光学O2、pH 和 CO2测量仪
光学O2、pH 和 CO2测量仪

¥5万 - 10万







  • 银牌
  • 第16年
  • 一般经销商
  • 营业执照已审核

产地类别: 进口

这种紧凑型多通道仪表有一个用于测量氧气  (0 – 100 % O2)、pH (5.5 – 8.5 pH) 和 CO2 (1 – 25 % CO2)  的通道。它与非侵入性传感器、浸渍探头和流通池兼容,可用于多种应用,如台式生物反应器监测、呼吸测量或微流体。 MCR-O1P1C1  的每个通道都有单独的温度补偿,因此可以在温度变化的环境中进行确的测量。该仪表由 USB 供电并使用 PreSens Measurement Studio 2 软件操作,可同时控制多个设备,因此可以设置测量网络。凭借众多功能以及额外的压力和盐度补偿,该软件使 MCR-O1P1C1 几乎适用于任何应用。

· 一台设备同时监测 O2、pH 和 CO2






O2: PSt3
pH: HP5
CO2: CD1


Pt100 温度传感器连接器(不包括传感器)




5 VDC(USB-2.0-Mini-B,包括电缆)


从 0 °C 到 + 50 °C / 从 - 20 °C 到 + 70 °C


0 % to 80 % (非冷凝)


164 mm x 80 mm (with SMA connectors) x 50 mm


430 g


USB 接口电缆到 PC(包括电缆)


  • On-line measurement of dissolved O2 in shake-flasks was realized via immobilized sensor spots containing a fluorophore with an O2 dependent luminescent decay time. An unaffected sensor signal during 80 autoclaving cycles suggests multi-usage of sensor equipped shake-flasks. The sensor had a response time of 6 s. Quantification of gas-liquid mass transfer revealed maximum kLa values of 150 h−1, from which maximum O2 transfer capacity of 33 mM h−1 was calculated. Liquid volume and shaking frequency have a strong influence on kLa. Exemplified by cultivations of Corynebacterium glutamicum the importance of shaking rate for O2 supply of bacterial cultures is shown. Sampling of microbial cultures with intermittent shaking of a few minutes can cause O2 limitation. Based on the results of this work a simple and straightforward tool is now available for accurate O2 sensing in shake-flasks, which are widely used in microbial cultivations.

    石油/化工 2017-11-16

  • 许多湿地植物都面临着严峻的土壤问题。化工生产使土壤产生缺氧症和植物毒性化合物。为了维持一个有氧呼吸的湿地植物根系产生通气组织,证植物体通过地下器官有效组织氧气输送。此外湿地植物能够向土壤中释放氧气,这反过来又影响湿地植物曝气,可以大大影响土壤化学,通过需氧根围保护根部。通过植物通气组织的地下器官释放氧气的实验在实验室已经得到很好的验证并记录,但没有在野外条件下的相关实验记录。 在这项研究中,我们进行氧饱和度动态测量,同时测量了土壤含水量和小气候参数。测量时间为2001年7月至10月,实验对象为盖有 Carex rostrata Stokes的一些低地泥炭。氧饱和度量化使用最新才(德国Presens 公司microoptrodes)光学传感器。 C. rostrata的存在显著提高了土壤中的氧气含量,在有Carex rostrata覆盖时的氧饱和度 (56.0%) 明显高于无植被(26.6%)。含水量波动(变化)时,两块地的氧饱和度变化都很明显。增加土壤水分含量在两地块引起氧饱和度剧烈下降,并导致缺氧的对照区。在有C. rostrata存在时,含水量较高时土壤中的氧气显著下降(68.5%,较对照区的67.5%),这是因为在测量时水的平均含量在67至69%之间浮动。

