




艾普拜生物科技(苏州)有限公司 艾普拜生物
北京隆福佳生物科技有限公司 北京隆福佳
上海净信实业发展有限公司 净信
仪真分析仪器有限公司 仪真分析仪器
卓立汉光欧兰科技赛多利斯Molecular Devices迹亚国际商贸明美光电 广州明美欧罗拉生物




Embolic coiling is the most popular endovascular treatment available for cerebral aneurysms. Nevertheless, the embolic coiling of wide-neck aneurysms is challenging and, in many cases, ineffective. Use of highly porous stents to support coiling of wide-neck aneurysms has become a common procedure in recent years. Several studies have also demonstrated that high porosity stents alone can significantly alter aneurysmal hemodynamics, but differences among different stent configurations have not been fully characterized. As a result, it is usually unclear which stent configuration is optimal for treatment. In this paper, we present a flow study that elucidates the influence of stent configuration on cerebral aneurysm fluid dynamics in an idealized wide-neck basilar tip aneurysm model. Aneurysmal fluid dynamics for three different stent configurations (half-Y, Y and, cross-bar) were first quantified using particle image velocimetry and then compared. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations were also conducted for selected stent configurations to facilitate validation and provide more detailed characterizations of the fluid dynamics promoted by different stent configurations. In vitro results showed that the Y stent configuration reduced cross-neck flow most significantly, while the cross-bar configuration reduced velocity magnitudes within the aneurysmal sac most significantly. The half-Y configuration led to increased velocity magnitudes within the aneurysmal sac at high parent-vessel flow rates. Experimental results were in strong agreement with CFD simulations. Simulated results indicated that differences in fluid dynamic performance among the different stent configurations can be attributed primarily to protruding struts within the bifurcation region.
检测样品: 癌细胞/肿瘤细胞
检测项: 流体力学特性的影响研究




在西方国家,顺铂,卡铂和奥沙利铂是使用最广泛的铂类癌症化疗药物。卡铂的有效性是由于其可以与DNA结合从而导致DNA- 铂(Pt)加合物的形成,但这也会造成DNA 的弯曲。因此在化疗后细胞必须修复DNA损伤,否则DNA复制受阻会导致细胞死亡。许多癌症患者最初对基于铂类的治疗比较敏感,但一段时间后,患者通常对顺铂治疗表现出耐药性,导致了癌症的复发。顺铂耐药性归因于三种主要的分子机制:DNA 修复的加速,胞浆失活的加速和细胞摄取药物能力的变化。其中,细胞摄取药物能力的变化主要表现在细胞对顺铂的摄入能力降低或者顺铂转运 的加速。细胞内顺铂的摄入与肿瘤负荷相关,也就是说肿瘤对顺铂反应降低会导致细胞内顺铂的含量降低。所以,分析单个细胞水平对顺铂的摄入和分布对于评估治疗的有效性具有非常重要的意义。过多顺铂进入细胞内会增加DNA 损伤和细胞死亡的频率。了解细胞对顺铂的摄入将能为新疗法的开发提供参考,以提高肿瘤对顺铂的敏感性。传统方法的缺陷在于铂的浓度只反映整体细胞群内的浓度而不是个体细胞内的浓度。因此,顺铂摄入在个体细胞之间的分布和差异无法通过传统方法体现。实际上,细胞对顺铂的摄入最有可能根据个体有很大差异,但至今还没有有效的方法来评估。本文介绍了一种全新的技术,可对金属在单一细胞水平上进行定量:单细胞电感耦合等离子体质谱 (SCICP-MS)。SC-ICP-MS 是以单颗粒电感耦合等离子体质谱(SP-ICP-MS)技术为基础,后者能够在溶液中对纳米粒子进行评估与定量。两种技术都基于测量单个细胞(或单个纳米颗粒)在进入等离子体时产生的离散信号的原理。每个细胞中的金属成分离子化,产生离子流,检测器以每秒100000 数据点的速度快速对信号采集测量,从而使得单个细胞中的金属含量能被定量到阿克(ag)/ 每细胞的水平。相比测量细胞内顺铂摄入的传统方法,SC-ICP-MS 所得结果的信息量更加全面。
检测样品: 癌细胞/肿瘤细胞
检测项: 对顺铂的摄入情况




Agilent GeneSpring and Mass Profiler Professional (MPP) software was used to perform integrated multi-omics analysis of mRNA expression, miRNA expression, protein expression, and copy number aberration (CNA) associated with glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), the most frequent and lethal of the central nervous system tumors. The genomic data was obtained from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) project. The molecular subtypes defined by TCGA for GBM were based on mRNA expression. We applied GeneSpring metadata analysis framework to explore the relationship between GBM subtypes and genomic CNA. A multi-omics correlation analysis was performed between mRNAs involved in neurogenesis and their validated miRNAs highlighting the molecular events in Proneural tumors that result in suppression of p53 signaling. Furthermore, a combined analysis of mRNA expression data from TCGA with an independent, label-free GBM proteomics study revealed core subset of 54 signature genes and proteins highlighting the integrated biology analysis power of GeneSpring/MPP software. The core genomics signature clearly differentiated the known tumor subtypes in TCGA cohort. Intriguingly, while TCGA categorization of the proteomics samples were not experimentally determined, the core proteomics signature separated this cohort in 2 or 3 groups, suggesting that different TCGA subtypes may be present.
检测样品: 癌细胞/肿瘤细胞
检测项: 综合分析


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