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 回复slj159200mark发表于:2018/5/28 11:46:14悬赏金额:30积分 状态:未解决
【作者】: Jonathan W. DeVries
【题名】:Non-protein nitrogen determination: A screening tool for nitrogenous compound adulteration of milk powder
【期刊】:International Dairy Journal
【年、卷、期、起止页码】:Volume 68, May 2017, Pages 46-51
【作者】: Hou-Yu Wang
【题名】:A visual detection of protein content based on titration of moving reaction boundary electrophoresis
【期刊】:Analytica Chimica Acta
【年、卷、期、起止页码】:Volume 774, 24 April 2013, Pages 92-99
【作者】: Erika I. Díaz‐Rojas
【题名】:Determination of Chitin and Protein Contents During the Isolation of Chitin from Shrimp Waste
【年、卷、期、起止页码】:Volume6, Issue5 May 23, 2006 Pages 340-347
【作者】: A H Simonne E H Simonne
【题名】:Could the Dumas Method Replace the Kjeldahl Digestion for Nitrogen and Crude Protein Determinations in Foods?
【年、卷、期、起止页码】:Volume73, Issue1 January 1997 Pages 39-45
【作者】: Sergio O. Lourenço 
【题名】:Amino acid composition, protein content and calculation of nitrogen‐to‐protein conversion factors for 19 tropical seaweeds
【年、卷、期、起止页码】:Volume50, Issue3 September 2002 Pages 233-241
 回复  1# wangyubo  回复于:2018/5/28 11:51:55