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 回复trueyeoman发表于:2019/10/10 17:10:00悬赏金额:10积分 状态:已解决
【作者】:PhanCW1,2, Wang JK3, Cheah SC3, Naidu M1,2, David P1,2, Sabaratnam V1,4.
【题名】:A review on the nucleic acid constituents inmushrooms: nucleobases, nucleosides and nucleotides.
【期刊】:Crit Rev Biotechnol.
【年、卷、期、起止页码】: 2018Aug;38(5):762-777.
【全文链接】:doi: 10.1080/07388551.2017.1399102.
【作者】:Tang R , Chen X , Dang T , et al.
【题名】:Lycium barbarumPolysaccharides Extent the Mean Lifespan of Drosophila melanogaster
【期刊】:Food & Function,
【年、卷、期、起止页码】: 2019, 10(7).
【作者】:Akanda M R , Nam H H , Tian W , et al.
【题名】:Regulation ofJAK2/STAT3 and NF-κB signal transduction pathways;, Veronica polita, alleviatesdextran sulfate sodium-induced murine colitis.
【期刊】:Biomedicine &Pharmacotherapy,
【年、卷、期、起止页码】: 2018, 100:296-303.
【作者】:Md Rashedunnabi Akanda
【题名】:Regulation ofJAK2/STAT3 and NF-κB signal transduction pathways; Veronica polita alleviatesdextran sulfate sodium-induced murine colitis
【期刊】:Biomedicine andpharmacotherapy
【年、卷、期、起止页码】: Volume 100pages 296-303 (avril 2018)
【全文链接】:Doi :10.1016/j.biopha.2018.01.168
【作者】: HelgeBerland
【题名】:Auronidins are apreviously unreported class of flavonoid pigments that challenges whenanthocyanin biosynthesis evolved in plants
【期刊】:Proceedings of theNational Academy of Sciences
【年、卷、期、起止页码】: September 2019116(40):201912741
【作者】:PhanCW1,2, Wang JK3, Cheah SC3, Naidu M1,2, David P1,2, Sabaratnam V1,4.
【题名】:A review on the nucleic acid constituents inmushrooms: nucleobases, nucleosides and nucleotides.
【期刊】:Crit Rev Biotechnol.
【年、卷、期、起止页码】: 2018Aug;38(5):762-777.
【全文链接】:doi: 10.1080/07388551.2017.1399102.
【作者】:Tang R , Chen X , Dang T , et al.
【题名】:Lycium barbarumPolysaccharides Extent the Mean Lifespan of Drosophila melanogaster
【期刊】:Food & Function,
【年、卷、期、起止页码】: 2019, 10(7).
【作者】:Akanda M R , Nam H H , Tian W , et al.
【题名】:Regulation ofJAK2/STAT3 and NF-κB signal transduction pathways;, Veronica polita, alleviatesdextran sulfate sodium-induced murine colitis.
【期刊】:Biomedicine &Pharmacotherapy,
【年、卷、期、起止页码】: 2018, 100:296-303.
【作者】:Md Rashedunnabi Akanda
【题名】:Regulation ofJAK2/STAT3 and NF-κB signal transduction pathways; Veronica polita alleviatesdextran sulfate sodium-induced murine colitis
【期刊】:Biomedicine andpharmacotherapy
【年、卷、期、起止页码】: Volume 100pages 296-303 (avril 2018)
【全文链接】:Doi :10.1016/j.biopha.2018.01.168
【作者】: HelgeBerland
【题名】:Auronidins are apreviously unreported class of flavonoid pigments that challenges whenanthocyanin biosynthesis evolved in plants
【期刊】:Proceedings of theNational Academy of Sciences
【年、卷、期、起止页码】: September 2019116(40):201912741
 回复  1# tmeda  回复于:2019/10/10 21:47:24