    环保 2017-11-16

  • Inadequate oxygen concentration in the root zone is a constraint to plant performance particularly in heavy, compacted and/or saline soils. Sub-surface drip irrigation (SDI) offers a means of increasing oxygen to plant roots in such soils, provided irrigation water can be hyper-aerated or oxygenated. Hydrogen peroxide (HP) at the rate of 5 litre ha-1 at the end of each irrigation cycle was injected through SDI tape to a field-grown zucchini (courgette) crop (Cucurbita pepo) on a saturated heavy clay soil in Queensland, Australia. Fruit yield, number and shoot weight increased by 25%, 29% and 24% respectively due to HP treatment compared to the control. Two pot experiments with vegetable soybean (Glycine max) and cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) compared the effectiveness of HP and air injection using a MazzeiTM air injector (a venturi), throughout the irrigation cycle in raising crop yield in a heavy clay soil kept at saturation or just under field capacity. Fresh pod yield of vegetable soybean increased by 82-96% in aeration treatments compared with the control. The yield increase was associated with more pods per plant and greater mean pod weight. Significantly higher above ground biomass and light interception were evident with aeration, irrespective of soil water treatment. Similarly cotton lint yield increased by 14-28% in aeration treatments compared with the control. The higher lint yield was associated with more squares and bolls per plant which accompanied greater above ground biomass and an increase in root mass, root length and soil respiration. Air injection and HP effected greater water use, but also brought about an enhancement of water use efficiency (WUE) for pod and lint yield, and increased leaf photosynthetic rate in both species but had no effect on transpiration rate and stomatal conductance per unit leaf area.

    农/林/牧/渔 2017-11-16

  • The degradation of monochlorobenzene (MCB) was assessed in a constructed wetland treating MCB contaminated groundwater using a detailed geochemical characterisation, stable isotope composition analysis and in situ microcosm experiments. A correlation between ferrous iron mobilisation, decreasing MCB concentration and enrichment in carbon isotope composition was visible at increasing distance from the inflow point, indicating biodegradation of MCB in the wetland. Additionally, in situ microcosm systems loaded with 13C-labelled MCB were deployed for the first time in sediments to investigate the biotransformation of MCB. Incorporation of 13C-labelled carbon derived from the MCB into bacterial fatty acids substantiated in situ degradation of MCB. The detection of 13C-labelled benzene indicated reductive dehalogenation of MCB. This integrated approach indicated the natural attenuation of the MCB in a wetland system. Further investigations are required to document and optimise the in situ biodegradation of MCB in constructed and natural wetland systems treating contaminated groundwater.

    环保 2017-11-16

  • 许多湿地植物都面临着严峻的土壤问题。化工生产使土壤产生缺氧症和植物毒性化合物。为了维持一个有氧呼吸的湿地植物根系产生通气组织,证植物体通过地下器官有效组织氧气输送。此外湿地植物能够向土壤中释放氧气,这反过来又影响湿地植物曝气,可以大大影响土壤化学,通过需氧根围保护根部。通过植物通气组织的地下器官释放氧气的实验在实验室已经得到很好的验证并记录,但没有在野外条件下的相关实验记录。 在这项研究中,我们进行氧饱和度动态测量,同时测量了土壤含水量和小气候参数。测量时间为2001年7月至10月,实验对象为盖有 Carex rostrata Stokes的一些低地泥炭。氧饱和度量化使用最新才(德国Presens 公司microoptrodes)光学传感器。 C. rostrata的存在显著提高了土壤中的氧气含量,在有Carex rostrata覆盖时的氧饱和度 (56.0%) 明显高于无植被(26.6%)。含水量波动(变化)时,两块地的氧饱和度变化都很明显。增加土壤水分含量在两地块引起氧饱和度剧烈下降,并导致缺氧的对照区。在有C. rostrata存在时,含水量较高时土壤中的氧气显著下降(68.5%,较对照区的67.5%),这是因为在测量时水的平均含量在67至69%之间浮动。

    环保 2017-11-16

  • The degradation of monochlorobenzene (MCB) was assessed in a constructed wetland treating MCB contaminated groundwater using a detailed geochemical characterisation, stable isotope composition analysis and in situ microcosm experiments. A correlation between ferrous iron mobilisation, decreasing MCB concentration and enrichment in carbon isotope composition was visible at increasing distance from the inflow point, indicating biodegradation of MCB in the wetland. Additionally, in situ microcosm systems loaded with 13C-labelled MCB were deployed for the first time in sediments to investigate the biotransformation of MCB. Incorporation of 13C-labelled carbon derived from the MCB into bacterial fatty acids substantiated in situ degradation of MCB. The detection of 13C-labelled benzene indicated reductive dehalogenation of MCB. This integrated approach indicated the natural attenuation of the MCB in a wetland system. Further investigations are required to document and optimise the in situ biodegradation of MCB in constructed and natural wetland systems treating contaminated groundwater.

