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 回复trueyeoman发表于:2016/4/21 17:30:17悬赏金额:12积分 状态:未解决
【作者】:Saitô H, Yoshioka Y, Uehara N, et al.
【题名】:Relationship between conformation and biological response for (1→ 3)-β-d-glucans in the activation of coagulation Factor G from limulus amebocyte lysate and host-mediated antitumor activity. Demonstration of single-helix conformation as a stimulant.
【期刊】:  Carbohydrate Research,
【年、卷、期、起止页码】:1991, 217: 181-190.
【作者】: Gomaa K1, Kraus J, Franz G, Röper H.
【题名】:Structural investigations of glucans from cultures of Glomerella cingulata Spaulding & von Schrenck.
【期刊】:Carbohydr Res.
【年、卷、期、起止页码】:1991 Sep 18;217:153-61.
【作者】: Adachi, Y., Ohno, N., Ohsawa, M., Oikawa, S., & Yadomae, T
【题名】:Change of biological activities of (1----3)-beta-d-glucan from grifola frondosa upon molecular weight reduction by heat treatment..
【期刊】:Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin,
【年、卷、期、起止页码】: (1990). 38(2), 477-81.
【作者】: Ohno, N. ,., Miura, N. N., Chiba, N. ,., Adachi, Y. ,., & Yadomae, T. ,.
【题名】:Comparison of the immunopharmacological activities of triple and single-helical schizophyllan in mice..
【期刊】:  Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin,
【年、卷、期、起止页码】: (1995). 18(9), 1242-1247.
 回复  1# eginzon  回复于:2016/4/22 10:53:27