2074684-Marcom Specialist

经验要求 3-5年| 本科| 北京| 关注人数 37

Job Description: Marketing Communication Specialist
This position is responsible for developing a thoughtful and impactful design and development of marketing campaigns to engage Agilent customers to the desired action. This requires transforming a defined business and marketing strategy into a structured marketing campaign to facilitate awareness, generated leads and ultimately develop long-term loyalty within our customer base. Position involves both strategy development and tactical implementation built on a thorough understanding of the business and marketing situation and objectives.

Job Responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:
• Develops a nurturing campaign design to support the marketing objective providing guidance on the appropriate tactics and communication flow for results based on in-depth knowledge of marketing communication and customer engagement.
• Manages tactical development working with internal or external creative agency partners ensuring adherence to brand standards.
• Liaise and co-ordinate with internal and external parties to execute the campaigns, such as events logistics, venue set-up, program materials and program delivery, etc.
• Analyzes campaign results – short and long term- to determine effectiveness and make required adjustments to ensure objectives are achieved.
• Works effectively and collaborates across regions and functions to determine regional requirements – customer and channel- for appropriate design and execution of campaign.
• Adheres to corporate standards, including the corporate identity design system, writing style guidelines, and others as applicable.
• Solves a broad range of problems of varying scope and complexity.
Job requirements:
• Bachelors or Master Degree or University Degree or equivalent.
• Minimum of 4 years relevant experience, with typically 5 to 8 years, creating and managing marcom programs in a technical business-to-business environment
• Deep understanding of marcom strategy development and tactics
• Experience developing and measuring effectiveness of integrated marcom programs
• Strong project management and organizational skills
• Strong written and verbal communication skills
• Ability to identify creative solutions for complex issues
• Excellent ability to manage multiple projects that are deadline oriented, handle interruptions, and to be flexible with changing tasks
• Proactive work attitude, responsible, mature and well-organized
• A good team player is a must. Able to work closely and cultivate good relationship with internal colleagues and external partners
• Good time management and capable of prioritizing tasks
• Willing to travel
安全提示: 严禁招聘者做出任何损害求职者合法权益的违法违规行为,包括但不限于扣押求职者证照、索要求职者财物、诱导求职者异地入职、异地参加培训、违法违规使用求职者简历等,一经发现, 立即举报


1000人以上 | 北京 | 外企

安捷伦科技有限公司(纽约证交所:A)是生命科学、诊断和应用化学市场领 域的全球领导者,致力于为提升人类生活品质提供敏锐洞察和创新经验。安捷伦的 仪器、软件、服务、解决方案和专家能够为客户最具挑战性的难题提供更可靠的答 案。 安捷伦公司总部位于美国加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉市。我们为全世界 100 多个 国家和地区的实验室提供仪器、服务、消耗品、应用与专业知识,以帮助客户获得 他们所寻求的深入见解。安捷伦将其专业技术聚焦于六个关键领域:食品,环境和 法医,制药,诊断,化工与能源和科研。 作为生命科学、诊断和应用化学市场领域的全球领导者,安捷伦也是改革开 放之后最早进入中国市场的高科技企业之一。上世纪八十年代,安捷伦就已经进入 中国。 多年来,我们始终坚持“在中国,为中国”的发展战略。公司的发展始终与中国 宏观发展高度一致。目前,中国市场已经占安捷伦全球业务收入的 20%。 在中国,我们长期致力于培养本地人才,推动科技创新,传承多元化文化, 并且助力健康中国 2030 等国家战略。我们见证、助力了中国“十三五”的成功,也 将在“十四五”和更长期的时期里,持续推动中国的科技创新和高质量发展。 目前,安捷伦在中国拥有两千多名员工,总部位于北京,在上海和杭州分别 设有工厂和研发中心,在中国众多城市设有子公司和办事处。业务涉及产品研发及 制造、市场推广、销售、和售后服务支持等。 除此之外,安捷伦始终践行“优秀企业公民”的理念,并一直致力于可持续发展 和环境保护。一直以来,安捷伦积极参与支持中国多项青少年科普及教育活动,资 助中国顶尖大学及科研机构,努力回报社会 , 为建立美丽中国奉献自己的力量