    环保 2017-11-16

  • 在海冰形成的过程中将光学微氧传感器(Micro-optodes)冻结在冰中,直接测量其中的氧动力状态。 Oxygen micro-optodes were used to measure oxygen dynamics directly within the microstructure of sea ice by freezing the sensors into the ice during its formation.The experiment was conducted in a 4 m3 mesocosm filled with artificial seawater and inoculated with a unialgal culture of the common Antarctic ice diatom Fragilariopsis cylindrus (Bacillariophyceae) to a final chlorophyll a (chl a) concentration of 11 μg l–1. Ice growth was initiated 7 d after inoculation by reducing the air temperature to –10 ± 2°C and terminated 17 d later. The final ice thickness was 27 cm. One optode was frozen into grease ice and 2 others into the skeletal layer of the growing ice sheet. Increasing oxygen concentrations during ice crystal formation at the water surface and the ice-water interface revealed a strong inclusion of oxygen, which was either physically trapped and/or the result of photosynthesising diatoms. The major portion of oxygen was present as gas bubbles due to supersaturation as a result of increasing salinity and oxygen production by diatoms. An increase in salinity due to a concurrent decrease in ice temperatures during subsequent sea ice development reduced the maximum concentration of dissolved oxygen within brine. Thus, dissolved oxygen concentrations decreased over time, whereas gaseous oxygen was released to the atmosphere and seawater. The sensors are a significant advance on more conventional microelectrodes, because the recordings can be temperature and salinity compensated in order to obtain precise measurements of oxygen dynamics with regard to total (dissolved and gaseous) and dissolved oxygen in sea ice. Optodes do not consume oxygen during measurement over a long period under extreme conditions, which is another advantage for long-term deployment in the field.

    环保 2017-11-16

  • Inadequate oxygen concentration in the root zone is a constraint to plant performance particularly in heavy, compacted and/or saline soils. Sub-surface drip irrigation (SDI) offers a means of increasing oxygen to plant roots in such soils, provided irrigation water can be hyper-aerated or oxygenated. Hydrogen peroxide (HP) at the rate of 5 litre ha-1 at the end of each irrigation cycle was injected through SDI tape to a field-grown zucchini (courgette) crop (Cucurbita pepo) on a saturated heavy clay soil in Queensland, Australia. Fruit yield, number and shoot weight increased by 25%, 29% and 24% respectively due to HP treatment compared to the control. Two pot experiments with vegetable soybean (Glycine max) and cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) compared the effectiveness of HP and air injection using a MazzeiTM air injector (a venturi), throughout the irrigation cycle in raising crop yield in a heavy clay soil kept at saturation or just under field capacity. Fresh pod yield of vegetable soybean increased by 82-96% in aeration treatments compared with the control. The yield increase was associated with more pods per plant and greater mean pod weight. Significantly higher above ground biomass and light interception were evident with aeration, irrespective of soil water treatment. Similarly cotton lint yield increased by 14-28% in aeration treatments compared with the control. The higher lint yield was associated with more squares and bolls per plant which accompanied greater above ground biomass and an increase in root mass, root length and soil respiration. Air injection and HP effected greater water use, but also brought about an enhancement of water use efficiency (WUE) for pod and lint yield, and increased leaf photosynthetic rate in both species but had no effect on transpiration rate and stomatal conductance per unit leaf area.

    农/林/牧/渔 2017-11-16

  • Inadequate oxygen concentration in the root zone is a constraint to plant performance particularly in heavy, compacted and/or saline soils. Sub-surface drip irrigation (SDI) offers a means of increasing oxygen to plant roots in such soils, provided irrigation water can be hyper-aerated or oxygenated. Hydrogen peroxide (HP) at the rate of 5 litre ha-1 at the end of each irrigation cycle was injected through SDI tape to a field-grown zucchini (courgette) crop (Cucurbita pepo) on a saturated heavy clay soil in Queensland, Australia. Fruit yield, number and shoot weight increased by 25%, 29% and 24% respectively due to HP treatment compared to the control. Two pot experiments with vegetable soybean (Glycine max) and cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) compared the effectiveness of HP and air injection using a MazzeiTM air injector (a venturi), throughout the irrigation cycle in raising crop yield in a heavy clay soil kept at saturation or just under field capacity. Fresh pod yield of vegetable soybean increased by 82-96% in aeration treatments compared with the control. The yield increase was associated with more pods per plant and greater mean pod weight. Significantly higher above ground biomass and light interception were evident with aeration, irrespective of soil water treatment. Similarly cotton lint yield increased by 14-28% in aeration treatments compared with the control. The higher lint yield was associated with more squares and bolls per plant which accompanied greater above ground biomass and an increase in root mass, root length and soil respiration. Air injection and HP effected greater water use, but also brought about an enhancement of water use efficiency (WUE) for pod and lint yield, and increased leaf photosynthetic rate in both species but had no effect on transpiration rate and stomatal conductance per unit leaf area.

