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共有 5 人回复了该问答求助国外文献,差Asian Journal of Chemistry,谢谢
 回复jblee0787发表于:2018/1/17 16:15:36悬赏金额:25积分 状态:未解决
【作者】:Yang, Bo,Chen, Haiqin,Stanton, Catherine,Ross,R. Paul,Zhang, Hao,Chen, Yong Q.,Chen, Wei
【题名】:Review of theroles of conjugated linoleic acid in health and disease
Journal of Functional Foods
2015 , 15 :314-325

Özge Duygu Okur Guzel-Seydim
【题名】:Determination of Fatty Acid Profiles Including Conjugated LinoleicAcids in Various Dairy Products
Asian Journal of Chemistry
2012 , 24 (3) :1104-1106

Takeshi Kamegai,Masaaki Kasai,IkuoIkeda
Improved Method for Preparation of the Methyl Ester of ConjugatedLinoleic Acid
Journal of Oil Chemists Society Japan
2009 , 50 (4) :237-241

F Blasi S Maurelli L Cossignani G D’Arco MS Simonetti
Study of Some Experimental Parameters in the Synthesis ofTriacylglycerols with CLA Isomers and Structural Analysis
【期刊】:Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society
2009 , 86 (6) :531-537

BNikolova-DamyanovaS MomchilovaWW Christie
Silver Ion High-Performance Liquid ChromatographicSeparation of Conjugated Linoleic Acid Isomers, and other Fatty Acids, afterConversion to p-Methoxyphen
【期刊】:Journal of High Resolution Chromatography
2000 , 23 (23) :348-352
 回复  1# hstudent  回复于:2018/1/17 21:38:39
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