. The wake generating model consists of a simple wing/flap model that can be equipped with water jets to simulate propulsion effects. The model was tested at a speed of 3m/s and two angles of attack: 0and 6. Chord Reynolds number of approximately 225.000 and Vortex Reynolds numbers of approximately 150.000 and 220.000 were obtained during the tests. The main objective of the present study is to investigate the influence of a jet on the flap end vortex and the wake vortex formation. The investigation focuses on the direct influence of the jet on the flap end vortex and the (merged) vortex characteristics in the near to mid field. The main vortex characteristics addressed in this report are: the vortex trajectory, the maximum tangential velocity, the peak vorticity and the vortex core radius. The vortex information is obtained from Stereo-PIV experiments performed in a fixed plane perpendicular to the towing direction. The measurements return the 3 components of the velocity in that plane and the streamwise component of the wake vorticity. A submergible moving camera system is used in order to keep the moving vortex in the field of view during the vortex downward motion.

    其他 2012-07-07

  • In this report we present the methodology we are using in the AMI group to compare optic flow estimation methods in the context of the FLUID Specific Targeted Research Project - Contract No 513633 founded by the CEE. The main goal of this report is to try to unify comparison criteria between the different parnerts in order to share information and conclusions. We think that it is one of the topics we have to address in Las Palmas Meeting December next. In order to describe the methodology we use, we divide it in five steps: 1. We choose a number of optic flow estimation methods 2. We choose an image sequence dataset to apply the methods. 3. We apply the methods and we store the results in a ASCII file using an standard format 4. We define a number of statistics to compare the methods (we use the ASCII files as basic information to compare). 5. We compute the statistics for each pair of methods and we generate tables with the information. To help result interpretation we use arrow images and in the case we know the optic flow groundtruth we generate image to provide the information about what method perform better in the different areas of the image. To illustrate this approach and to fit ideas we present the results of this approach in a particular image sequence provided by LaVision in sections from 1.1 to 1.4. Then, in section 2 we remark some of the difficulties we have found in our work, which should be discussed in order to be able to compare results provided by all the partners of the FLUID project.

    其他 2012-07-01

  • Memorial University purchased a Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) system in January 2004. So far it has been used to study flow around a small propeller and a tug hull. Studies have also been made to determine the best seeding particles and the best method of introducing the seeding particles into the flow. This report describes the major components of the PIV system, and the analysis software. Some studies on the selection of seeding particles were made and they are described in this report. The PIV system was used to measure the flow field around a small model propeller and a model of a tug. The results of these experiments are also described. Finally, some recommendations are made for improving the experiment procedures and analysis techniques for future experiments.

    其他 2012-02-02

  • PIV systems rely on a combination of seed particles, laser light intensity, and camera positioning to collected velocity data. Careful attention is needed when selecting the ap- propriate setup con guration for PIV systems. This paper focuses on several areas for improvement in PIV data collection for a compressible turbulent boundary layer study on a at plate using MVG's. The topics include determining the seed particle surface preparation for a at plate, and PIV system con guration.

    农/林/牧/渔 2012-07-10

  • In January 2004, Memorial University purchased a stereoscopic Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) system for making flow measurements. Although the system was potentially very versatile, its primary application was envisioned to be in a towing tank. The system was supplied as a complete package of hardware and software for calibration, data collection and analysis. The intention of the PIV system designers was to collect as many data frames as possible for a fixed measurement plane location, relative to the model. This required the PIV system to be fixed on the towing carriage, moving with the model being studied. It was found during some preliminary experiments that an active seeding delivery system was necessary to ensure sufficiently high seeding particle concentration, especially when measuring flow velocities around a model hull with a large yaw angle. This paper describes the development of a seeding technique for a PIV system that can be used in a towing tank. The paper also includes an estimate of the uncertainty of the measurement system, including the analysis of the flow behind the device used to deliver seed particles into the flow.