    农/林/牧/渔 2017-11-16

  • Inadequate oxygen concentration in the root zone is a constraint to plant performance particularly in heavy, compacted and/or saline soils. Sub-surface drip irrigation (SDI) offers a means of increasing oxygen to plant roots in such soils, provided irrigation water can be hyper-aerated or oxygenated. Hydrogen peroxide (HP) at the rate of 5 litre ha-1 at the end of each irrigation cycle was injected through SDI tape to a field-grown zucchini (courgette) crop (Cucurbita pepo) on a saturated heavy clay soil in Queensland, Australia. Fruit yield, number and shoot weight increased by 25%, 29% and 24% respectively due to HP treatment compared to the control. Two pot experiments with vegetable soybean (Glycine max) and cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) compared the effectiveness of HP and air injection using a MazzeiTM air injector (a venturi), throughout the irrigation cycle in raising crop yield in a heavy clay soil kept at saturation or just under field capacity. Fresh pod yield of vegetable soybean increased by 82-96% in aeration treatments compared with the control. The yield increase was associated with more pods per plant and greater mean pod weight. Significantly higher above ground biomass and light interception were evident with aeration, irrespective of soil water treatment. Similarly cotton lint yield increased by 14-28% in aeration treatments compared with the control. The higher lint yield was associated with more squares and bolls per plant which accompanied greater above ground biomass and an increase in root mass, root length and soil respiration. Air injection and HP effected greater water use, but also brought about an enhancement of water use efficiency (WUE) for pod and lint yield, and increased leaf photosynthetic rate in both species but had no effect on transpiration rate and stomatal conductance per unit leaf area.

    农/林/牧/渔 2017-11-16

  • On-line measurement of dissolved O2 in shake-flasks was realized via immobilized sensor spots containing a fluorophore with an O2 dependent luminescent decay time. An unaffected sensor signal during 80 autoclaving cycles suggests multi-usage of sensor equipped shake-flasks. The sensor had a response time of 6 s. Quantification of gas-liquid mass transfer revealed maximum kLa values of 150 h−1, from which maximum O2 transfer capacity of 33 mM h−1 was calculated. Liquid volume and shaking frequency have a strong influence on kLa. Exemplified by cultivations of Corynebacterium glutamicum the importance of shaking rate for O2 supply of bacterial cultures is shown. Sampling of microbial cultures with intermittent shaking of a few minutes can cause O2 limitation. Based on the results of this work a simple and straightforward tool is now available for accurate O2 sensing in shake-flasks, which are widely used in microbial cultivations.

    石油/化工 2017-11-16


保修期: 1年



免费培训: 看情况


保内维修承诺: 保修期以根据原厂所公布的文件为依据,通常是货到、用户验收签字之日计算。

报修承诺: 24小时内联系处理

  • 在长时间保存的PET瓶灌装饮料和啤酒中,氧气会慢慢透过PET瓶的瓶壁和瓶盖密封处进入瓶中,轻则影响啤酒和饮料的口感,重则引起啤酒和饮料的变质,因此PET瓶的透氧性是PET瓶的重要检测指标之一。但长期以来PET瓶的透氧性测试一直很难直接完成,多数情况是以检测PET瓶的片材的透氧性代替整瓶的检测。其实这种检测有两个不全面的地方:1、瓶盖密封处的透氧性相对瓶壁来说更大,更不容忽视;2、瓶的形状是多样的,同一个PET瓶,因为形状的影响,瓶壁各个部分的厚度是有差别的,因此各个部分透氧性也是有差异的,所以用检测PET瓶片材的办法来检测PET瓶是片面的。另外,整瓶检测也有两种方法,一种是空瓶检测(检测空瓶的透氧性),另一种是模拟真实场景(将瓶中灌满含CO2的水)进行检测。德国Presens公司的非接触式探头Fibox3 和Fibox3-Trace可以有效进行上述检测。

    309MB 2010-11-03










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