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 回复jzhiquan发表于:2016/6/11 15:35:58悬赏金额:20积分 状态:未解决
【序号】: 1
【作者】: J. Osterwalder, H.R. Ott, L. Schlapbach, J. Schefer, P. Fischer
【题名】: Magnetic properties of cerium hydrides at low temperatures
【期刊】:Journal of the Less Common Metals, Volume 94, Issue 1, Pages 129-137 (3 October 1983)
【序号】: 2
【作者】: P. Vorderwisch, S. Hautecler, W. Wegener
【题名】: Hydrogen motions in cerium hydrides: A neutron spectroscopy study
【期刊】: Journal of the Less Common Metals, Volume 74, Issue 1, Pages 117-125 (1 October 1980)
【序号】: 3
【作者】: D.G. Hunt, D.K. Ross
【题名】: A neutron scattering study of crystal field splitting in cerium dihydride
【期刊】: Journal of the Less Common Metals, Volume 45, Issue 2, Pages 229-235 (March 1976)
【序号】: 4
【作者】: J. Osterwalder, L. Schlapbach
【题名】: Unoccupied electronic states in cerium hydrides
【期刊】: Physica B+C, Volume 130, Issues 1-3, Pages 524-526 (May 1985)
【序号】: 5
【作者】: J. Osterwalder, L. Schlapbach
【题名】: UV inverse photoemission from cerium and its hydrides
【期刊】: Solid State Communications, Volume 52, Issue 5, Pages 503-506 (November 1984)
 回复  1# yiwang520  回复于:2016/6/12 8:42:24