    交通 2008-06-16


保修期: 1年



免费培训: 一人次

免费仪器保养: 质保期内一次

保内维修承诺: 全天候电话邮件微信远程连接支援服务

报修承诺: 一周内到达用户现场开始维修

  • 本文给出了第三届国际PIV评测活动(PIV Challenge)的主要结果。这次评测是和PIV05国际研讨会在相同地点,相同时间举行的相关活动。本文介绍了评测活动的宗旨,描述了测试的项目和参与单位采用的相关算法,给出了主要的评测结果和相关分析,同时给出了对于各种不同的PIV和PTV算法的精度和鲁棒特性的总结。由于所得到的全部结果内容较多,无法在此文种尽述。因此本文只能起到使用全部的数据库文件,图像和结果的向导的作用。详细数据可访问http://www.pivChallenge.org.获得。 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 想要获得本文全文的朋友请联系: 北京欧兰科技发展有限公司 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 北京市海淀区上地十街1号辉煌国际中心1号楼1006室。邮编100085 电话: +86-10-62623871,62616041,62612809-18 传真: +86-10-59713638 手机:13001184981,13611196791 电邮: oplan@263.net oplanchina@gmail.com 网址: www.oplanchina.com www.dpiv.cn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    72MB 2009-12-20
  • DaVis是德国LaVsion公司推出的应用于反应和非反应流场测量,材料表面成像和追迹以及超快成像的智能(激光)成像技术的完整软件平台。 DaVis以灵活的图像采集模块,可用户定制的应用界面和特殊应用软件包三大特色功能成就了完美的成像系统所需软件。 DaVis软件可满足用户以纳秒量级的精度进行相机曝光,外部照明以及外部触发的同步控制并能自由选择采集图像序列。除此之外,DaVis软件拥有各种成像设置和控制的功能。 DaVis软件对用户开放,这种特色结合软件本身的宏命令语言,能够使得成像系统快速适应从高深的科学研究到可靠的工业应用等各种不同测量需求。 不仅如此,DaVis还拥有灵活的图像采集模式,先进的图像处理算法,多维图像数据的智能存储和显示,多种硬件的软件控制等功能。 集成了2DPIV和3DPIV功能模块的DaVis软件,参加了连续三年的PIVChallenge(http://www.pivchallenge.org)评测活动,均取得了优异成绩。客观证明了DaVis软件平台的出色性能。 PIVChallenge的组织者将两次PIVChallenge 活动的结果作了详尽的总结,并将结果发表在了公开的网站和杂志上。有关文章和下载网址如下: 1. Stanislas M, Okamoto K, Kaehler C (2003) Main results of the First International PIV Challenge. Meas Sci Technol 14:R63-R89 下载地址: http://stacks.iop.org/0957-0233/14/R63 或: http://www.oplanchina.com/download/Stanislas PIV challenge 2001.pdf 2. Stanislas M, Okamoto K, Kaehler C, Westerweel J (2005) Main results of the Second International PIV Challenge. Exp Fluids 39: 170-191 下载地址:http://www.oplanchina.com/download/PIV Challenge 2003 Results.pdf

    2171MB 2008-01-19
  • The latest issue of the journal Measurement Science and Technology is focusing on uncertainty quantification in Particle Image Velocimetry The need to put an uncertainty band on a PIV vector has long been missing in the PIV community. In recent years, several methods that address this need have emerged in the literature. For this reason, Measurement Science and Technology is addressing uncertainty quantification in PIV with its recent issue. In addition to an editorial written by Prof. Kenneth T. Christensen and Prof. Fulvio Scarano, this issue contains four papers dealing with uncertainty quantification in Particle Image Velocimetry. Three of these papers are from LaVision and its research collaboration partners. These papers are (1) the introduction of the correlation statistics (CS) method, (2) the creation of an experimental database for evaluating existing PIV uncertainty methods, (3) a detailed comparison of existing PIV uncertainty methods (using this database). Please find more information about the latest issue here. Share this article:

    0MB 2015-07-15

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