
¥120万 - 150万


LaVision GmbH





  • 金牌
  • 第17年
  • 一般经销商
  • 营业执照已审核

测量效果: 平面(二位/三维)

产地类别: 进口

测量频率: 低频

测速范围: 0-2km/s

测定准确度: 1%

测量区域大小: 0-1mx1m



  • 采用LaVision公司特色的衍射光学内窥镜可以用于量产发动机缸内燃烧状态的成像可视化测量。可以用于PLIF,PIV,Soot等流体和燃烧产物的分布测量。

    汽车及零部件 2017-09-14

  • In the present work the effect of temperature on the hydrodynamic behavior of fluidized beds is experimentally studied with modern non-invasive experimental techniques. In particular, the development of a high temperature endoscopic Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) is presented. An experimental set up has been designed and constructed that allows the study of hydrodynamics up to temperatures of 1000 oC, typical temperatures encountered in chemical looping gasification processes. First the endoscopic PIV results have been validated at low temperatures with a cold flow setup. Subsequently the application of the new technique to high temperature fluidized beds is presented and the obtained results discussed.

    其他 2013-05-04

  • PIV systems rely on a combination of seed particles, laser light intensity, and camera positioning to collected velocity data. Careful attention is needed when selecting the ap- propriate setup con guration for PIV systems. This paper focuses on several areas for improvement in PIV data collection for a compressible turbulent boundary layer study on a at plate using MVG's. The topics include determining the seed particle surface preparation for a at plate, and PIV system con guration.

    农/林/牧/渔 2012-07-10

  • In this report we present the methodology we are using in the AMI group to compare optic flow estimation methods in the context of the FLUID Specific Targeted Research Project - Contract No 513633 founded by the CEE. The main goal of this report is to try to unify comparison criteria between the different parnerts in order to share information and conclusions. We think that it is one of the topics we have to address in Las Palmas Meeting December next. In order to describe the methodology we use, we divide it in five steps: 1. We choose a number of optic flow estimation methods 2. We choose an image sequence dataset to apply the methods. 3. We apply the methods and we store the results in a ASCII file using an standard format 4. We define a number of statistics to compare the methods (we use the ASCII files as basic information to compare). 5. We compute the statistics for each pair of methods and we generate tables with the information. To help result interpretation we use arrow images and in the case we know the optic flow groundtruth we generate image to provide the information about what method perform better in the different areas of the image. To illustrate this approach and to fit ideas we present the results of this approach in a particular image sequence provided by LaVision in sections from 1.1 to 1.4. Then, in section 2 we remark some of the difficulties we have found in our work, which should be discussed in order to be able to compare results provided by all the partners of the FLUID project.

    其他 2012-07-01

  • In the present work the effect of temperature on the hydrodynamic behavior of fluidized beds is experimentally studied with modern non-invasive experimental techniques. In particular, the development of a high temperature endoscopic Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) is presented. An experimental set up has been designed and constructed that allows the study of hydrodynamics up to temperatures of 1000 oC, typical temperatures encountered in chemical looping gasification processes. First the endoscopic PIV results have been validated at low temperatures with a cold flow setup. Subsequently the application of the new technique to high temperature fluidized beds is presented and the obtained results discussed.

    其他 2013-05-04

  • In this report we present the methodology we are using in the AMI group to compare optic flow estimation methods in the context of the FLUID Specific Targeted Research Project - Contract No 513633 founded by the CEE. The main goal of this report is to try to unify comparison criteria between the different parnerts in order to share information and conclusions. We think that it is one of the topics we have to address in Las Palmas Meeting December next. In order to describe the methodology we use, we divide it in five steps: 1. We choose a number of optic flow estimation methods 2. We choose an image sequence dataset to apply the methods. 3. We apply the methods and we store the results in a ASCII file using an standard format 4. We define a number of statistics to compare the methods (we use the ASCII files as basic information to compare). 5. We compute the statistics for each pair of methods and we generate tables with the information. To help result interpretation we use arrow images and in the case we know the optic flow groundtruth we generate image to provide the information about what method perform better in the different areas of the image. To illustrate this approach and to fit ideas we present the results of this approach in a particular image sequence provided by LaVision in sections from 1.1 to 1.4. Then, in section 2 we remark some of the difficulties we have found in our work, which should be discussed in order to be able to compare results provided by all the partners of the FLUID project.

    其他 2012-07-01

  • PIV systems rely on a combination of seed particles, laser light intensity, and camera positioning to collected velocity data. Careful attention is needed when selecting the ap- propriate setup con guration for PIV systems. This paper focuses on several areas for improvement in PIV data collection for a compressible turbulent boundary layer study on a at plate using MVG's. The topics include determining the seed particle surface preparation for a at plate, and PIV system con guration.

    农/林/牧/渔 2012-07-10

  • DaVis是德国LaVsion公司推出的应用于反应和非反应流场测量,材料表面成像和追迹以及超快成像的智能(激光)成像技术的完整软件平台。 DaVis以灵活的图像采集模块,可用户定制的应用界面和特殊应用软件包三大特色功能成就了完美的成像系统所需软件。 DaVis软件可满足用户以纳秒量级的精度进行相机曝光,外部照明以及外部触发的同步控制并能自由选择采集图像序列。除此之外,DaVis软件拥有各种成像设置和控制的功能。 DaVis软件对用户开放,这种特色结合软件本身的宏命令语言,能够使得成像系统快速适应从高深的科学研究到可靠的工业应用等各种不同测量需求。 不仅如此,DaVis还拥有灵活的图像采集模式,先进的图像处理算法,多维图像数据的智能存储和显示,多种硬件的软件控制等功能。 集成了2DPIV和3DPIV功能模块的DaVis软件,参加了连续三年的PIVChallenge(http://www.pivchallenge.org)评测活动,均取得了优异成绩。客观证明了DaVis软件平台的出色性能。 PIVChallenge的组织者将两次PIVChallenge 活动的结果作了详尽的总结,并将结果发表在了公开的网站和杂志上。有关文章和下载网址如下: 1. Stanislas M, Okamoto K, Kaehler C (2003) Main results of the First International PIV Challenge. Meas Sci Technol 14:R63-R89 下载地址: http://stacks.iop.org/0957-0233/14/R63 或: http://www.oplanchina.com/download/Stanislas PIV challenge 2001.pdf 2. Stanislas M, Okamoto K, Kaehler C, Westerweel J (2005) Main results of the Second International PIV Challenge. Exp Fluids 39: 170-191 下载地址:http://www.oplanchina.com/download/PIV Challenge 2003 Results.pdf

    2171MB 2008-01-19

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