
检测样品: 洗衣皂
检测项目: 液滴的形态分析
浏览次数: 118
发布时间: 2010-03-16
关联设备: 4种 查看全部



解决方案总数: 11 方案总浏览次数:
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imaging solution in powder analysis Product specialist: christian.godino@occhio.be Application note: SOAP EMULSION The measurement of oil bubbles in soap emulsion with laser diffractionrequires a large dilution of the product. Unfortunately this dilution completelychanges physical properties of the emulsion. The validity of the measurementis therefore subject to caution. With a new software development, Occhioinstruments provides now a solution for this problematic. [mage analysis is used to make size measurement since more than 15 years butstandard instruments require that measured objects are individualized and thedilution was also a necessary step of the analysis. However image analysismeasures the sizebut also the shape of objects. In the case of soapcharacterization, as we know the shape of oil bubbles, shape measurementcould be used not to characterize but to detect not individualized oil bubbles. The algorithm developed by Occhio instruments is based on this idea to detectand measure oil bubbles in not diluted soap emulsions. 心 Occhio flow-cell FC200S with its high resolution camera and its dedicated soapemulsion software; the instrument with an unrivaled resolution of 380 nanometersmeasures oil bubbles size distribution of not diluted soap. www.occhio-instruments.com Application note: SOAP EMULSION Length 630 mm-24.8 in Width 350 mm-13.8 in Height 470 mm-18.7 in Weight 27.6 Kg-60.8 lbs Connection 2 USB II at 480Mbps Power supply 3.3V dc -12V dc 5 pins external power supply Optics Camera resolution 6.6 Millions pixels (2200 x3000 pixels) Pixel size 3.5 um side Lens type Telecentric Zoom Lens resolution From 0.38 to 2.3 um/pixel Field of view 836 x 1140 um @0.38 um/pixel 4600 x 6900 um @2.3 um/pixel Light source Collimated monochromatic light Light wavelength 440 nm Light output diameter 15 mm Cell specifications Cell core Stainless steel Cell thickness 50pm;100um; 150um;200pm; 300pm; 400um; 500pmCalibrated stainless steel spacers Spacers thickness tolerance ±2um Window diameter 31.8 mm Window type BK7 optical glass or quartz windows Cleaning Fully dismountable cell Cell housing Aluminium and stainless steel screws Just ask your local dealer for free demonstration directly on your own samples.





博盛技术(中国)有限公司为您提供《肥皂(SOAP)中液滴的形态分析检测方案 》,该方案主要用于洗衣皂中液滴的形态分析检测,参考标准--,《肥皂(SOAP)中液滴的形态分析检测方案 》用到的仪器有粒度粒形分析仪、在线粒度分析仪、可移动粒度分析支架、在线粒度仪PAT (激光粒度)