TA仪器Discovery 流变仪
TA仪器Discovery 流变仪
TA仪器Discovery 流变仪
TA仪器Discovery 流变仪



TA 仪器





  • 白金
  • 第20年
  • 一般经销商
  • 营业执照已审核





仪器名称                   DHR-2

止推轴承                   磁悬浮

径向轴承                   多孔碳

马达设计                   拖杯马达

动态最小扭矩(nN.m)       2

稳态最小扭矩(nN.m)       10

最大扭矩 (mN.m)            200

扭矩分辨率 (nN.m)          0.1

最小频率 (Hz)              1.0E-07

最大频率 (Hz)              100

最小角速率 (rad/s)         0

最大角速率 (rad/s)         300

位移传感器                 光学编码器

双读取头光学编码器         N/A

位移分辨率 (nrad)          10

步阶应变响应时间 (ms)      15

步阶速率响应时间 (ms)      5

法向/轴向力传感器          FRT

最大法向力 (N)             50

法向力灵敏度 (N)           0.005

法向力分辨率 (mN)          0.5

  • 震荡中的流变测量无论在应力还是应变通常都会形成强烈的信号。随着材料复杂度的增加,在样本测试中更加需要能够覆盖广泛范围的样品弹性模量(个和应力及应变)。对于动态范围由于106的,必须消除随机噪声和系统误差修正,以确保准确的结果。高速数据采集与灵活的相关技术结合,以提高低端性能流变仪。

    石油/化工 2016-04-05

  • Thermoset polymers form the matrix in filled plastics and fiberreinforced composites used in a diversity of products. These range from consumer items and auto body panels to advanced composites for printed circuit boards (PCBs), aerspace structural components such as the Space Shuttle payload bay door and jet engine cowls and ducts, and expensive, high-performance sports equipment. Also, thermosets are used extensively as adhesives, molding compounds, and surface coatings, including protective solder masks for PCBs.

    材料 2016-03-29

  • In an oscillation shear experiment, the material is subjected to either a sinusoidal strain or stress and the corresponding response is measured. The ratio of the output and input signals is referred to as the transfer function or material function (Figure 1). When a sinusoidal deformation or deformation rate is applied, the material’s response is the stress. The resulting material function is either the modulus or the viscosity; if a stress is applied and the strain measured, the material function is the compliance.

    电子/电气 2016-03-28

  • Waterborne coatings do not have a priori, the same advantageous rheological properties as solvent-based coatings. If not formulated correctly, they are much inferior with regard to flow properties, leveling, application properties, film build, etc.. In order to obtain the desired performance, thickeners and rheological modifiers are added to improve waterborne paints. Conventional thickeners like cellulosics, high molecular weight polymers or inorganic clays increase the viscosity during application, but they provide poor spatter resistance and leveling to the paint. Associative thickeners are low molecular weight, water soluble polymers like modified alkali swellable emulsions, and provide overall good performance to a waterborne coating.

    石油/化工 2016-03-22

  • 震荡中的流变测量无论在应力还是应变通常都会形成强烈的信号。随着材料复杂度的增加,在样本测试中更加需要能够覆盖广泛范围的样品弹性模量(个和应力及应变)。对于动态范围由于106的,必须消除随机噪声和系统误差修正,以确保准确的结果。高速数据采集与灵活的相关技术结合,以提高低端性能流变仪。

    石油/化工 2016-04-05

  • Waterborne coatings do not have a priori, the same advantageous rheological properties as solvent-based coatings. If not formulated correctly, they are much inferior with regard to flow properties, leveling, application properties, film build, etc.. In order to obtain the desired performance, thickeners and rheological modifiers are added to improve waterborne paints. Conventional thickeners like cellulosics, high molecular weight polymers or inorganic clays increase the viscosity during application, but they provide poor spatter resistance and leveling to the paint. Associative thickeners are low molecular weight, water soluble polymers like modified alkali swellable emulsions, and provide overall good performance to a waterborne coating.

    石油/化工 2016-03-22

  • Thermoset polymers form the matrix in filled plastics and fiberreinforced composites used in a diversity of products. These range from consumer items and auto body panels to advanced composites for printed circuit boards (PCBs), aerspace structural components such as the Space Shuttle payload bay door and jet engine cowls and ducts, and expensive, high-performance sports equipment. Also, thermosets are used extensively as adhesives, molding compounds, and surface coatings, including protective solder masks for PCBs.

    材料 2016-03-29

  • In an oscillation shear experiment, the material is subjected to either a sinusoidal strain or stress and the corresponding response is measured. The ratio of the output and input signals is referred to as the transfer function or material function (Figure 1). When a sinusoidal deformation or deformation rate is applied, the material’s response is the stress. The resulting material function is either the modulus or the viscosity; if a stress is applied and the strain measured, the material function is the compliance.

    电子/电气 2016-03-28

  • 一个医药公司想比较两种洗液的扩散速度,以确定不同配方的作用效果。可是两种洗液的量非常少,难以用合适的方法进行表征。

    医疗/卫生 2015-08-24


TA 仪器流变仪DHR-2的工作原理介绍


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TA 仪器流变仪DHR-2的操作规程有吗?

TA 仪器流变仪DHR-2报价含票含运吗?

TA 仪器DHR-2有现货吗?

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