Lyncee Tec 4D反射测量仪
Lyncee Tec 4D反射测量仪
Lyncee Tec 4D反射测量仪
Lyncee Tec 4D反射测量仪



Lyncee Tec


Lyncee Tec 4D



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Lyncee Tec 4D反射测量仪

Characterize transparent patterns

Transparent pattern characterization by DHM® is a unique solution to measure 3D topography and thicknesses of transparent structures on a reflective substrate.

Measures topography, thickness and refractive indices of transparent structures

  • Measurement of surface structures from 10 nanometers to several microns

  • Measurement of refractive indices

  • Characterization of deposited or etched structures composed of up to 3 layers

Flexible instrument

  • Non-contact method, ideal to measure liquids and soft materials

Typical transparent SiO2 pattern characterized by DHM reflectometry analysis

The 3D topography as well as the thicknesses and refractive indices of patterned transparent samples are retrieved by a dedicated post-analysis software by computing the complete reflected wavefront based on the laws of physics. Therefore DHM® provides a solution to measure the correct topography while measurements with alternative optical profilometer are affected by the multiple reflections of the light signal occurring in transparent materials.

Structures of Transparent materials such SiO2 and thin metal layers, widely used in coating, isolating, protective or structuring layers in semiconductor and MEMS industries, are typical samples easily characterized by DHM®.

Dynamical topography of liquids on microfluidics devices and on functional surfaces is critical to characterize because of multiple interferences occurring between the liquid and the substrate. DHM® with the Reflectometry analysis software enables to provide accurate dynamical measurements.

This solution encompasses a holographic microscope instrument by Lyncée Tec with a full range of microscope objectives, the dedicated Koala acquisition and analysis software and the dedicated Reflectometry post-analysis software.


DHM® technology and its dedicated Reflectometry post-analysis software offer significant benefits.

Be innovative by extending your range of measurable samples

  • Perform Reflectometry analysis with a single DHM® instrument

  • Measure the topography on coated materials with metrological precision

  • Study surface topography of semiconductors with photoresist

  • Study dynamical dielectric constant variation (Hall effect)

  • Measure the 3D topography of liquids and soft materials

Get instantaneous results

  • Combien DHM® Reflectometry analysis software with live profilometry, stroboscopic synchronization and industrial solutions

Application Cases

In 2009, on request of a DHM® user measuring SIMS, Lyncée Tec has developed the solution to interpret optical measurement of samples with transparent structures. Since then, the Reflectometry analysis software has been continuously improved with new features and tools. Among many samples, Lyncée Tec has published the comparative measurements of geometrical topography for the following sample configurations:

SiO2 staircase on Si wafer

  • Height measurement of transparent multi-layered steps

  • Non-contact and complete 3D topography without any scanning

  • Step edges precisely highlighted

Crater dug through layers of Au-SiO2-Si

  • Depth measurement of a crater dug through transparent multi-layers on reflective substrate

  • Complete 3D topography of relatively large crater area

  • Depth determination with subnanometric vertical resolution

Fluid topography on substrate

  • Topography measurement of Liquid (TetraEthylenGlycol, TEG) drop on Si substrate

  • Non-contact, i.e. non damaging measure

  • Unique solution for complete 3D characterization of liquid or soft material drop

SiO2 Nano-staires on Si substrate


“Digital Holographic Reflectometry for Semi-Transparent Multilayers Measurement“, T. Colomb & al.

“Réfléctométrie Holographique Numérique Appliquée à la Métrologie des Fluides“, T. Colomb & al.

“Digital Holographic Reflectometry“, T. Colomb & al.

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